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Chapter 353 West River Bay Salt Factory

"Sister Mu Lan, don't you know what time it is now?"

Zhou Jin grabbed Qing Mulan and said, "Sir hates being disturbed when he is sleeping. If you wake him up now, you will definitely be scolded."

Only then did Qing Mulan remember that it was midnight.

He stuck out his tongue in embarrassment: "It's quite late. Xiaojin, you should go to bed early. I'm going back."

It was a rare visit to the laboratory, and when leaving, Qing Mulan took a jar of strong liquor and left.

Qing Mulan had been busy suppressing bandits these past few days and was extremely tired. When he woke up, it was early morning.

When she ran to Jin Feng's house, Guan Xiaorou told her that Jin Feng had led a team to Shuang Hump early in the morning.

"Xiaorou, please tell your husband that I said the wrong thing yesterday. Please stop talking to me and apologize to him when I come back next time."

Qing Mulan came to Jin Feng. In addition to apologizing, she also wanted to discuss with him the production and sale of salt.

But the bandit suppression team was also waiting for her to go back and make the decision, so Qing Mulan didn't have time to run across Double Hump to find Jin Feng.

After leaving the message, Qing Mulan also left Xihewan with Amei.

When I walked to the entrance of the village, I found a crowd of people gathered at the threshing floor.

"Amei, what are you doing?" Qing Mulan asked.

Nowadays, people in Xihewan are very busy, and such gatherings are rare.

"The bride-to-be team is here." Amei said: "Now the life in Xihewan is getting better. All the men are taking concubines, so the county magistrate asked the government officials to send all the girls who can't get married elsewhere."

"County Magistrate Zhang will think of a way."

Qing Mulan smiled and rode away with his bodyguard.

In fact, Jin Feng didn't pay much attention to the bride-to-be team. After all, this kind of thing was done consensually, and it was not easy for him to interfere.

But in the next few days, the bride-to-be teams came more and more frequently, and more and more girls were brought.

Not only that, there are also girls in some places who can't wait for the wedding party and simply form a team to come by themselves.

Nowadays, many men in the village have five or six concubines, and there is no room for them to sleep at home.

Tang Xiaobei saw that if things continued like this, all the girls of school age in the county might come running over, and finally he couldn't sit still.

In Jin Feng's absence, Tang Xiaobei discussed with the village chief, Zhang Liang and others and asked the men in Xihewan to stop taking concubines in order to stop this trend.

The escort team also stopped sending people over again.

But the girls who came spontaneously didn't know that, and they continued to gather at Xihewan.

Many girls are in the same situation as Guan Xiaorou back then. They came to Xihewan because they really couldn't survive.

When they arrived at Xihewan, they were told that Xihewan would no longer take concubines this year. Many girls were desperate.

A girl couldn't bear the blow and hanged herself at the entrance of the village. Fortunately, she was discovered by a patrolling veteran and rescued.

When Tang Xiaobei learned about this, he could only comfort these girls while sending Tang Fei on horseback to Shuang Hump to find Jin Feng to discuss how to handle the matter.

It’s difficult for those who don’t know how to do it, but it’s not difficult for those who can do it.

For Jin Feng, turning mineral salt into refined salt is not too difficult.

There are dormitories and canteens left by the bandits in Shuanghump, as well as several large warehouses used to store grain. A few of them can be used as salt-making workshops after being freed up and slightly renovated.

It's just that Dakang's basic conditions are too backward and there is no way to realize automated production. If you want to produce salt on a large scale, you can only use the human sea tactic.

Now Guan Zhuzhu has led people to transfer mineral salt from the ship to Shuanghump. The warehouse is full of required equipment and has been debugged with a group of female apprentices. As long as the manpower is recruited, work can start.

Jin Feng was considering whether to return to Xihewan to transfer people or recruit workers locally, when Tang Fei came.

Knowing the current situation in Xihewan, Jin Feng couldn't laugh or cry.

