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Chapter 1632 Chain Meter

Chapter 1542 Bigger than a boat (1 / 2)

2534 words

1 month ago

Zheng Chiyuan didn't know about Jin Feng?, he was obviously stunned for a moment.

In his understanding, Jin Feng even knew how to eat kelp, so how could he not know about kelp?

However, Jin Feng is not a seaside person after all, so it is understandable that he does not know about certain sea species.

Zheng Chiyuan explained: "Sir, the sea? is a particularly big fish in the sea. I have once seen a sea bigger than the largest ship in our navy?!"

When Zheng Chiyuan said this, Jin Feng immediately understood: "Oh, so you are talking about whales!"

"Yes, yes, it's a whale!" Zheng Chiyuan nodded and said, "But we are used to calling it the sea here?"

Whales are huge, and the worship of giants in the feudal era was serious. Therefore, in many legends, whales are mythical and have various names.

But this was the first time Jin Feng heard someone call a whale the sea?

But no matter what it was called, it was just a title. Jin Feng didn't pay much attention to it, but asked curiously: "What kind of whale did you catch?"

"I don't know either..." Zheng Chiyuan shook his head and said, "The brother who came back to report just said that he caught Liang Duhai?"

"Have you said how big the sea is?" Jin Feng asked.

"It's been said," Zheng Chiyuan became excited again: "The brother who came back to report said that each one is bigger than the Jinchuan!"

"Is it so big? How did you catch it?" Jin Feng was a little surprised.

In fact, he has never seen a whale, but he studied a text about whales when he was a child, and was deeply impressed by the description of a whale's tongue.

That article said that several tables of people could sit on a whale's tongue.

Jin Feng had forgotten exactly how many tables to sit at, whether to play cards or eat, but he remembered that the whale was very large.

Later, I read some fragmentary introductions about whales in "Animal World" and learned that there are many types of whales, ranging in size from big to small.

The fishing boats of the fishing team are all standard, only a few meters long. A casual swing of the whale's tail can overturn the fishing boat.

Speedboats are also standard, only slightly larger than fishing boats, and have no ability to catch whales at all.

The largest ship in the fleet is the naval warship responsible for supply, but that ship is only more than 20 meters long, and it relies on sails to move, so whales can easily shake it off.

So Jin Feng thought that the fishing team might have caught other large fish and mistakenly thought it was a whale.

As a result, Zheng Chiyuan said that it was bigger than the Jinchuan, so it could only be a whale.

Zheng Chiyuan saw the confusion in Jin Feng's eyes, and in order not to get kicked, he quickly explained: "Sir, it's like this.

After the fishing team discovered the sea turtles, they used speedboats to get in front of them, and then shot them with heavy crossbows. The sea turtles were frightened, so they turned around and ran back, and then the warship shot them in the head with a heavy crossbow!"

"So that's it," Jin Feng nodded suddenly.

The heavy giant crossbow on the battleship can directly destroy the thinner city wall. No matter how big the whale's head is, it cannot withstand an arrow from the heavy giant crossbow.

"Sir, this is the first time the East China Sea has captured the sea in a hundred years? Are you going to have a look?" Zheng Chiyuan asked.

There were no heavy crossbows on previous navy ships, and ordinary fishing boats had nothing to do when encountering whales, so it was very difficult to capture whales.

The last time a whale was caught was when Dakang was prosperous and the East China Sea was peaceful. A large fishing boat caught the whale with an iron hook as it passed by. Then many fishermen relied on harpoons and long spears to catch the whale.

The spear bleeds little by little, killing a whale alive.

This incident caused a sensation at the time, and local officials wrote a memorial and reported it to the court.

The emperor at that time was also quite happy, thinking that this was a sign of Dakang's strong military force, and rewarded local officials for it.

Chapter 1542 Bigger than a boat (2 / 2)

2534 words

1 month ago

Even the successful establishment of the Navy was related to this incident.

Including more than ten years ago, after Zheng Chiyuan came to the Navy, Chen Ji sent someone to notify the Navy to salvage whales.

It's a pity that no whales have been caught in all these years.

It's not that the navy and fishermen didn't try. In fact, in order to make the emperor happy, Zheng Chiyuan sent ships out to hunt whales several times, but he never succeeded.

The last time the fishermen succeeded, it was just a coincidence that the whale happened to pass by a large fishing boat and was caught by the fishermen with a hook.

This probability is relatively small to begin with. Every time the navy sees a whale, it is far away and there is no way they can hook it.

Therefore, Chen Ji's wish has never been realized.

Zheng Chiyuan never expected that the fishing team would catch the fish he had always dreamed of catching on their first trip out to sea, and they caught two at once.

So I immediately thought of inviting Jin Feng to visit.

Jin Feng thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Let's go and have a look."

Making an ironclad ship does not require him to do it himself. He only needs to be responsible for drawing the blueprints and then take a look at them when he has time to make sure he doesn't make mistakes.

For most of today, Jin Feng has looked at the armored ship front and back, inside and out. Basically, there is no problem. The precautions that need to be explained have also been explained to Hong Taoping. It is okay not to focus on the problem here.

Not big.

After all, he had been busy at the No. 3 Dockyard in the previous month, and Hong Taoping could also take care of the No. 1 Dockyard well.

It's just that Jin Feng was too obsessed with the armored ships and was always worried that something would go wrong, which would affect his long voyage to find good seeds.

In fact, even if the seeds are brought back, they still need to be cultivated again, and it will not be possible to promote them on a large scale until the second or third year at the earliest.

But the sooner he brings back the better seeds, the sooner Jin Feng can feel at ease.

As for promotion, let’s bring back the good seeds first.

If a country wants to develop, population is a prerequisite, and food is an important factor limiting population development, so the food issue has always been the heaviest stone in Jin Feng's heart.

Everything we have done recently, whether it is picking kelp or forming a fishing team, is to solve the food problem of the people.

But the fishing team caught a whale, which was a harvest beyond Jin Feng's plan.

Whales are not only huge, but also full of treasures.

Not to mention fish meat, whales also have a lot of fat in their bodies, which can be used not only to make fuel for soaps and candles, but also to make various lubricants.

In previous generations, European and American countries have been promoting environmental protection and condemning whaling in Asia. In fact, they are the ones who are most enthusiastic about whaling.

Asians generally hunt whales for meat, but they hunt whales for use in various industries.

When I wake up in the morning, I wash my face with soap made of whale fat. I go to work in the factory. The machines I operate are also lubricated with whale fat. When I come back from work, I light candles also made of whale fat.

At that time, in Europe and the United States, even the street lamps were made from whale fat.

It can be said that before the emergence of oil, whales supported the industrial development of Europe and the United States.

The number of whales in the world has declined sharply, and they are 99% responsible.

As a result, after their industry developed, they filmed documentaries to accuse countries that hunted whales for their meat!


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