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Chapter 510: Returning Successfully

"Indeed, but the distance is limited, hahaha! If Haoshen had targeted Haoshen when he first went to America, and simply forced Haoshen to stay in America, that would have been far-sighted!"

"Indeed! If Ao Guanhai had kept Hao Shenqiang in the United States, America would still be the most awesome today! Hahahaha! They missed the best opportunity!"

"Yes! Haoshen shouldn't have gone abroad in the first place, he almost had a big accident!"

"There is no way. At the beginning, Hao Theology was still in the field of basic science and basic mathematics. There is really no way for China to compare with the United States! That's Princeton!

Moreover, who would have thought that a mathematician who studies basic mathematics could be so awesome, so powerful that he doesn’t look like a mathematician at all!”

Netizens were a little sad.

At the beginning, many of them had heard of Cheng Hao.

But except for some netizens who are relatively familiar with or proficient in the field of mathematics, others only think that another mathematical genius has appeared in China.

That's all, no one thinks anything, let alone anyone thinks that this mathematical genius can change the entire China.

But as time goes by, this mathematician becomes more and more powerful, and continues to solve the most famous mathematical conjectures in the world.

Until Cheng Hao solved Goldbach's conjecture.

The people of China were really excited for Cheng Hao.

A true mathematical genius, far superior to his predecessors, has appeared in China!

At that time, the Chinese people were just a little proud of the emergence of such a mathematical genius in their country, and expected him to do better in mathematics and become a great mathematician.

Or maybe you think Cheng Hao has become a mathematician.

Mainly, I feel that China has produced a genius who will shock those foreigners, in order to make them proud and happy.

But in fact, the field that Cheng Hao was researching at that time was still too far away from the common people.

As for what Cheng Hao said in front of Chinese journalists, science changes the world and mathematics defines science.

At that time, most people did not think Cheng Hao was arrogant, but thought he was cute. It was certainly the best for China and the world that this mathematical genius had such a high mind.

But to be honest, although most people know that mathematics is important.

But if you really ask them to tell you why mathematics is important, I am afraid that ten out of ten people will not know why mathematics is important.

I don’t know what significance mathematics has to modern science.

Their happiness was often due to the fact that Cheng Hao was a Chinese, which proved to the world how powerful the Chinese people were and aroused their national pride.

But unexpectedly, they originally thought Cheng Hao was just arrogant, but he actually started to practice his arrogance bit by bit!

Whether it is the development of artificial intelligence hives, the advent of super battery C01, or the advent of controllable nuclear fusion, and then the laser cannon that amazes the world, reverses the world situation, and saves the world.

Then there is the Shenzhou mothership, which scares away the United States and saves China from fire and water, and then there is today's moon landing!

Too many!

Netizens were discussing this in the live broadcast room, with emotions in their eyes.

Haoshen has given everyone too many shocks in the past few years!

One after another, one by one, Huaxia science and technology has advanced to an incredible extent. All of this is almost entirely driven by Cheng Hao alone.

Although Cheng Hao also became the richest man in the world.

But as the richest man, everyone recognizes him very much, because Cheng Hao did not rely on exploitation to make his fortune. His factory is even an unmanned factory!

There are so many innovative technologies, the most powerful technology in the world, yet they do not exploit the common people, and they even donate so much money every year.

The Galaxy Technology Charity Fund, which was just established not long ago, even directly allocated 50 billion as a charity fund!

His money is so clean and he donates it!

Everyone can see this!

Although there are still some discordant voices in the comment area, they keep saying that Cheng Hao’s unmanned factory is robbing other people’s job opportunities.

And the products he sells are exploiting people.

But this voice was quickly drowned out by a higher voice.

Everyone is not stupid!

In fact, the people can see very clearly who has a conscience and who has no conscience!

During the more than five hours of live broadcast, many people discussed Haoshen's achievements over the years and what he had done in the live broadcast room. Everyone's eyes showed emotion.

This is a national discussion.

On all forums, this discussion has become the first one on the list!

The Chaoyang spacecraft's mission on the moon has already been completed.


After several astronauts struggled to put the specimens brought from the moon onto the spacecraft, the Chaoyang spacecraft slowly began to take off from the moon!

There is no gravitational barrier on the moon, and the spacecraft can take off very quickly.

In almost a few minutes, the spacecraft entered the atmosphere. This speed still amazed many netizens.

But even at this speed, it still seems to take a long, long time to reach Mars!

After the spacecraft entered the atmosphere, it slowed down.

Because of the huge attraction of the earth, it is constantly pulling the spacecraft, and its speed is constantly accelerating and accelerating.

But it is obvious that the spacecraft cannot reach the earth at extremely fast speed.

The spacecraft's engine ran at full strength, constantly counteracting the earth's gravity, and then followed the procedure and headed towards the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center.

Finally, the spacecraft slowly landed at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center.

The live broadcast room was filled with joy.

Everyone's minds are filled with excitement for this technology that transcends the times.

Because this represents the rise of China!

On the spacecraft, four astronauts got off the spacecraft, and the medical staff who had been preparing early rushed up and pushed several people in wheelchairs.

Although the four of them could see that there were no injuries at all, nor did they look uncomfortable at all.

But these are necessary steps!

Everyone knows that this moon landing marks the complete maturity of China's moon landing technology!

There is no way, this spaceship technology is so incredible!

The Chinese people looked at Miles Hao's face in the live broadcast room, and their eyes showed genuine joy. All Chinese people were happy when they saw Cheng Hao's face.

But when foreigners look at Cheng Hao's face, many of them have complex expressions.

Some people admire Cheng Hao very much, but some foreigners who have a strong sense of national pride, especially some Americans who shout that America is great, look at Cheng Hao with complicated expressions and gloomy eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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