However, this also solved the labor problem in the salt factory.

"You go back and tell Brother Liang to send people to send these girls to Shuanghump to make salt. We just need people here."


Tang Fei hesitated for a moment and asked, "Sir, these girls are all outsiders. What if they spread the salt-making method?"

"It's okay, Mancang has made preparations."

Jin Feng shook his head and said.

The salt production plant adopts an assembly line operation, and each workshop is responsible for different processes.

Moreover, workers are strictly prohibited from touching the filtering containers. At most, they see large iron cans but have no idea what is in the cans.

When Tang Fei saw what Jin Feng said, he bowed and turned around to leave.

He rode three horses when he came, and now he can get back to Xihewan before dark.

As soon as Tang Fei left, Guan Zhuzhu came.

"Brother-in-law, all the mineral salt on the ship has been sent over. I will go back to the mine later."

Ever since Guan Xiaorou married Jin Feng, the Guan family's life has improved, and they have meat every day.

Guan Zhuzhu, who was originally tall and thin, has gained weight and looks stronger.

Being entrusted with an important task by Jin Feng, he became much more confident than before, and his voice was much louder.

"Be careful on the road. I'll leave the mine to my brother."

Jin Feng was also very satisfied with Guan Zhuzi's changes and encouraged him: "If you need anything, just tell me. If you need money, give me money. If you need people, give me money."

"I don't need people or money, but if you can, brother-in-law, please find a way to buy a few boats."

Guan Zhuzhu said: "The big ships that passed our section were basically carrying cargo. It was too difficult to find an empty ship. This time I waited on the shore for several days before I met one, and they were still too far away.

It was too close and they were unwilling to take our job. I finally added thirty taels of silver before they agreed.

In the future, when our salt factory gets bigger, we will inevitably have to use boats, so we will always hire others, which is not cost-effective."

"That's a problem." Jin Feng nodded slightly: "Okay, I understand this matter, and I will find a way to arrange it."

"Okay, brother-in-law, I'm leaving."

Guan Zhuzhu waved his hand and led a group of men from Guanjia Village down the mountain.

Jin Feng turned around and ordered: "Da Liu, Old Tang probably hasn't come down from the mountain yet. Send someone to catch up with him quickly and ask him to tell Brother Liang and ask the bodyguards and the Chamber of Commerce to find out where there is a shipyard."

, the kind that can be customized to a large ship.”

What Guan Zhuzhu just said makes sense. If the salt factory wants to develop, it cannot do without ships.

This is something Jin Feng had not considered before.


Da Liu agreed and ran down the mountain.

Tang Fei rushed back to Xihewan that night, and early the next morning, Zhang Liang sent someone to escort the girls who had gathered outside Xihewan Village on their way.

Xihe Bay is on the west side of Jinchuan, and Double Hump is on the east side near the Jialing River. The girls walked for two days to get there.

Along with the girl, there was also a cart full of factory clothes, shoes and other basic supplies.

As soon as the girls went up the mountain, each of them was given a brand new set of clothes and shoes.

Many girls were nervous before coming, but after receiving the clothes and shoes, they finally became more at ease.

After a few days of simple training, the female workers entered their jobs one after another.

Xihewan Salt Factory was officially established and put into production.

[The author has something to say]

The content of these two days is a transition between two major plots. There are a lot of things to write, because they will be used later, and I am afraid that if I write too much and too complicated, it will appear wordy, so I have not thought about how to write it. I will write the first one.

When I was writing this book, I updated five chapters every day for more than a year. I thought I could do it with this book, but now I find that I am a little too confident. It is really difficult to update ten thousand chapters a day part-time. I am a little busy at work.

One o'clock, maybe it will be eight or nine o'clock when I get back, and it will be too late. Stable updates that maintain quality and quantity are the basic responsibilities of an author. I am not saying this to complain, but I hope everyone will understand a little and bear with me.

This chapter has been completed!
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