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Chapter 938 Freedom and Hope

If it were normal times, the housekeeper would definitely enjoy the sight of slaves all over the yard kneeling to him.

But at this time, he broke out in a cold sweat.

As the chief steward of the Prime Minister's Office, he had heard something about what happened in the afternoon.

At this time, the airship was floating over the courtyard, and the escorts on it were all from the Central Plains.

If you are provoked, just throw two explosive packets at the Prime Minister's Mansion, and the Prime Minister's Mansion will be finished.

"Everyone, get up! Get up!"

The butler quickly jumped off the platform and helped the slave closest to him.

This was the first time that the housekeeper was so kind to the slave, but the slave was frightened and knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing: "Grandpa, housekeeper, I was wrong, please forgive me!"

When the other slaves saw this, they were so frightened that they kowtowed.

The cold sweat on the butler's head fell instantly, and he wanted to kneel down and kowtow to the slaves.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, the housekeeper had no choice but to pick up the gong next to him and knock it twice.

The slaves quickly stopped begging for mercy, but still knelt on the ground and did not dare to raise their heads.

The surrounding suddenly became extremely quiet.

The housekeeper quickly said: "You must have seen the airship above your head, right?"

"Is this big kite called an airship?"

Li Di wanted to look up at the airship, but in the end he held back and continued to listen to the butler.

"These airships were sent by your Dakang Imperial Preceptor. They have already negotiated with His Majesty to take you back..."

Before the butler finished speaking, the slaves below were all breathing heavier involuntarily.

People who have never been slaves cannot imagine the misery of slaves.

Returning to Dakang is not only Li Di’s wish, but also the biggest wish of many slaves in their lives.

Their desire for freedom even exceeds their fear of housekeepers!

More than half of the slaves couldn't help but look up at the steward, as if waiting for their fate to be pronounced!

In the expectant eyes of the slaves, the steward said slowly: "Your Majesty agreed to the proposal of Imperial Master Dakang and ordered your release!"

"You can go back to Dakang!"

After the housekeeper finished speaking, the courtyard was still silent.

After a while, an uncontrollable cry came from the corner.

The sound of crying seems to be contagious. In just a few breaths, it spreads from one person to the entire yard.

Happiness came so suddenly that almost all the slaves couldn't help crying.

"Brother, what the steward just said...is it true?"

Li Doudou looked up at his brother with a look of disbelief on his face: "Can we really go back?"

"Yes, we can go back!"

Li Di nodded heavily, tears streaming down his cheeks uncontrollably.

He studied with the prime minister's grandson, and gained some exposure to the world. He knew that the housekeeper did not dare to make fun of the emperor's orders.

Thinking about the noise coming from the direction of the palace in the morning, Li Di could probably guess that the airship must have fought with Dangxiang, and Dangxiang probably lost!

After thinking about this and looking up at the airship floating overhead, Li Di suddenly felt extremely at ease.

The housekeeper, who usually looks very scary, is no longer so scary.

"Master Butler, when can we leave!"

Li Di shouted loudly.

The crying around them stopped instantly, and everyone looked up at the housekeeper.

"If you want to leave, you can leave at any time!"

The steward said: "Go out from the west city gate, and your Dakang Imperial Preceptor will send someone to pick you up there!"

"You can leave at any time?"

When Li Di heard this, he picked up his sister and walked out.

As for packing your luggage, there is absolutely no need.

Here, they are slaves, and any property, including their lives, belongs to the master.

Apart from the tattered clothes full of holes, he and his sister had no possessions.

"elder brother……"

The sister noticed that her brother was taking the lead to leave and pulled Li Di's sleeve.

She was a little scared and wanted others to leave first, and then she would wait until she was sure they were okay before following her out.

“Someone has to take the lead!”

Li Di looked up at the airship again and strode towards the back door of the yard.

No one stopped him, Li Di took his sister, walked through the back door unimpeded, and walked to the street behind the Prime Minister's Palace. Bayi Chinese website

When the other slaves saw that Li Di was okay, they quickly followed.

When all the slaves walked out of the yard, the steward waved his hand and a group of servants ran out.

The slaves thought that the servants were here to kill them, and they were so frightened that they knelt on the ground again.

"Don't be afraid, they are protecting you when you leave the city!"

The housekeeper was so frightened that he quickly explained.

The killers in the sky are still watching. If one of them dies, the loss outweighs the gain.

"Everyone, get up!"

When Li Di saw that the slaves were still afraid to get up, he shouted loudly: "The sky is full of national teachers, we are really free!"

After saying that, he took his sister and ran towards the west gate.

Most people have a herd mentality. With Li Di taking the lead, other slaves quickly follow.

The housekeeper quickly called on his servants to run ahead and clear the way.

Starving was a common occurrence for slaves, so many slaves were in poor health.

The same goes for brother and sister Li Di.

After running just over a hundred meters, the brother and sister began to pant.

Two slaves behind even fell down, but after getting up, they didn't even look at their wounds and continued running.

Everyone used all their strength and ran towards the west gate.

No, they are running towards freedom and hope!

The west city gate, which is usually heavily guarded, is now wide open.

Li Di took his sister and was the first to rush out of the city gate.

In the open space facing the city gate, a huge black flag was planted, which was exactly the same as the black flag on the airship.

Under the black flag, stood a row of bodyguards wearing black armor.

At this time, the sun was already in the west, and the black flag and the escort's black armor seemed to be plated with a layer of gold.

This scene seemed to be engraved in Li Di's mind, and he never forgot it until the moment he died of old age.

"Oh, the first ones to come out were two children!"

The company commander of the escort standing at the front waved to the brothers and sisters: "Come here!"

"Are you...are you the ones sent by the Imperial Master...to pick us up?"

Li Di asked breathlessly.

"Yes," the escort company commander nodded heavily: "Sir, you sent us to take you home!"

"Dad! Mom! Did you hear that?"

Li Di suddenly knelt on the ground and kowtowed in the direction of Dakang: "Our national master of Dakang has sent someone to pick up my sister and me! You can rest in peace!"

After kowtowing three times, Li Di knelt down to the company commander of the escort team again: "May I ask your lord the national master's surname? I want to set up a monument of immortality for you and worship him for the rest of my life!"

"Haha, the little devil can talk."

The company commander of the escort said with a smile: "Remember, my husband is the king of Dakang, the national division of Dakang, the commander-in-chief of the Zhenyuan Army, the head of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce, and the general manager of the bank - Jin Feng!"

"Thank you sir for informing me!"

Li Di nodded heavily and kept this name firmly in his heart.

"Okay, let's get up and go have something to eat over there."

The company commander of the escort pulled up Li Di and said, "When everyone is here tomorrow, I will take you home!"

The new emperor Dangxiang was very sensible. After returning, he arranged for people to come to the West Gate to light a fire and cook. At this time, the first batch of steamed buns had already come out of the pot and was steaming.

"Thank you, sir!"

Li Di bowed again, pointed at the steamed buns and asked, "Can we eat them?"

This chapter has been completed!
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