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Chapter 220 Enrollment

Before Qiangzi could open his mouth, the boss's barrage of words came at Qiangzi: "Qiangzi, have you heard about the incident at the Ministry of Industry School?"

"We don't have much to do at the moment, so hurry up and sign up!"

The boss is not a fool either.

Two days ago, he also visited the workshop of the Work Department.

During the visit, he discovered huge business opportunities.

If he could learn that magical advanced iron smelting technology, he would definitely be able to make money while lying at home!

So as soon as I saw Qiangzi that day, my boss couldn't wait to tell Qiangzi about the School of the Ministry of Industry.

Qiangzi was also stunned when he heard this.

However, he didn't think much about it and just said truthfully: "My boss, I came here just to talk about this matter."

"I also want to take the classes offered by the Ministry of Industry."

"My boss, can you please be more lenient and deduct a little less from me?"

As soon as the boss finished listening, his face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile: "Qiangzi, you have a good idea and you are ambitious!"

"You sign up for me today, immediately, immediately!"

"I won't deduct a penny from your wages during your studies!"

"On the contrary, if you study well and can improve the iron smelting technology when you come back, I will give you lots of rewards!"

Upon hearing this, Qiangzi was almost stunned by the pie falling from the sky.

This boss, who is usually as stingy as Zhou Papi, is too generous today!

In fact, before arriving, Qiangzi was already prepared for his employer to deduct half of his wages.

Unexpectedly, this time his boss not only did not deduct his wages, but also planned to reward him in the future?

This is simply incredible!

But with so many benefits, Qiangzi is not a fool.

Seeing that his boss had said this, Qiangzi also borrowed a donkey to go downhill and said with a smile: "In that case, I'll thank my boss first."

"Then boss, I'm going to register at the Ministry of Industry School now!"

"When I return from my studies, I will work hard to improve the iron smelting technology of our workshop so that our workshop can make more money!"

When the boss heard this, he smiled and waved to Qiangzi, looking very expectant.

So, Qiangzi happily embarked on the road to register for the School of the Ministry of Industry.

Soon, Qiangzi came to where the Ministry of Industry School was.

But what Qiangzi didn't expect was that there was already a long queue on the road!

Qiangzi was stunned.

Pulling over a passerby who looked kind-hearted, Qiangzi couldn't help but ask: "What exactly are you waiting in line for?"

"Could it be that these people all signed up at the Ministry of Industry School?"

The passerby also laughed when he heard this: "Hey, you guessed it right now."

"We all signed up to study at the Ministry of Industry School."

"If we can learn advanced physics and chemistry knowledge, we can develop new technologies like Hu Shilang!"

"This is all free money, who would miss it?"

Hearing this, Qiangzi also smiled: "Brother said yes, little brother, I'm here to sign up too."

"If I can learn that amazing iron-smelting technology, I will definitely make a fortune!"

When everyone heard what these two people said, they smiled kindly.

Yes, money moves people's hearts.

Under the temptation of such huge benefits, no one can remain tempted.

They all come to study with the purpose of making a fortune.

Although this motive may seem a little lofty, it is real!

Only real goals can inspire people!

Qiangzi hurriedly chatted with passers-by for a few words, then queued up at the back of the queue.

He didn’t want to miss the first batch of enrollment registrations!

The admissions staff of the Ministry of Industry School couldn't help but laugh from ear to ear when they saw this bustling scene.

A few days ago, they were worried that people would be dissatisfied.

But after Mr. Hu's several consecutive plans, the door of their Ministry of Works School is now overcrowded.

Soon, the first phase of registration will be full.

Those in the back may have to wait for the second phase of registration six months later!

Soon, it was Qiangzi's turn to sign up.

While registering Qiangzi's household registration information, the staff asked Qiangzi without raising his head: "Brother, are you literate?"

Upon hearing this, Qiangzi's heart suddenly lifted.

Looking at the staff, Qiangzi asked cautiously: "Can't I study in the Ministry of Industry's school if I'm not literate?"

Hadron didn't want to miss out on that magical knowledge just because he was illiterate!

When the staff heard this, they also had a good temper and said to Qiangzi: "Brother, you don't have to worry about this."

"As long as you meet our enrollment requirements and are a craftsman over twenty years old, we will accept you."

"Asking about your literacy status is just for the purpose of dividing the classes."

"If you can read, you can start studying physics and chemistry directly."

"Our courses will last for six months, with classes starting at 1:10 a.m. and ending at 3:00 a.m. every day."

"Of course, the school here includes lunch."

"But if you can't read, you have to take an additional two months of literacy classes."

"Then your study time will be eight months."

This class division was also designed by Hu Changan.

In the Ming Dynasty, most of the craftsmen were illiterate.

Although you can learn reluctantly if you are not literate, the learning efficiency is really not high.

Therefore, Hu Changan opened an additional two-month literacy class for those illiterate craftsmen.

As long as you learn this literacy once, you will benefit endlessly throughout your life.

Although some ignorant people still cannot see the value in it, in Hu Changan's view, this is definitely a good deal.

The literacy class organized by Hu Changan can be regarded as a contribution to the literacy rate of the Ming Dynasty.

Anyway, if I teach for two more months, I just need to hire a few more enlightenment teachers.

And Qiangzi was greatly relieved after hearing this.

It's okay, okay, as long as I can sign up, everything will be easy.

What does it matter if it takes two extra months to learn literacy?

Thinking of this, Qiangzi also replied to the staff: "I'm sorry, I am indeed illiterate."

"But I am willing to attend this literacy class."

The staff member nodded slightly when he heard this, and then wrote the three characters "illiterate" on Qiangzi's registration form.

After all registrations were completed, the staff gave Qiangzi a wooden sign with the word 73 written on it, and told Qiangzi: "Our first period of schoolwork will start the day after tomorrow."

"At that time, you just need to take this wooden sign and report to the door of the Ministry of Industry School."

"The pens, inks, paper and inkstones used for studying will be distributed free of charge in our school at the Ministry of Industry."

"Remember, you must keep this wooden sign!"

"The number above is your student number at the Ministry of Industry."

"In the School of the Ministry of Industry, everything depends on the student number and identity card."

This chapter has been completed!
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