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Chapter 939 Follow the Master of the National Teacher

"Of course, it's just for you!"

The company commander of the escort said: "But each person can only receive two steamed buns and one bowl of broth. If anyone dares to take more, I will send him back to the royal city. Do you understand?"

This is not because the bodyguard is stingy. Anyway, these steamed buns and broth are provided by the new emperor Dangxiang. There is no need for the company commander of the bodyguard to save money for him.

The slaves are not allowed to eat more because they are afraid that they will die from starvation.

This kind of thing is very common in the era of lack of food and clothing.

Many people will be full of fear of hunger after experiencing long-term hunger. Once they are given food, they will not be able to help but eat more.

If you drink water after eating, the food will expand in the stomach. If you are reluctant to spit out the hard-to-eat food, it can easily cause stomach bleeding or even rupture.

Even in Jin Feng's previous life, gastric rupture was very difficult to deal with, let alone in the grassland with backward conditions.

Not to mention rupture, if the stomach bleeding is too serious, the person will basically die.

In times of famine, many "good people" plunder people's money in this way.

They did not directly rob, but "compassionately" provided food and disaster relief.

The food these people gave out had several things in common - they only gave out dry food, and there was no limit to it.

Dry food is also very easy to soak.

Moreover, not far from where they were serving rice, there must be streams and rivers.

When people eat dry food, they will feel thirsty. As long as they run to the river to drink water, they will basically be dead!

Then these "good people" go to help the people collect the corpses, and the belongings carried by the people become theirs.

Escorts travel around the world, and we have seen this happen too often.

That's why the company commander restricted each slave to only receive two steamed buns and a bowl of broth.

"Two are enough, thank you sir!"

Li Di nodded quickly and ran to the steamer with his sister.

Seeing that his sister Li Doudou was swallowing hard, he quickly pushed his sister forward: "Doudou, you come first!"

Sister Li Doudou raised his head and glanced at the steamed buns, with uncontrollable longing in his eyes, but when he saw the escort standing behind the steamer, he lowered his head in fear.

"Little girl, don't be afraid!"

The escort smiled and picked up two steamed buns and handed them to Li Doudou: "Here, take them!"

The desire for food finally defeated his cowardice, and Li Doudou lowered his head and took the steamed bun.

The steamed buns that had just come out of the pan were piping hot. The little girl let out a soft cry and dropped the steamed buns to the ground.

But the next second, she knelt down and picked up the bun again.

This time, I endured the scalding heat and held the steamed bun tightly in my hands.

"Old Kui, are you stupid? Give such hot buns to your children?"

The company commander of the escort saw this and scolded the escort who handed out the steamed buns.

Just as Lao Kui was about to speak, he saw Doudou kneeling directly on the ground and said quickly: "My lord, it is none of this lord's business. It is my fault! It is my fault!"

After saying that, he kowtowed to the escort company commander.

After kowtowing to the company commander, he kowtowed again to the old leader.

"What is this for?"

The company commander and Lao Kui, who was getting the bowl, were both at a loss.

"I'm sorry, sir. My sister is scared of being beaten by the party members. She is very timid. If others speak louder, she will kowtow in fear."

Li Di squatted down with a distressed look on his face, explaining to the company commander and Lao Kui, while taking the hot steamed buns from his sister's hand.

"Poor kid, you damn bastard!"

Lao Kui was so angry that he cursed loudly. When he saw Li Doudou trembled in fright and wanted to kowtow, he quickly lowered his voice: "Don't be afraid, kid, we won't beat you!"

After saying that, he took out two more steamed buns from the steamer, put them in the bowl and handed them over: "Here, these two steamed buns are for you!"

But this time Li Doudou didn't dare to pick him up. He still knelt on the ground and didn't dare to raise his head.

"Doudou, don't be afraid, these two are from well-off people, good people, and won't hit you!"

Li Di encouraged: "Hurry, take it, there are people waiting behind you."

With her brother's encouragement, Li Doudou finally plucked up the courage to stand up and timidly took the pottery bowl.

"Young man, this is yours!"

Lao Kui handed over another pottery bowl.

"No, I can just eat these two."

Li Di took the two steamed buns he had picked up from the ground and raised them to Lao Kui.

"That's all dirty..."

"It's okay, just blow the dust off."

Li Di patted the steamed bun and said, "On the way here, my mother and I caught worms from the cow dung and ate them. It's okay if the steamed bun has a little dust on it."

After saying that, he took the steamed buns and left.

"What a sensible boy!"

The company commander looked at the backs of the brothers and sisters and couldn't help but sigh.

"If my little boy is half as sensible as this young man, it would be worth it even if I die now!"

Lao Kui nodded in agreement.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" the company commander glared at Lao Kui: "Hurry up and serve the steamed buns!"

Lao Kui chuckled and called the slaves behind to come over and get the steamed buns.

As time passed, more and more slaves rushed out of the west city gate.

The open space is becoming more and more lively.

Some kowtow to the bodyguards, some sit on the ground and cry loudly, and some rush to get the steamed buns...

It wasn't until it got dark that the slaves calmed down a little.

Li Di sat in the corner of the open space with his sister in his arms, looking at the escort who was setting up a bonfire, his eyes full of hope.

"Dou Dou Didi, is it you?"

An unkempt middle-aged woman stood in front of the two of them and asked hesitantly.

Li Di looked at the person who came, and after a moment he asked tentatively: "Are you... the second aunt?"

"It's me, it's me, Doudou Didi, it's me!" Bayi Chinese website

The woman shouted in surprise.

When Li Di's family was captured by the Party members, his second uncle's family who lived not far away were not spared either.

It's just that they were captured by different teams. The two families met in a hurry on the way here and were separated before they had time to say hello.

When they arrived at the royal city, the brother and sister went to the prime minister's house, while the second aunt was assigned to another home.

"Didi, where are your father and mother?" asked the second aunt.

"They died on the way here..." Li Di answered with red eyes: "Where are my second uncle and my younger brother?"

"They are dead too..." The second aunt sighed.

The surprise that the three people had just met was washed away.

However, Li Di quickly recovered and said firmly: "We survived. If the spirits of my uncle, brother, father and mother in heaven know about it, they will also be happy for us!"

"Yes, we survived!" The second aunt nodded: "If you are still alive, even if the incense of Lao Li's family continues, I will be able to see your second uncle even if I die in the future!... Didi, you second uncle

My uncle buried two gold bars in the backyard. I will dig them out for you when I get back, and you can prop up the shop at home!"

"Second Aunt, I don't want to go back!"

Li Di looked at the busy bodyguard: "I want to go to Sichuan and Shu and follow the Imperial Master!"

"What Master?" The second aunt was stunned.

"He is the benefactor who saved us!"

Li Di pointed at the black flag and said: "I have already inquired this afternoon. They are the Zhenyuan Escort Agency under our Dakang Imperial Master, Mr. Jin Feng!"

This chapter has been completed!
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