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Chapter 509: An Epoch-making Scientist

The proud Americans simply cannot accept this kind of thing. Their last pride was in the country that was the first to land on the moon.

But now, China, a latecomer, has landed on the moon in a simpler way than the United States. However, the United States no longer even has a lunar probe, and even the lunar exploration project has disappeared.

This is simply difficult for Americans to accept. They cannot accept this kind of thing!

The originally great America gradually began to collapse in their hearts!

On the contrary, all Chinese people are filled with pride and pride at this time!

Land on the moon!

And this is a sustainable moonshot!

Everyone's eyes showed excitement, and every Chinese person seemed to have seen the future!

At this time, the White House.

Ao Guanhai sat in his seat with some despair. The TV in front of him was showing the live broadcast of China's moon landing. At this time, Ao Guanhai had a confused look in his eyes.

Moon landing?

How could the Chinese drink wine to the moon so quickly??

At this rate, it seems that the United States will decline faster than I imagined...

Thinking of this, a trace of pain flashed in Ao Guanhai's eyes.

Sighed slightly.

Fortunately, I only have one year left in my term.

After I have been the head of state for this year, the rest will be none of my business!

Ao Guanhai sighed with his eyes.

In fact, he also wants to make America great again, but he is obviously exposed to more top-secret information than ordinary people.

At present, China has completely surpassed the United States in many directions.

The United States is now only a little stronger than China.

That is, the United States has enough overseas military bases and enough allies to block China at the economic level.

But, what then?

If it is really blocked, will China's Shenzhou just watch and not take action?

Obviously impossible!

There is no need for it to do anything special. The Shenzhou only needs to take a short stroll around California, and those top capitalists will find it instantly.

But I can't handle this damn ship!

According to paper data, he is very strong; according to intuitive data, he is even stronger!

Just what was announced is already terrifying!

Thinking of this, a wry smile flashed in Ao Guanhai's eyes.

At this time, on the other side, China.

All the people in China who knew the news fell into joy.

The moon landing was successful!

All Chinese people fell into a sea of ​​joy.

Several leaders made congratulatory calls to the aerospace command room.

At this time, the moon.

The honor of being the first Chinese person to set foot on the moon was given to Li Xin.

Because Li Xin is the only woman on this moon landing mission!

Wang Yi and Li Xi felt that this opportunity should be given to her, because if Li Xin lands on the moon, the first woman to set foot on the moon will be a Chinese!

Although Li Xin hesitated, she still agreed. After all, this is China's honor!

Astronauts performed missions on the moon and dug up pieces of lunar rock.

Each instrument was placed on a predetermined track.

Some of these instruments were requested by the space agency, and some were requested by Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao's authority is very high, it can be said to be very high. Even if he moves all the most secret documents of the space agency to his home, there will be absolutely no problem.

Several astronauts were walking slowly on the moon, and outside was the deep outer space.

Countless dots of starlight dot the dark outer space.

"So beautiful!"

Li Xing raised his eyes and looked at the outer space in front of him while he was busy.

There is a built-in intercom inside the space suit.

"Let's get to work! Sooner or later we have to explore such a beautiful outer space! Maybe in the future, we will be able to see scenes like this every day! By then, I'm afraid you will want to vomit after seeing it!"

Wang Yi teased Li Xing.

"How could it be! I think the beauty of this scene is the loneliness and the unknown. As long as we are on the road of exploration, I won't feel sick watching it!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Li Xi on the side smiled.

There was excitement in their eyes.

Continue to start the task.

The moon landing lasted five hours. Although the astronauts were all in excellent physical condition, they began to lose their physical strength in an environment like the moon.

"Why is there so much oxygen? It's unscientific!"

Although it has been live broadcast for five consecutive hours, because it is a live broadcast on the moon, there are still many people watching it.

Everyone looked excitedly at the moon scene in front of them.

"Stupid! As long as there is electricity, there will be oxygen!"

"That's right! There must be a lot of water on the spacecraft. Water can electrolyze oxygen. Moreover, the resource recycling of this kind of spacecraft should be very good. The gas they exhale is constantly circulating. Just need

Just add a little oxygen and you’re done!”

"Damn it! Then they can spend the night on the moon??"

"Of course! But I don't think Haoshen will do this, because the moon landing is already a great success. With our Chinese character, we should be steady and steady, slowly and step by step. Right now

Just successfully landed on the moon.

After we collect enough data and verify the feasibility..."

“What to do next??”

"What else can we do! Of course, build a moon base!"

"F*ck! Don't tell me! It's really possible! We can definitely bring some mining machines there, but we don't know yet about the rocks on the moon and whether there is water on the moon. We have to understand these basic conditions.

After that, maybe we can really colonize the moon!"

"It really feels like I'm watching a science fiction movie! It's so outrageous!"

"Damn, it's just like a dream. I never dare to do this! China is still awesome! Haoshen is invincible!"

"Indeed! A person like Haoshen has improved our Chinese science and technology for at least a hundred years!"

"Confidence in electricity! Not a hundred years, at least two hundred years! And it has improved the world's technology!"


"It feels like Haoshen is much more awesome than Einstein!"

"Nonsense! Although Einstein is an epoch-making scientist, isn't Haoshen???Haoshen can be regarded as changing the entire world! The key is that Haoshen is doing real technology, and he must have many epoch-making achievements.

The theoretical paper has not been published, that’s all!”

"Indeed, I feel that even a hair on Haoshen's body may be involved in secrets... The Americans have been chasing and beating him! It's outrageous!"

"It's not that it's outrageous, it's that the head of state of the United States sees further than the rest of us!"

This chapter has been completed!
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