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Chapter 486

At the beginning of the battle, the Tibetan side was attacked by the black-armored troops with flash bombs, killing nearly a thousand people.

The blow to morale has been huge.

However, under the commander's high-pressure orders, the soldiers could only bite the bullet and continue the attack.

But now, the flag leader in charge was frightened.

The battlefield instantly became quiet.

When Jin Feng was experimenting with grenades in the mountains behind Xihewan, Zhang Liang and Apei had seen it and were the first to react.


Taking advantage of the enemy's confusion, Zhang Liang ordered the black-armored team to attack with all their strength.

Discovering that one's own side has such a sharp weapon, the morale of the black-armored team was greatly boosted.

On the other hand, the morale of the Tubo side dropped drastically, and they lost all their previous ferocity.

The flag leader was also very scared, but when he realized that the black-armored team was about to break out of the encirclement, and remembered Danzhu's instructions before leaving, he gritted his teeth and issued the order to attack.

In order to restore morale, he ordered the flag bearer to pass on the order and rushed to the front with his personal guards.

The flag capital went into battle in person, so the centurion naturally had to follow.

The centurion followed, and the captain did not dare to flinch.

The black-armored team was about to rush out, but was blocked by the leader of the flag.

And this time the flag leader issued a death order, and those who retreated will die.

Under the pressure of life and death, the Tubo soldiers attacked more crazily than before.

When Ape saw that there were too many enemies in front of him, he quickly lit another grenade and threw it over.


The dense crowd was immediately blown away again.

The escort's pressure was greatly reduced, and he took the opportunity to rush forward a long way.

Boom! Boom! Boom!...

The explosions of grenades sounded one after another.

The leader of the Tubo banner was beaten to the point of being frustrated.

When there were fewer people, it was impossible to stop the black-armored team. Every time there were too many people, Apei would throw grenades into the crowd.

The casualties of the Tibetan soldiers increased rapidly.

But the flag leader had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue the attack.

At the foot of the big python slope, Danzhu made the same decision as Qi Shou after thinking over and over again.

Woohoo! Woohoo!

The trumpet sound became tight and passionate, and the flag bearer waved the flag loudly.

On the battlefield, all the soldiers' faces changed drastically.

This is the highest level offensive order.

You can only advance, not retreat, otherwise you will be killed on the spot, and you will be liquidated afterwards and your family members will be hanged.

In order not to implicate their families, the Tubo soldiers, who had already begun to retreat, could only summon up their last courage and charge towards the Dangmang Slope again.

On one side is the fear of the gods, on the other side is Danzhu's order to die.

Many Tibetan soldiers were driven crazy.

But they did not choose to escape, but chose to charge more fiercely.

They no longer care about winning or losing, they just want a result.

For a time, not only the No. 3 position, but also the pressure on all positions suddenly doubled.

Whether it was the Weisheng Army or the Tubo Army, casualties were increasing rapidly.

Zhou Jin'er and the female military doctors under his command were almost paralyzed from exhaustion, but more and more wounded were being carried back!

"not good!"

Jin Feng's eyelids twitched and he waved wildly to the top of the mountain.

After Qin'er saw it, she quickly signaled to the Ninth Princess.

The Ninth Princess looked down while beating the drum.

In fact, beating the drum is also very tiring work. The Ninth Princess has been beating continuously for so long, and her arms have become sore and painful.

But after understanding what Jin Feng meant, he immediately gritted his teeth and beat the drum faster.

Also work harder.

The drumbeat immediately became rapid and high-pitched.

The morale of the Wei Sheng army also increased.

"Brothers, hold on! As long as we survive this wave, we will win!"

Meng Tianhai also held a tin trumpet and went around to encourage the Weisheng Army soldiers.

Qing Mulan, who was on the top of the mountain, ignored Amei's obstruction and led his own bodyguards to the No. 3 position where the battle was fiercest.

When passing by Jin Feng, Qing Mulan thought Jin Feng would stop her, but Jin Feng did not.

