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Chapter 1671 Princess Lujie can't sit still

Chapter 1581 Test Results (1 / 2)

2436 words

1 month ago

After returning from Yuguan City, Jin Peng was fired from his position as captain and sentenced to half a year in prison because of his poor decision-making, which led to the sinking of the Zhenyuan No. 1.

Jin Peng also knew that his mistake was very serious, and he had no objections to the punishment. He went to prison without hesitation before his injuries healed.

During his sentence, even though he only had one eye and one hand left, he was never lazy when working. He was the first to get up and the last to go to bed every day.

After he was released from prison, he found a job as a warehouseman in a textile factory.

Jin Peng thought that he would never get ahead in this life, so he planned to just guard Xihewan for the rest of his life.

After only looking at the warehouse for more than half a month, Xiaoyu found him and said that Jin Feng asked him to go to the East China Sea.

Jin Peng didn't know what Jin Feng wanted to see him for, but he immediately quit his job looking after the warehouse and went straight to Jinchuan Pier without packing his luggage.

After all, he was the captain of the Zhenyuan No. 1. Although Jin Peng was fucked, his original acquaintance was still there, so he caught the nearest speedboat and rushed to the East China Sea the next afternoon.

After arriving in the East China Sea, Jin Peng learned that Jin Feng had asked him to serve as the deputy captain of the ironclad ship.

Jin Peng's first thought was to refuse, but Jin Feng didn't give him a chance to refuse and signed the appointment letter directly.

Jin Peng saw that Jin Feng had made up his mind, so he could only take the appointment letter and take up the post.

Although he was only the deputy captain, Jin Peng was in charge of commanding this trial voyage. At the end of the trial voyage, he was the representative to report to Jin Feng.

Arriving in front of Jin Feng, Jin Peng saluted Jin Feng, then took a record book from his armpit: "Sir, the trial of the iron-clad ship is over. Here are the navigation data. Please take a look at it, sir!"

Jin Feng nodded and took the record book.

Various data of this trial voyage are recorded in the record book, which is clear at a glance.

Judging from the data, this trial voyage was very successful, but because it involved a long voyage, Jin Feng was still worried.

After reading the data, he thought for a while and said: "Let everyone take a rest and try again in two quarters of an hour. I will follow you this time."

"Yes!" Jin Peng saluted Jin Feng again, turned around and went back to prepare.

Jin Feng looked at Jin Peng's figure and felt a little emotional.

It was the ninth princess's decision to let Jinpeng come to the iron-clad ship as the deputy captain.

Jin Feng was a little confused at first, but after talking to the Ninth Princess, he realized the Ninth Princess's intention and cleverness in doing this.

Jin Peng has experience in commanding the Zhenyuan No. 1. In terms of qualifications and experience, he is the most suitable candidate to serve as the ironclad ship.

As for his mistakes in decision-making that led to the sinking of Zhenyuan No. 1, in the eyes of Princess Ninth, not only is it not a shortcoming, but it is a bonus.

The best way to gain wisdom is to learn from it.

Just like when Jin Feng was a child, he fell down once when he was riding a bicycle because he turned too sharply. The fall was quite serious. After that incident, Jin Feng could not help but be careful every time he rode a bicycle.

Since that incident, Jin Feng has never fallen down due to too sharp a turn while riding a bicycle.

After a companion is injured or killed due to their own fault, most people have two reactions. One is to give up on themselves and become ruined from then on.

The other is to live in self-blame and constantly engage in psychological rumination.

Jinpeng is the second type.

Because of his own mistakes, which led to the sinking of Zhenyuan No. 1, Jin Peng has always blamed himself and often reflected seriously.

Chapter 1581 Test Results (2 / 2)

2436 words

1 month ago

The desperate fight when guarding Yuguan City, and the hard work he always did during labor reform were actually manifestations of self-blame, and he was punishing himself.

Let Jinpeng command the armored ship, he will definitely be more cautious and work diligently to avoid making the same mistakes as before.

In addition, another reason why the Ninth Princess chose Jin Peng was that Jin Peng was loyal enough to Jin Feng.

Especially after being reactivated this time, this loyalty will become even more unbreakable.

The voyage is of great significance. Loyalty is necessary and the most important thing for those in charge!

Jin Peng followed Jin Feng from the beginning and has been doing his best. Jin Feng asked him to go mining, and he went without saying a word.

At that time, Jinfeng had not yet grown up, and mining still required stealth.

Jin Peng had no complaints about this and hid in the mine with a few people and dug secretly for several months.

Except for causing the sinking of Zhenyuan No. 1, Jin Peng did everything else impeccably and fully met this standard.

No one is perfect, and letting Jin Peng command the armored ship certainly has its shortcomings.

After experiencing the Zhenyuan No. 1 shipwreck, Jin Peng will definitely become cautious when commanding an armored ship. For example, he may choose to slow down and pass slowly through some places where he could have passed at a faster speed.

With Jin Peng commanding the armored ship, there is a high probability that the armored ship's voyage time will be extended.

But for Jin Feng, he prefers such a commander.

Aggressive commanders may be able to shorten the voyage time, but they will also increase the risks of the voyage.

Relatively speaking, Jin Feng hoped that the commander of the voyage would be more conservative and spend a longer time completing the task in one go.

This is why Jin Feng agreed to let Jin Peng board the armored ship.

In such a more formal occasion, Guan Xiaorou would usually step back and give the chance to show her face to Princess Ninth or Tang Xiaobei and others.

She had retreated to the back just now, but when she heard that Jin Feng was about to board the ship, she took a few steps forward and walked to Jin Feng's side.

Knowing that Jin Feng would definitely not take it back since he said he would get on the boat in public, Guan Xiaorou did not advise him not to go, but reminded him in a low voice: "Master, after all, this is the first time that an armored ship has been launched into the water. Be careful when you get on the ship."

"Don't worry, it's okay." Jin Feng ruffled Guan Xiaorou's hair and put his arm around her shoulders.

Guan Xiaorou struggled for a while but didn't break away, so she gave up: "Master, the Zhenyuan No. 1 Jinchuan has a name. The armored ship is about to start its voyage. Have you thought about the name?"

"Not yet," Jin Feng scratched his head: "How about you pick one up for me?"

In fact, Hong Taoping asked Jin Feng to name the armored ship a long time ago, but Jin Feng has always had trouble naming the households, and even now the armored ship has been launched and there is still no name.

"How am I qualified to name it?"

Guan Xiaorou waved her hand and refused.

Even if she has never seen the world again, she still knows that this is Dakang's first iron ship and that it is about to embark on a long voyage to find a new continent.

Therefore, this iron ship is destined to leave its name in history.

Guan Xiaorou is someone who doesn't like to be in the limelight, and she always hides away when things like this happen.

But the more she acted like this, the more Jin Feng started to play around, insisting that she name it, and even threatened Guan Xiaorou that if she didn't give it a name, the armored ship would not be named, and it would just be called the armored ship.

Guan Xiaorou had no choice but to pinch Jin Feng, frowned and thought for a long time, and asked tentatively: "How about calling it Taiping?"

This chapter has been completed!
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