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Chapter 219 Registration

But this feeling is not bad.

Following the footsteps of the boy, Qiangzi walked slowly towards the depths of the Ministry of Industry.

For this visit, Hu Changan specially opened a special trail.

So Qiangzi didn't meet anyone else along the way.

Soon, Qiangzi followed the boy's footsteps and came to the iron workshop of the Ministry of Industry.

At this time, everyone in the iron workshop was busy working.

The red molten iron is like a stream, flowing happily.

Qiangzi looked at the joyfully flowing molten iron and couldn't help but froze on the spot.

In his life, he had never seen molten iron come out so quickly.

As a blacksmith, he also knows how to make iron.

But he never expected that the efficiency of iron-making could be so high.

Looking at this posture, let alone 5,000 kilograms a day, I am afraid it is possible to weigh 6,000 kilograms a day!

I didn’t expect that what was said in this newspaper was actually true!

Looking at the molten iron, Qiangzi couldn't help but fall into curiosity.

He can roughly understand all these processes.

But what is that dark stuff these workers added to the stove?

Could this be the secret to making iron smelting efficient?

Instinctively, Qiangzi wanted to bend down to pick up a piece of this black thing and take it home.

If he figured out what this black thing was, wouldn't it also improve the efficiency of iron smelting in the workshop?

When he thought about making more money in the future, Qiangzi couldn't help but feel extremely excited.

But at this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side.

The boy who was originally following Qiangzi came to Qiangzi's side at some point.

Looking at Qiangzi, the boy smiled: "Brother, please don't bring anything back when you visit."

“There are rules here when visiting, and you can’t take anything away.”

Although the boy was smiling, his tone was firm and his actions were decisive.

This is also the new rule that Hu Changan and everyone from the Ministry of Industry discussed together.

Everyone at the Ministry of Industry does not want visitors to learn their new iron-smelting technology.

Although Hu Changan didn't care, everyone in the Ministry of Industry obviously had their own considerations.

In ancient times, copper and iron were strategic materials.

After all, every ruler in ancient times did not want anyone under his name to rebel.

The first step in the rebellion was naturally to cast swords from pig iron on a large scale.

Therefore, the technology of iron smelting is generally in the hands of the government.

Only under the name of the government can there be large-scale iron smelting workshops.

The government does not allow large-scale iron workshops to appear in the private sector, nor does it allow the private sector to master advanced iron smelting technology.

Private ironware workshops are just scattered small workshops that at most help nearby villagers make some farm tools and cooking utensils.

So during this visit, Hu Changan specially sent a servant from the Hu Mansion to follow him.

In this way, on the one hand, visitors can answer their questions at any time and provide them with the best visiting experience. At the same time, they can also supervise visitors not to bring in private goods and learn the advanced iron smelting technology of the Ministry of Industry.

Seeing that the boy didn't allow it, Qiangzi reluctantly put down the black thing in his hand and sighed deeply in his heart.

It seems that this new technology does not belong to me after all!

However, being able to see such advanced iron smelting technology this time, Qiangzi felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Finally, under the urging of the boy, Qiangzi reluctantly left the Iron Works Workshop of the Ministry of Industry.

Although he couldn't own it, he was extremely yearning for this new technology in his heart.

Soon, the entire Yingtian City knew that the Iron Works Workshop of the Ministry of Industry had developed a new technology.

This incident became a hot topic of discussion among everyone after dinner.

Everyone is envious of that new technology.

But envy is envy, life has to go on as usual.

Another week passed, and Qiangzi came to Hu's Tea House to listen to and read the newspaper as usual.

Originally, Qiangzi thought that the matter in the work department workshop would just go away.

But he never expected that this matter would have a follow-up.

This time, after the boy who read the newspaper finished reading the last news, he actually talked about the work department workshop again: "Everyone, according to the gossip, the reason why Shilang Hu was able to successfully invent a new iron smelting technology is because

It's because he has mastered two new knowledges."


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but become interested.

Now, it has been a week since Hu Changan opened the workshop of the work department.

During this week, many people have already checked in at the work department workshop.

Many of you here have already witnessed the magic of the work department workshop with your own eyes.

Now that the secret behind the scenes has been revealed, everyone's appetite has been whetted.

They also want to hear how Hu Changan came up with such a magical method!

Seeing that everyone's appetites were whetted, the boy reading the newspaper also smiled slightly and said: "It is said that these two new subjects are called physics and chemistry."

"It was by learning these two new subjects that Mr. Hu invented this magical iron smelting method."

"Not only that, it is said that these two magical knowledges can now be learned in the newly built Ministry of Industry School."

"As long as any craftsman who is over twenty years old can sign up to attend the class."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but breathe quickly.

According to the young man who read the newspaper, doesn't it mean that as long as they learn these two skills, they can be like Hu Shilang and improve the iron smelting technology?

So what are you waiting for? Go quickly!

At that moment, several people rushed out of Hu's Teahouse.

Among them, hadrons stand out.

Upon hearing the news, Qiangzi was so excited that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

The sights he saw during that visit are still deeply imprinted in Qiangzi’s mind.

When he thought that he could improve iron smelting technology like Hu Shilang, Qiangzi was so excited that his scalp went numb.

This is not efficiency, this is just money in vain!

If his iron smelting efficiency was as high as the workers in the workshop of the Ministry of Works, he would definitely make more money!

The thought of making more money and serving plump pork to an old snack shop made Qiangzi's mouth water with excitement.

How can this wait? You must sign up immediately!

Soon, Qiangzi packed up his household registration certificate and prepared to register at the newly opened Ministry of Industry School on the outskirts of the city.

Of course, before leaving, he did not forget to report to his employer.

According to the information he just found out, this school of the Ministry of Industry has classes every morning and has holidays in the afternoon.

This means that if he goes to the Ministry of Industry to attend classes, he can only work for half a day.

But Qiangzi thinks this is worth it.

After all, as long as you learn that magical physics and chemistry, you can improve production technology and make a lot of money!

What does a small initial investment mean?

Arriving at his employer's residence, Qiangzi knocked on his door.

Soon, the boss poked his head out of the house.

This chapter has been completed!
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