He just reminded her "be careful" and let her pass.

After Qing Mulan passed, Jin Feng left only Da Liu and sent out all the remaining guards, carrying grenade boxes to reinforce various places.

Soon, explosions were heard from various positions in Damangpo.

Balls of flames carried the rolling Tubo soldiers and soared into the sky.

Both sides were completely stunned.

Rivers of blood flowed near the trenches, and mountains of corpses piled up.

Especially position No. 3 was broken through four times by Tibetan soldiers in just a few minutes.

Each time, the Weisheng Army and the bodyguards teamed up to defeat them.

"I'll fight for you!"

The squad leader of Jin Feng's personal guard, seeing more and more enemies, lit three grenades with red eyes at the same time and threw them outside the earthen wall.


The largest explosion occurred since the fighting broke out.

This time it was no longer just flames, but a small mushroom cloud.

In front of the No. 3 position, corpses piled higher than the earth wall were directly blown into a large crater.

Blood rained from the sky, drenching the surrounding soldiers.

The soldiers on both sides seemed to have become evil ghosts, covered in blood.

But the mentality of the soldiers on both sides is completely different.

Wei Shengjun and the bodyguard opened their mouths and roared excitedly, becoming more and more courageous as they fought.

The last bit of courage the Tibetan soldiers had was blown away by these three grenades.

Frightened by Danzhu's order, he did not dare to retreat, so he simply resisted passively and was directly killed by Wei Shengjun and the bodyguard.

In this case, they are considered dead in battle, and their families will not be liquidated by Danzhu.

On the battlefield, emotions are contagious.

The excited party will become more and more excited, and the negative party will become more and more negative.

Danzhu, who was at the back of the formation, looked pale and sat down on the ground.

After a moment, he weakly waved his hand at the messenger: "Ming Jin, withdraw your troops!"

He knew that the situation was over and irreversible.

If the fight continues, it will only increase casualties.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

The sound of gongs echoed across the battlefield.

Every one of the Tubo soldiers felt as if they were listening to the fairy voice.

It was finally time to retreat.

As expected of them all being battle-hardened veterans, even at this time, the Tibetan soldiers still did not flee.

Instead, they cooperated with each other and retreated in an orderly manner.

Jin Feng originally wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue the enemy, but when he saw this situation, he gave up the idea of ​​pursuing the enemy and sent an order to defend on the spot to prevent Danzhu from killing another enemy.

Facts proved that Jin Feng's worries were unnecessary, and the Tibetan army retreated directly to the camp.


"I won the battle!"

"The Ninth Princess is a thousand years old!"

"The mighty army of Wei Sheng is powerful!"

"Zhenyuan Escort Agency is mighty!"

"Mr. Jin is mighty!"

At the foot of the Big Snake Slope, countless soldiers raised their swords and cheered and roared.

Although this battle was fierce and difficult, they won!

There is no help from the Black Armored Team, not even the Iron Tiger Camp.

Their powerful army and the Tibetan elite faced each other with bayonets and won!

Many soldiers shouted and shed tears.

This battle was the largest battle between Tibet and Dakang in a hundred years, and it was enough to go down in history!

Many soldiers also lay down directly on the ground when they were tired, gasping for air.

They were so tired that they had been holding their breath just now. Now that the battle was over, their breath was gone. They really couldn't stand any longer.

Some of them were so severe that they never woke up after lying down.

On the top of the mountain, the Ninth Princess could not restrain her excitement and banged the war drum desperately to vent her inner excitement!

Standing on the mountainside, Jin Feng also let out a sigh of relief!

No one knows better than him how many grenades he carries.

If the Danzhu persists for a little longer, I'm afraid it will be used up.

The one who will be finished by then may be the Big Snake Slope.

"Send the order and treat the wounded as soon as possible! The defense line guards must not relax, and be on guard against Danzhu's counterattack at any time! Also, send someone to count the battle losses as soon as possible!"

This chapter has been completed!
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