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Chapter 878 Identity Exposure

As the fleet on the river got closer and closer, Jin Feng's face became more and more ugly.

The fleet sent by the other party was almost entirely small boats that were one to two to three feet long.

The heavy crossbow arrows specially prepared by Jin Feng for water battles are filled with explosives in the arrow shafts, which have armor-breaking capabilities. They will explode when nailed to the cabin, causing the enemy ship to sink.

No matter whether it’s a big boat or a small boat, it’s all a matter of one stone.

The other party was obviously aware of this, so instead of sending big ships, they sent a large number of small ships.

Its purpose is to consume heavy crossbow arrows.

I have to say that this move really hit Jin Feng's vital point.

Although making this kind of arrow is not difficult, the process is rather complicated, and it is really overqualified to deal with these small boats.

The key is that the number of arrows is limited, and there are too many boats on the river.

If the boats were sunk one by one, most of the arrows would probably be consumed.

There were many fishermen along the Yangtze River, and it was easy for King Wu to acquire hundreds of these boats, whether by robbing them or buying them.

I have used up all the arrows this time, what should I do next time?

"Sir, there are too many boats and the heavy crossbow cannot be used. Let's use the hand crossbow?"

Iron Hammer also realized the problem and suggested: "This kind of small boat is too low. Their only way to fight is to get close and then cut the boat. Brothers can use hand crossbows or spears to repel them when they get close!"

After searching and rescuing in the East China Sea for several months, Iron Hammer fought pirates several times, so he gained some experience.

Jin Feng couldn't think of any other better way for the time being, so he nodded and said: "Let's do this first, but let's have two more heavy crossbows and catapults come out, and also prepare the kerosene jar to avoid any accidents."

"Okay!" Iron Hammer quickly ran down to the deck, arranged for people to carry out two more heavy crossbows and catapults, and placed them on the deck.

The densely packed small boats were moving down the river at a very fast speed. The escort had just assembled a new heavy crossbow and catapult, and the other party was already very close to the cargo ship.

A deep drum sound suddenly sounded from a fishing boat behind, and the boats accelerated and rushed towards the fishing boat. Bayi Chinese website

Just as Iron Hammer thought, the boats quickly approached the big ship, and the soldiers hiding in the cabins took out hammers and chisels.

"Fire arrows! Free fire!"

At the Iron Hammer's command, the bodyguards raised their crossbows and pulled the triggers on the surrounding boats.

However, the soldiers were already prepared. They held pot lids or door panels above their heads to act as shields, and then continued to drill the ship.

There were also some soldiers holding bows and arrows and firing arrows at the cargo ship.

However, the boat was swaying on the river, which seriously affected the opponent's accuracy. They only fired a few arrows before being killed by the bodyguards.

However, the arrows of the bodyguards can hardly hurt the opponent.

There was a clanging sound all around the cargo ship.

Finding that shooting arrows was useless, Iron Hammer had no choice but to order the bamboo spear to be used for stabbing.

This time the effect was more obvious. Although the bamboo spear could not penetrate the wooden board, it pushed the boat away.

But soon the boat came over again.

"This is not the solution. Let people boil water and pour it on them!"

Iron Hammer said coldly.

With the hammer's command, the boatmen and bodyguards took action quickly.

Those who hold the pots hold the pots, those who carry the water carry the water, and those who hold the firewood hold the firewood.

Even Tang Xiaobei ran over to help with a bundle of firewood.

Soon, iron pots were set up on the deck of the cargo ship, and the escorts used iron ladles to scoop up the boiling water and pour it down.

The soldiers below were splashed with boiling water and screamed because they were so hot. Many of the soldiers holding pot lids and door panels threw away what they were holding.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the bodyguards killed many soldiers and temporarily repelled a wave of attacks.

On the north bank, some people who had gotten up early to fish and collect water by the river heard the commotion and stood on the bank to watch the excitement.

The counselors and county guards who had changed their clothes also mingled among the people.

"These people are very ruthless. They are probably not ordinary boatmen, but disguised as bodyguards from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, right?"

The county guard watched the battle on the river, stroking his beard and commented: "I'm really curious about what kind of cargo is on this ship that can make the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau so mobilized?"

After saying that, seeing that the counselor didn't answer, he turned around and looked over.

The counselor who had been calm all this time had his eyes widened and his mouth wide enough to fit an egg in.

"Mr. Yang, what's wrong?" the county guard asked.

"Master Mu, something big has happened," the counselor muttered to himself, "I seem to have seen Tang Xiaobei!"

"Who is Tang Xiaobei?" The county guard was stunned for a moment.

"Tang Xiaobei is Jin Feng's concubine, and he went to sea with Jin Feng this time!"

The counselor whispered: "According to the intelligence, she should have died together with Jin Feng. How could she appear here?"

When the county governor heard this, his eyes widened!

He understood what the counselor meant.

Tang Xiaobei is here, so Jin Feng is probably not dead either!

"Mr. Yang...you...you can't see it wrong, right?"

the Sheriff asked tremblingly.

If Jin Feng hadn't died, things would have been a big deal!

"I also hope that I am mistaken, but I once went to Jiangnan to help King Wu buy water jade beads, and I have met Tang Xiaobei several times. I can't be mistaken!"

The counselor said: "The third pot from the west, the woman pouring water into the pot, is Tang Xiaobei!"

"Tang Xiaobei is alive, so is Jin Feng alive?" The county guard asked, "Which one is Jin Feng?"

"I've never seen Jin Feng, so I don't know." The counselor shook his head.

"Then what should we do now?" The county guard was a little undecided.

"This matter is of great importance. We must report it to King Wu as soon as possible and find someone who has seen Jin Feng to confirm it!"

After the counselor finished speaking, he turned around and ran away.

On the river, the fighting continued.

But the Fu soldiers' attack became weaker and weaker.

Before they came, the superiors promised them that as long as they drilled a hole in the ship, it would cost one hundred taels of silver, and killing anyone on board would also cost one hundred taels of silver.

Nowadays, wars are raging and prices are soaring. It is difficult for the soldiers to support their families with their salary. One hundred taels of silver is enough for ordinary soldiers to work hard.

In the eyes of the soldiers, with so many of them swarming on board, what was the difficulty in digging a hole in the ship?

The scene is so chaotic, wouldn't it be easy to shoot a boatman to death with a cold arrow?

However, the reality is cruel.

They burned incense around the cargo ship for almost a minute, but no one could penetrate the bulkhead of the cargo ship!

Two men fired arrows and shot dead the boatman on the ship, but they were also shot dead by the bodyguard soon after.

If the people are gone, even if the money is given to their families, what's the use?

Therefore, more and more government soldiers are thinking of quitting.

Iron Hammer was also a veteran who had been on the battlefield for a long time. He immediately noticed the change in the morale of the soldiers and shouted loudly: "Old stick, beat me!"

A bodyguard who had been prepared immediately hit the trigger of the heavy crossbow.


With an explosion, a large hole was blown out of a fishing boat on the right side of the cargo ship.

The soldiers were already thinking about retreating, but when they discovered that the escort had used a heavy crossbow again, their last line of defense was instantly defeated, and they scrambled to escape.

This chapter has been completed!
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