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Chapter 354 Pricing

In fact, there are not many technical barriers to making salt. The main steps are dissolution, filtration, purification, and crystallization.

That afternoon, cartloads of mineral salt blocks were pulled into the workshop. When they were delivered the next day, they turned into cartloads of snow-white and delicate table salt.

After all, this was his first time using local methods to make salt in batches, and Jin Feng was not sure whether it was really safe. After making the first batch of salt, Jin Feng did not sell it immediately, but sent it to the warehouse.

Then I randomly scooped some samples, cooked a few bowls of wheat porridge, and fed them to the dogs that had been prepared earlier.

After feeding the dog for three consecutive days, he confirmed that there was no abnormality in the dog. He also asked the kitchen to cook a few small pots, and then found several veterans and female soldiers, including himself, who ate for two days in a row without noticing any discomfort.

After that, Jin Feng notified people from the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce to come over.

Because of the promotion of soap, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce has set up branches in all counties under Guangyuan County, and now it continues to expand to several surrounding counties.

It's just that Tang Xiaobei was in charge of these things, and Jin Feng didn't interfere much.

The person who came was a female shopkeeper. Like Luo Lan, she was one of the first batch of slaves purchased by Tang Xiaobei. Jin Feng had trained them before, but there were a lot of people at that time. They never met again and did not remember them.

her name.

After this period of experience, the female shopkeeper has long developed the ability to observe people's emotions. Before Jin Feng could speak, she took the initiative to introduce herself: "Mr. Jin, I am Zhong Ling'er. I am now in charge of the Chamber of Commerce in Guangyuan County and the county government.


Guangyuan is Jin Feng's base camp. Tang Xiaobei handed over the Guangyuan market to Zhong Ling'er, which shows how much he values ​​her.

Jin Feng silently remembered Zhong Ling'er's name, and then took her into the warehouse.

After accumulating for several days, the salt in the center of the warehouse has piled up like a hill.

A group of workers wearing full smocks and masks were filling sacks.

If it were a previous life, such crude filling conditions would probably have been banned by the health supervision department long ago.

But in Dakang, Jin Feng is already an absolute conscience.

The production conditions of the seaside salt factory are completely incomparable to those in Xihewan.

The most conspicuous part of the sack is written with the words "Xihewan Refined Salt" in large characters. Below the large characters is a line of slightly smaller words that reads "Let the common people afford safe salt."

These words can not only increase the recognition of Xihewan Salt Factory, but also serve as Jin Feng’s expectation.

It is really difficult for people in Dakang to eat salt. Even in the relatively wealthy Xihewan, women still count the salt particles when cooking.

Many people suffer from hyponatremia syndrome because they do not consume enough salt for a long time.

This has also led to many people secretly consuming mineral salt even though they know it is poisonous.

Soap and black knives can already bring enough money to Jin Feng, and high-efficiency looms are gradually being installed in Xihewan Textile Factory, which will then provide a large amount of fixed income.

Nowadays, Jin Feng is not very short of money. If the spread of the salt-making technology can bring down the price of salt in Dakang and make salt affordable to the people, Jin Feng will definitely do it without hesitation.

But Jin Feng is very aware of the greed of salt merchants. After they obtain the technology, the biggest possibility is not to lower the price of salt, but to raise it.

After all, the salt produced by this process is better than before, both in appearance and taste.

"Sir, is this the salt made by our Xihewan Salt Factory?"

Zhong Ling'er pointed to a large pile of refined salt that looked like a hill in front of her, and her eyes widened in surprise: "Isn't this in good condition?"

She couldn't believe the salt was made from mineral salt.

He took a few steps forward, dipped his fingers into some salt and put it in his mouth: "It tastes good, without any peculiar smell, much better than green salt!"

Zhong Ling'er was chosen by Tang Xiaobei because she was literate, able to write and do calculations.

In Dakang, only women from wealthy families have such treatment, so Zhong Ling'er has also seen the world.

Before her family declined, it was more prosperous than Tang Dongdong's family.

The salt we eat as a snack is naturally not the black coarse salt that ordinary people eat, but a refined table salt called green salt. Many princes and ministers also eat green salt.

In Zhong Ling'er's opinion, the salt in front of her is superior to green salt in terms of appearance and taste.

"Sir, I have another question to ask..."

Speaking of this, Zhong Ling'er hesitated a little.

After all, she and Jin Feng were not very familiar with each other, and she was worried that Jin Feng would be angry after asking this question.

However, mineral salt is poisonous and has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Manufacturing and selling poisonous salt is a serious crime, so Zhong Ling'er had to ask.

Jin Feng guessed what she was worried about at a glance, and said with a smile: "If you want to ask if it is poisonous, just don't worry. Da Liu, A Die, I, and I started eating this salt four days ago, and we are still eating it now."

Didn't feel any discomfort.

And starting from yesterday morning, all the salt in the factory canteen has been replaced with this salt, and everyone in the factory has been eating it for more than a day, and no problems have been found."

Hearing what Jin Feng said, Zhong Ling'er breathed a long sigh of relief and asked, "Sir, how much does our salt cost per pound?"

"Ten coins per pound," Jin Feng replied.

"Ten coins a pound?"

Zhong Linger almost jumped up.

Due to the connivance of the imperial court and the greed of salt merchants, the price of salt in Dakang was driven very high.

The black coarse salt brought over by the salt merchants costs one hundred cash per catty, and the refined green salt sells for three hundred cash per catty.

In Zhong Ling'er's opinion, the quality of Xihewan refined salt can definitely be sold more expensively than green salt.

But Jin Feng told her that she would only sell it for ten cents a pound?

Zhong Ling'er really couldn't understand it and even suspected that she had heard it wrong.

"Yes, ten cents a pound."

Jin Feng nodded again.

Before establishing Xihewan Salt Factory, Jin Feng had a clear market positioning in mind.

No matter how much money he makes from rich people using soap and black knives, Jin Feng doesn't have any psychological barriers. Instead, he feels like killing the rich and giving to the poor.

But salt is a necessity of life, and the main target group is the common people. If the price is too expensive, what is the difference between him and those salt merchants?

The cost of making salt is spread evenly per kilogram of salt, which is too low.

Even if he sells it for ten cents per catty, Jin Feng still makes more than half of his profit.

Farming was not possible near the salt mine, it was completely barren hills, and with the Xichuan Mu signboard, the Guangyuan County Sheriff only paid a few hundred taels of silver as a token fee and contracted all the hills near the salt mine to Jin Feng.

According to Jin Feng's visual inspection, the storage capacity of the salt mine is at least tens of millions of tons, and a few hundred taels of silver is almost like no money.

Jinfeng’s salt production costs mainly include labor, transportation and daily equipment losses.

These are not worth mentioning for a salt factory.

Even if it is sold cheaper, Jin Feng will never lose money.

The reason why he set the price at ten cents was that he was worried that excessively low prices would cause unnecessary looting and hoarding by the people.

There are no plastic bags in Dakang, so the salt can only be put in jars, which will melt quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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