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Chapter 1670 The source of the rumor

Chapter 1580 The Tangled Princess (1 / 2)

2374 words

1 month ago

"What you said is the most ideal situation, but that's not how the account is calculated."

Jin Feng glanced at Iron Hammer: "Today's armored ships are running at full speed. It is impossible to maintain this state all the time during a long voyage. Moreover, they cannot sail at night or in stormy weather."


Iron Hammer asked: "Master Hong said that an armored ship is not afraid of collision or sinking. As long as all the hatches are closed, it can resurface even if it is buried in wind and waves. Why can't it sail at night and on stormy days?"

"There are too many unknown dangers at sea. We must always be in awe of nature!" Jin Feng explained: "The designs you mentioned are to provide everyone with the ability to deal with sudden dangers.

Instead of just resigning yourself to death and waiting for death, let’s not let everyone commit suicide!”

According to Jin Feng's design, if there are wind and waves, the iron-clad ship will close all the hatches and it will become a hollow iron shell. Even if it is temporarily pushed into the sea by wind and waves, seawater will not be able to enter the cabin. The iron ship will then be buoyant.

rushed out of the sea under the influence.

Moreover, the entire hull adopts the design concept of a tumbler. The lower part is heavier and the upper part is lighter, which can also reduce the probability of capsizing. Even if the boat capsizes, it can turn over on its own.

In terms of design alone, the armored ship designed by Jin Feng is already the limit of Dakang's manufacturing industry. As long as it is driven carefully, it can cope with many dangers.

But the reality is always more complex than designers can imagine.

At that time, the design of the Titanic was so advanced and the cost of construction was much higher than that of an ironclad ship. It was said to be an unsinkable giant ship, but it sank on its first voyage.

So when Jin Feng went to train sailors, he always emphasized the need to be in awe of nature.

An ironclad ship has ten points of strength, but it can only use up to seven points at ordinary times, and the remaining three points must be used to deal with danger.

While Jin Feng and Tie Zhui were talking, Princess Lu Jie was listening attentively.

Although Jin Feng said that building armored ships was not for the Eastern Barbarians, but for the purpose of finding a new world, Princess Lu Jie did not feel relaxed, and her heart became even heavier.

Not only because she realized that the gap between Dongman and Sichuan was getting bigger and bigger, but also because Jin Feng went to such trouble to build an iron ship to find the New World, indicating that the New World must have other attractions besides the fine seeds Jin Feng had already mentioned.

His stuff.

Given Jin Feng's status, strength and vision, what can attract him now must be extraordinary.

Dongman is being pushed to the ground and beaten by Zhenyuan Escort Bureau. When Jin Feng finds what he wants, he will definitely become stronger.

An idea flashed through Princess Lu Jie's mind - destroy the iron ship and ruin Jin Feng's voyage plan.

But the Dongman navy has been destroyed long ago, and now even the fishing boats have been beaten by Liu Tie so that they dare not go into the sea. What can they do to destroy the armored ships?

And even if it succeeds, will Dongman still have the strength to face Jin Feng's wrath?

Princess Lu Jie rejected the idea almost instantly, and began to make calculations in her mind. Otherwise, how about agreeing to Jin Feng and using the Liaodong and Liaobei regions in exchange for information about the New World?

Anyway, the Liaodong and Liaobei regions are so cold that not many people go there, and there is almost no sense of presence there, so it seems that Jin Feng has not suffered much loss.

Moreover, the Liaodong and Liaobei regions were only conditions proposed by Jin Feng, so she could still bargain.

Jin Feng asked for the entire Liaodong and Liaobei regions, and she could only give one-tenth or one-fifth, or she could make a request to Jin Feng, such as letting her people board the ship to search and explore the new continent together, and the loot she brought back would also be required.

Have the right to share.

But as soon as this idea came up, Princess Lu Jie suppressed it.

Because since ancient times, ceding territory has been an act despised by all historians, and Princess Lu Jie did not want to bear such an infamy.

Chapter 1580 The Tangled Princess (2 / 2)

2374 words

1 month ago

And once the Liaodong and Liaobei areas are given to Jin Feng, Jin Feng will definitely send bodyguards to station them there.

If the Dongman and Sichuan come to war in the future, the Dongman may face a situation where they are attacked from both sides.

However, even if the Liaodong and Liaobei areas are not given to Jin Feng, the current capabilities of the Donghai Navy are enough to land operations in many places in the Eastern Barbarians.

At that time, you can also attack Dongman from behind.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is no point in clinging to the Liaodong and Liaobei areas. It is better to use them in exchange for benefits. When the Eastern Barbarians become stronger in the future, they can take back the Liaodong and Liaobei areas, just like Jin Feng took Yuguan City.

It's like snatching it back.

Should I change it or not?

If so, how can we get the maximum benefit?

Princess Lu Jie's brain was running rapidly, calculating the pros and cons.

Jin Feng had no idea that Princess Lu Jie had so many thoughts in her heart at this time. All his attention was on the armored ship.

According to the sea trial plan, the iron-clad ship first drove north after going to sea, accelerated to the fastest speed, then turned back at sea, drove through the dock at the fastest speed, then started to slow down after racing with the war horses, turned around near the estuary of the Yangtze River, and returned to normal

cruising speed to return to the dock.

At this time, most of the trial flight plan has been carried out, and only the last step is left.

It stands to reason that the armored ship will be back soon.

Sure enough, not long after, two smoke pillars appeared on the sea in the south.

The ironclad ship is back.

It's just that this time the speed of the armored ship was much slower than before, only about 60% of what it was before, and the speed became slower the further north it went.

It took another ten minutes before the armored ship sailed to the sea outside the dock.

At this time, the armored ship's speed became almost like a trot again. It made a large circle on the sea and slowly drove towards the dock along the trench.

By the last section, the black smoke and white mist on the chimney had become very light, indicating that the steam engine had stopped working and the ironclad ship was completely relying on inertia to slide forward.

Still dozens of meters away from the dock, the armored ship's inertial force was exhausted and it completely stopped on the sea.

A speedboat dragged the rope over, tied the rope to the hook outside the ironclad ship, and used the power of the crane to tow the ironclad ship back to the dock.

A one-eyed man led several sailors down the rope ladder and boarded the trestle in a speedboat.

"Brother Jinpeng, do you feel comfortable driving the armored ship?"

A bodyguard guarding the trestle asked curiously.

The one-eyed man's name was Jin Peng. He was a veteran of the Tielin Army that Jin Feng bought back in Guangyuan City. He helped Jin Feng mine in Heifengling. Later, after Zhenyuan No. 1 was built, Jin Feng sent him to Zhenyuan No. 1 to be deceived.

Captain, the Zhenyuan No. 1 was sunk.

Although Jin Peng did not die in the shipwreck, he blamed himself very much afterwards. During the battle to defend Yuguan City, he always rushed to the front, as if he was deliberately begging for death.

However, he did not die in the end, but he had two more visible scars on his face, and half of his left palm was chopped off by the enemy.

This chapter has been completed!
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