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Chapter 1630 Assassination target

Chapter 1540 Crew Training (1 / 2)

2460 words

1 month ago

The emergence of the assembly line also had revolutionary significance for industrial development.

Before the advent of the assembly line, almost everything was made individually by craftsmen.

In the current Jinchuan Iron and Steel Plant, even making a kitchen knife and hoe is an assembly line operation.

Some people are responsible for forging knife blanks, some are responsible for grinding and shaping, some are responsible for installing wooden handles, and some are responsible for testing the quality of knives.

It seems that more workers are needed to make a kitchen knife, but in fact, in the past, a blacksmith could make at most two or three kitchen knives a day. Now, with assembly line operations, ten workers can make hundreds of knives a day.

The division of labor in the assembly line is clearer. Everyone only needs to focus on the work they are responsible for, and there is no need to worry about other links. Not only can work efficiency be improved, but the overall quality of the product will also be greatly improved.

The same is true for making kitchen knives, and the same is true for making fishing boats.

Jin Feng divided the steps of making a fishing boat into seven links, and each link was divided into different work stations.

At first, the refugees were not used to it and were always in a hurry. The entire dock could only make three or four fishing boats a day. However, after half a month, the refugees became more and more skilled, and the dock could already make more than twenty fishing boats a day.

The fishing boat is gone.

This is because the discharge of wood cannot keep up, otherwise the speed would be faster.

The main reason why there is not enough wood in the dock is that most of the big trees close to the river have been cut down. Now we can only cut down trees farther away from the river, which increases transportation costs and time.

In the past, if you cut down a tree and kicked it down, it would roll down the hillside and into the river. Now, you need to be carried across by someone.

As the felled trees get further and further away from the river bank, the workload increases.

Especially after cutting down to the top of the mountain, you need to carry the tree over the mountain, which increases the manpower consumption exponentially.

When the Ninth Princess heard the news, she immediately ordered Qing Xinyao to summon more people to cut trees.

It was the slack time for farming, and as this order was issued, most of western Sichuan and Sichuan took action.

Countless people poured into the mountainous areas, felling and lifting trees, and earning points to exchange for kelp.

Although the trees are getting further and further away from the river, they can't handle the large number of people.

In the past, there were only a dozen loggers and lumberjacks on a mountain, but now there are at least hundreds.

The more ants kill the elephant, the more people are mobilized, and the more wood is cut and transported.

People cut down trees and sent them to the East China Sea to build ships. After building the ships, they went to the sea to pick kelp and fish, and then transported them back to the inland to pay the people for cutting trees. A good cycle was formed smoothly.

With the joint efforts of countless people, Dockyard No. 3 finally had no shortage of wood and began to build ships with all its strength.

Almost every once in a while, a built fishing boat will be lifted into the water by refugee workers, and then sailed into the sea along the water channels extending in all directions in the dock.

The sea outside No. 3 dock is just like the parking lot in Jin Feng's previous life, with rows of fishing boats parked neatly.

All fishing boats have exactly the same shape and size, the only difference is the number on the outside of the hull.

Because there were too many fishing boats, Zheng Chiyuan divided the fishing boats into different formations.

Every ten fishing boats form a squadron, every three squadrons constitute a squadron, and then three squadrons constitute a squadron.

The main reason why so many fishing boats are parked here is that ordinary refugees have no fishing experience and are not suitable for going directly to sea to fish.

Previously, the fishermen in Yuxi Town were assigned to pick kelp. Now Zheng Chiyuan is gradually arranging refugee workers to go to Maolang Island to replace the fishermen.

Even so, just counting on the fishermen in Yuxi Town is not enough.

Chapter 1540 Crew Training (2 / 2)

2460 words

1 month ago

Zheng Chiyuan can only arrange one fisherman as captain on each ship, and then arrange three refugee assistants on each ship.

Now the first batch of fishermen and refugees are being trained and trained.

The training process lasted for more than half a month, and Zheng Chiyuan found Jin Feng.

"Sir, the fishermen of the first brigade are almost fully trained. Can they go to sea?"

"Is the training over so soon?" Jin Feng was a little surprised.

In his previous life, he had a classmate who heard that seafarers' wages were high, so he signed up to be a seafarer. He trained for more than a year and had to pass a lot of certificates before he was allowed to join the ship.

Of course, there are also some intermediary companies that promise that they can get on the ship quickly. Many people do not know the situation, so they sign up directly, pay a large amount of registration fees, training fees and other expenses, and then get on the ship smoothly.

These people may still be dreaming of working as crew members for two years and earning a lot of money, but they don't know that they have fallen into a trap.

Before boarding the ship, the crew signed a contract that was thicker than an insurance contract and was full of pitfalls.

Even so, after boarding the ship, many shipowners will tell the crew that there are shipboard rules and ask the crew to sign a new contract.

In the new contract, the salary and work content are completely different from what the agency said.

Naturally, the boatmen would not agree, but the shipowner said at this time that he did not know how the agent told the crew, but this is the rule on their ship. If you don't agree, you can get off the ship and find an argument with the agent.

But at this time, the ship has already reached the vast open sea, and it has not seen any land or other ships for several days. How can it be possible to disembark?

If you don’t want to get off the ship, and you don’t want to sign an unequal contract, that’s fine, as long as you pay for the ship, food and accommodation.

As for how much this fee is, everyone can decide by themselves and ask to pay it once a day.

It doesn’t matter if you run out of money. The boat owner can lend you a satellite phone and let you call home to send money.

Where can ocean voyages be completed in one or two days?

Sometimes, if you travel around the world, you may not be able to come back for more than a year or two.

Since you want to make money as a sailor, your family conditions are naturally not very good. How can you support such a large expense?

If you don’t have the money to pay and don’t want to sign the contract, then I’m sorry, just wait to be beaten.

This is the high seas, and it is impossible to call the police. It really means that every day will not respond, and the ground will not respond.

Under the threat of shipowners and thugs, many crew members had to sign unequal contracts and became slaves on the ship. They did extremely heavy work day and night, but did not even have enough to eat.

Many people simply couldn't endure it for too long and died of exhaustion or illness.

Even if you survive, it would be wishful thinking to return to your country.

In some chaotic areas abroad, many boat owners will sell people.

As for selling them to do illegal work or killing them for organ harvesting, it all depends on the buyer at the time.

Therefore, if you want to make money as a seafarer, in addition to being prepared to endure hardships, you must also be patient, find a regular company, take the required certificates step by step, and do the required training.

Jin Feng naturally knew that Zheng Chiyuan did not want to be a black ship owner, but the training time he gave the crew was too short, right?

It’s been less than a month since recruitment. Many refugees have just learned how to swim. Are they allowed to go into the sea?

This chapter has been completed!
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