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Chapter 485

In peacetime, there are stone arch bridges or large wooden bridges on the moat.

In order to prevent enemies from passing through the bridge, the stone bridge and wooden bridge in Xichuan Castle were demolished.

Anyway, the moat can be cut off and repaired after the enemy retreats.

During the war, simple suspension bridges were used.

It's the kind of plank bridge that can be pulled up and down with a noose.

Light, but very weak.

The battle was extremely fierce, and the suspension bridge was finally broken up...

Now Qing Xinyao was completely blocked by the moat and couldn't get through.

Listening to the noise coming from the west, Qing Xinyao almost went crazy with anxiety.

If Damang Slope is breached and Danzhu captures the Ninth Princess, Qing Xinyao will be dead even if he holds Xichuan City.

While sending people to inform the upper reaches to close the gate, he led his troops towards the North City Gate, hoping to go around the Damang Slope from the North City Gate.

However, both methods will take a lot of time.

Qing Xinyao didn't know if he could make it in time, so he could only desperately urge the team to move faster.

In Xichuan City, people were already in panic because of the siege battle some time ago and the commotion that lasted all night.

Hearing the sound of heavy footsteps on the street, people looked out from the cracks in their doors.

"The soldiers are running so fast. Could it be that the enemy is attacking the city again?"

"The enemy is at the west gate. If the soldiers run east, the Tibetans won't come in, right?"

"The soldier ran away, what should we do?"

The people were extremely worried and did not dare to go out to inquire. They could only hide at home and pray silently.

The whole city seemed to be shrouded in a layer of dark clouds, becoming more solemn and depressing.

Qing Xinyao was so anxious that he found that the infantry was too slow, so he gathered all the cavalry in the city and led the cavalry team on a gallop, hoping to provide reinforcements as soon as possible.

Just as anxious as Qing Xinyao was Zhang Liang.

The battle between the black-armored team and the enemy became intense from the beginning.

The female soldiers had already run out of arrows, but they were not idle and took off the cloth covers from their backs.

There are five sections of steel pipe in the cloth cover, each section is half a meter long. After being clamped, it becomes a two and a half meter spear.

Holding a spear, he followed the gap on the male soldier's shoulder to assist the male soldier in killing his opponent.

Relying on the solidity of the black armor, the male soldiers completely ignored defense, and the triangular battle formation was like a tank with spikes, running rampant in the enemy formation.

Corpses littered the ground wherever he passed.

But the number of Tubo soldiers was ten times theirs, and Danzhu had given a death order, and the attack was very crazy.

No matter how hard the bodyguards kill, the number of enemies around them will never decrease.

It seems like there will never be enough kills.

If the escorts' willpower hadn't been tempered, they might have collapsed.

Although escorts have undergone long-term training, are now well-fed, and have much stronger physical fitness than ordinary people, they are not made of iron.

From dusk to dawn, many of the escorts showed signs of fatigue, and their attacks gradually became sluggish.

This is exactly the enemy's plan.

They just wanted to use their numerical advantage to consume the black-armored team alive.

The black-armored team is a unit. As long as a gap is opened, they can break up the formation and defeat the escorts one by one.

At this moment, Zhang Liang and his escorts saw the smoke column from the south.

Three red smoke pillars are the highest level warning.

It means that the enemy has launched a general attack, and Jin Feng is not sure of holding Damanang Slope.

"Brothers, fight back!"

In just a moment, Zhang Liang made a decision.

The escorts, who were already showing signs of fatigue, immediately seemed to be on stimulants, and all of them had red eyes.

Immediately change the route and attack direction from north to south.

In fact, Zhang Liang and all the bodyguards knew that when Jin Feng set off the smoke column, he was not asking them to go back for rescue.

Instead, they were told not to go back.

Because once Damang Slope is lost, they won't know anything. If they run back with their heads down, they may be ambushed by the enemy.

But the escort can't control that much.

In their eyes, Jin Feng is the most important.

Before joining Xihewan, they didn't even have enough food to eat. They often crowded into a broken bed and suffered from hunger.

The child was too hungry to sleep and cried every night, which was heart-wrenching and helpless.

There were no clothes to wear, and many of the children were eight or nine years old, and they were still running around naked.

On rainy days, the house will leak.

After joining the escort team, each of them was assigned a sturdy brick house, so they no longer had to worry about leaks.

Children no longer have to worry about going hungry, they can still eat meat every day.

As for clothes, let alone that.

The largest textile factory in Xihewan is the textile factory. Anyone who works for Jin Feng will have no shortage of clothes.

Without Jin Feng, they would not be where they are today.

If Jin Feng is caught by Danzhu, everything in Xihewan will disappear.

Even if they take down the North City Gate, what's the use?

The bodyguards saw the plume of smoke, and so did the Tibetan generals.

Although he didn't understand what the smoke column meant, the Tibetan general in charge knew that it was best to stop what the enemy wanted to do.

Therefore, the attacks of the Tubo soldiers became even crazier than before.

If Jin Feng were here, he would definitely think of the zombie movies he watched in his previous life.

The Black Armored Team is now like a car surrounded by countless zombies.

Zhang Liang saw that there was nothing he could do, he frowned and shouted to the back: "Apei, do it!"

When Qing Mulan recruited female soldiers in Xihewan, Xiaoyu was the first to sign up, and Apei was the second.

With a strength that is not inferior to that of men and a brave fighting style, she is the fastest improving among the female soldiers.

The two hundred female soldiers who came this time were led by her.

After receiving Zhang Liang's order, Ape immediately retreated to the center of the battle formation.

Here, there was a group of female soldiers carrying a box. No matter how fierce the battle was, they did not help.

Because Zhang Liang and Apei both solemnly confessed that the contents in the box can protect their lives and cannot be bumped in any way.

When Zhang Liang ordered the battle formation to stop, Ape opened the box carefully.

There are also grenades inside.

When Apei saw Zhang Liang nodding, he took out a grenade, lit the match rope, and threw it to the enemy group in the distance.

After a flash bomb attack, the Tibetan general in charge had vaguely understood the characteristics of the flash bomb.

When I saw Ape throwing another round object, my first thought was a flash bomb.

He shouted a reminder: "Everyone, please close your eyes!"

The reason why the Tubo army was so powerful in combat was not only their physical strength and fighting will, but also their obedience to orders.

After hearing the general's reminder, many soldiers closed their eyes subconsciously.

I have to say that this general is still very smart.

If Ape had thrown a flash bomb, his efforts might have been in vain this time.

It's a pity that Ape threw a grenade.

The scene that happened in Damang Slope was repeated here again.

With a loud noise, a large area of ​​Tibetan soldiers was blown away.

Then there were flames rising into the sky and shock waves sweeping around.

In the dense crowd, with the explosion point as the center, a two-foot blank area appeared.

[The author has something to say]

I have finished writing the next chapter, but I am not very satisfied with it. I need to revise it. I will upload one chapter first and then the next two chapters together.

This chapter has been completed!
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