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Chapter 1176 He forgot about the kite

She didn't need to see the Master at all, she just didn't want to talk to Nangong Yuduo.

While the character points were rising, Er Er said: "The male protagonist of the world will kill the male partner in the future. If you want to change the outcome of the male partner in this power struggle, you must get in touch with the male protagonist of the world."

"Well, take your time."

You have to abide by the original character's design while also getting close to the male protagonist. That's not something you can achieve just by meeting today.

Although there were strict masters in the Imperial College that she didn't like, but with playmates of the same age, Nangong Qing'er was still very enthusiastic about going to the Imperial College.

As soon as Nan Qing entered the courtyard, people immediately surrounded him.

"Your Highness Princess, I haven't seen you for a few days. Is Your Highness feeling better?" A woman from the clan saluted and asked gently.

Nan Qing: "Of course I will come here only after I feel better."

"Princess, Master has assigned a lot of poems recently. I compose poems every day. We are all worried to death." Princess Qingyun said.

When Nan Qing heard the poem, his whole face wrinkled up: "I have just arrived, can you not tell me these troublesome things?"

Someone covered his mouth with a handkerchief and laughed: "Stop talking, Your Highness, come inside and sit down."

In autumn, you can still hear the cicadas cries, making them unable to listen to the lesson, so the Master ordered people to glue those cicadas away.

Nan Qing sat with her back straight and cross-legged in front of the desk. Although her expression was casual, her posture was the best. She was a princess, so she had to sit in front of her when she was outside.

There was a riding and archery class in the afternoon today, and the boys learned the most. They also went to ride horses. The bows they drew were all different, so they didn't have to expend a lot of effort.

Dongcheng Barracks, a huge training ground, soldiers wearing sweat-soaked thin tops standing in the sun for training.

Normally they would take off their clothes, but today a noble man wanted to ride and shoot at the racecourse behind the training ground, and they could not offend the noble man.

Others can go directly to the horse racing venue, but as the prince, Nangong Yu can go to the military camp to express condolences to the soldiers and make a tour.

The maid next to her was fanning, but Nan Qing still felt the wind blowing hot. She frowned when she heard the sound of soldiers shouting in drills in the distance.

"Your Highness, your pony is here."

The groom came over with a little black horse. This horse was extremely docile and was given to her by the emperor.

Nan Qing put on a new outfit, and her hair was combed into the simplest bun. She also wore a brocade cloth to wipe her forehead, which could absorb sweat and prevent her forehead from being blown by the wind while riding a horse.

The groom supported the horse, and Nan Qing got on the horse. The groom led the horse away, but the palace maid stayed here and did not follow.

When we arrived at the horse racing venue, others were already there.

The boys were riding horses and shooting arrows in the distance, while the princesses and princesses waited until the sixth princess and began to suggest what they wanted to play.

The seventh princess suggested: "Sixth sister, why don't we race horses in a circle three times to see who wins?"

What's the point of this? But there seemed to be no other way to play it. Nan Qing nodded calmly.

"Your Highnesses, the princesses, please give in to us."

"The sixth princess's horse is a BMW, it must run faster than us."

Nan Qing pulled the reins: "I want you to count to five."


"Thank you, Your Highness Princess."

"Sixth sister is grand."

Nan Qing: "Stop talking nonsense and tell me what the punishment will be if you lose."

"Well, it doesn't hurt to be fined, so just fine... whoever loses will make snacks for everyone with my own hands!" Princess Qingyun said.

The seventh princess looked at Nan Qing: "Sixth sister, what do you think of Qingyun's proposal?"

If I remember correctly, the original owner didn't know how to cook at all. He always put his mouth open and stretched out his hands without touching his fingers. He was very delicate.

However, no one dares to say anything about it being done by one's own hands and letting the palace maid do it behind the scenes.

Nan Qing: "Okay."

"Then come."

They rode horses to the racecourse.

Nangong Yu just came back. When he saw their posture, he knew that they were going to compete, so he ordered others to give way to the starting point: "Uncle Zi, let's go and shoot arrows."


A group of noble ladies were wearing fancy clothes on the racecourse. Although they were all petite, they still looked like heroines.

In the barracks account.

"Lord Governor, this is the list of recruits for this month. There are a total of 8,000 recruits, the youngest is sixteen years old."

Liao Yan, who was wearing dark blue brocade clothes, sat at the top, Chen An stood beside him with a knife, and everyone else was sitting at the bottom.

If this scene were placed in the early years of the Southern Dynasty, it would probably make people laugh.

It seemed like wishful thinking before that a eunuch could actually sit above a general, but that's the case now.

This eunuch not only sat at the head of the army, but also held military power. They also had to report to him on the situation in the military camp.

Liao Yan looked through the roster. Some names would be marked, and those marked were people who came out of Jamsil.

Nowadays, eunuchs can hold any position, so many parents among the people will send their children to be castrated in the silk room.

There is a cleansing room inside the palace, and there are silkworm rooms everywhere in the cities of all sizes outside the palace, and people go there every day.

Eunuchs will be looked down upon by others, but once they enter the official career and are appreciated, they will rise to the top.

"Well, after one month our family hopes to see these people have some skills." Liao Yan threw the roster aside.

"The general will never disappoint the governor."


Liao Yan went out to look at the soldiers, and if he liked anyone, he would bring him to his side. He only picked out those without roots.

This is his rule, and it is precisely because of this that so many people took that knife.

Being able to follow an ancestor like the Chief Superintendent is like stepping into the sky.



The woman's voice came, and Liao Yan saw someone in the distance.

Chen An saw the governor's gaze and immediately said: "He is from the Imperial College."

A group of women were competing on horseback. They were not riding fast, but one horse was still standing still, which was particularly conspicuous.

The girl on the horse, whose white and tender face was slightly reddened by the sun, held on to the reins and remained motionless.

Just when the person watching was confused, the girl suddenly pulled the reins: "Drive!"

Nan Qing tightened his breeches and struggled to catch up with the people in front. The horse was indeed a BMW. With the cooperation of one horse and one person, he quickly surpassed the people in front.

Her tense expression immediately burst into laughter, and she was proud and wanton. Taking advantage of this energy, she took the lead and ran around the field three times.

"I win!" Nan Qing grabbed the reins and stopped.

Others made it to the finish line sparsely.

"The Sixth Princess is so amazing."

"Sixth sister, why don't you let us go at all?"

They surrounded her and praised her, somewhat in a flattering way.

Nan Qing didn't care much about their words. She was very happy now because she won.

So competitive.

Liao Yan withdrew his gaze.

Nan Qing didn't want to play anymore after this trip. She rode around and saw Liao Yan.

Liao Yan's appearance is too conspicuous. There are all rough guys around him, but he is the only one who is fair and good-looking.

It's a pity that his expression doesn't look like his appearance. His eyes are like poisonous snakes, cold and dormant.

Nan Qing wanted to step forward and provoke him, so she came over on horseback: "Master Liao, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Liao Yan's eyes were dark, and he bowed low and saluted: "Your Highness, Princess."

"It's been three days, where is my kite?"

Liao Yan looked indifferent, yes, he had forgotten about the cat with wings.

This chapter has been completed!
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