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Chapter 40: Deed

"Ren Xin, this wine tastes great. Our Cheng family will take hundreds of kilograms first. If my father likes it, we will take more before the twelfth lunar month!"

After a lot of fun, Wu Shi sobered up a little.

As a wealthy family in Mu County, the Wu family's strength is naturally extraordinary, much stronger than Xinyi and Puyi.

Although he is a savage, Wu Kuo's temperament is different from ordinary savages, and he is still strong when facing the people of the country.

Everyone who comes here is a guest, and Xin You has no distinction between country and country in his heart.

He said to Wu Shen: "Mr. Wu, Tianqing wine is a newly brewed wine in Xinyi. The production is not large, so I only brought three jars this time. If you want more wine, you may have to wait for a while."

It’s time.”

"Aren't there three urns here? Just give them all to me," Wu She said.

Xin shook his head again to express his refusal.

He also uses these wines as promotional samples, how can he sell them to people casually?

"What's wrong with you, you poor person? It's just a few jars of wine."

With that said, Wu Shen wanted to push Xin You away and reached for the wine.

But this time, his wrist was firmly held by Xin.


Wu Kuo tried to break free, but found that Xin You's hand was holding his hand tightly.

"I told you, these wines are not for sale." Xin You smiled and spoke softly.

Wu Sheng felt something was wrong. How could this young man, who looked gentle and weak, be so strong?

Their Wu family was of extraordinary origin, and strong men would appear throughout the ages.

And Wu Kuo is the leader of their generation.

He has just grown up and his strength is already comparable to that of the warriors in his clan, so he acts quite domineeringly.

But today he met his opponent.

Wu You had tried his best, but could not move Xin You even a little bit. On the other hand, Xin You's face seemed to be very relaxed.

In fact, Xin was not surprised.

After traveling through time, he only took action against that weakling Fan Boyu once.

He has no idea of ​​his own power.

Today, I competed with Wu Ye in terms of strength, and found that even the tall and powerful Wu Ye couldn't move him at all.

Wu Ruo's face turned red, and Xin You also felt a little pressure, and couldn't help but concentrate all his strength.

"I lost!"

Wu Kuo finally gave up.

Xin let go of his hand again, and he quickly retracted his hand and rubbed his wrist.

"What kind of monster are you?" Wu Jue looked aggrieved: "You are too strong!"

"Gentleman Wu, I'm sorry." Xin said again: "How much wine you Wu need, you can make an agreement with our wine man. We will definitely deliver the wine on the appointed day, but I still have to pay for the wine today.

I want to give it to other merchants to have a taste."

"Easy to say, easy to say." Although Wu Kuo was reckless, he was also measured.

After his force was suppressed by Xin You, he psychologically regarded Xin You more highly.

Naturally, I won't mess around anymore.

Si Bao Liu Ji on the side looked dumbfounded.

He had heard about Wu Kuo's martial arts for a long time. How could this weak doctor from Xinyi be able to control Wu Kuo?

Who is this guy?!

"Anyone who is willing to taste our Xinyi Tianqing wine can queue up here." Xin added, "Register your territory and family. If anyone wants to buy wine, talk to our wine man in detail."

The whole place was quiet, and Xin You's voice was very clear.

"Let me have a taste!"

A person raises his hand.

Then merchants from all over the place came over one after another.

The New Year is approaching and wine is hard currency.

Everyone wants to buy some good wine and hide it at home.

"Good wine..."

"This smell, this color...could this be sake?"

"It seems to be richer than sake. Just smelling it makes me feel dizzy."

Although Wu Kuo caused a lot of trouble here, it really attracted a lot of people.

At first, they all came to see the excitement, but soon they were overpowered by the sky green wine.

Just looking at the color of Tianqing wine, it is much better than ordinary wine.

What's more, the taste of Tianqing wine is so mellow.

"Our Hu family will order one hundred catties!"

"Wenyi needs one hundred and fifty catties."

"One hundred catties of Ganlu Hu's..."

"Su's three hundred catties!"

Many businessmen began to order Tianqing wine from Xinyi.

Xiao Wu Le blossomed. He never expected that the sales volume of Tianqing Wine would be so good.

After all, the wine was too strong, and he was worried that some people wouldn't be able to accept it.

But as Su's businessman made his move, he became very famous in this area. As soon as he made his move, the merchants behind him also placed orders.

Xiaowu doesn't drink, so he doesn't know that a good drinker only wants to get drunk.

With such fine wine as Tianqing, how could they miss it?

Of course, there are still some people who are waiting and watching.

They are not in a hurry, they will wait until others get the goods, and if it is good, it will not be too late to make a move.

"Gentleman, I have already ordered more than a thousand pounds!"

Xiao Wu was secretly speechless.

According to the agreement between him and Xin You, he will receive two stones of food.

If he sells a few more kilograms, he will get three shi of grain.

Three times what he got from Xin Jin!

This is just one day!

He didn't even do anything, he just helped Xin transport the wine and then signed contracts with the merchants.

Of course, he will be responsible for delivering the goods later and calculating the profit this time.

However, the shrewd Xiao Wu has already calculated the profit of the wine clearly.

The cost of each catty of wine is two cents. According to the ratio of five to one, it is made into Tianqing wine. The cost of each catty of wine is ten cents.

The current selling price of each catty of wine is sixteen yuan, making a net profit of six yuan!

Selling more than one thousand kilograms means making more than six thousand yuan.

Converted into grain, that is one hundred stones, or about fifteen thousand catties.

And he took away three stones and more than 400 kilograms of grain.

Xiao Wu was already grateful in his heart.

This winter, he doesn't have to brave the cold to work hard at home, and he doesn't have to go hungry.

"Xiao Wu, what are you doing standing still? Bring me the deed."

Du Gan shouted from the side.

Several people gathered around Du Gan, wanting to buy some Tianqing wine.

"Brother Du, we don't have much inventory. If we want Tianqing wine again, we may have to wait until a month later..."

Xiao Wu shouted to Du Gan.

"there is none left?!"

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, the people around him exclaimed.

Those who are still waiting and watching feel a little regretful.

In the twelfth lunar month, every family and village needs a lot of wine.

Especially good wine!

Yan is used for drinking, offering sacrifices, and as gifts to others.

By then, the price of good wine may still rise. If Xinyi's wine is really good wine, then the price of sixteen yuan per catty is definitely not expensive.

"Our Su family wants another hundred catties!" A businessman of the Su family said: "This year we will use this kind of wine to worship our ancestors."

"By the way, our Rong family is going to visit Shan Gong this year, and we will also use this kind of bar..."

While talking, several businessmen who were relatively close to Du Gan ordered all the remaining wine.

Wu Ye reacted at this time: "What about our Wu clan? Our Wu clan also wants more wine."

"Everyone, there is no more wine."

Xiao Wu regretfully said to everyone: "The brewing process of this kind of wine is very complicated. It needs to be brewed again with the already brewed wine before it can be made. So we don't have much stock in Xinyi..."

Xin You said this after repeated discussions with Xiao Wu.

Xin You continues to keep a large amount of grain for the winter, and it is not realistic to rely on selling Tianqing wine.

After all, the output of Xinyi Winery is only that much. After ordinary Shijiu is distilled at a ratio of five to one, it means that the output is only one-fifth of the original.

No matter how profitable the wine is, with such a small output, it is impossible to feed everyone in a city as big as Xinyi.
This chapter has been completed!
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