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Chapter 31 The Greenhouse

Seeing that all the craftsmen were respectful and submissive, Hu Changan also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He has too many things to do, and he certainly can't keep an eye on these craftsmen every day.

Only by setting rules early and using the big stick and the sweet dates together can the factory be worry-free and run efficiently.

After solving the problems of workers and production lines, the next step is the factory building.

Hu Changan turned to Manager Chen and said, "Manager Chen, please help me build the land we bought in Yahang the day before yesterday."

"You and Zhou Zhou should discuss it. From now on, you can make soap exclusively in that area."

"Remember, all arrangements must be for the convenience of making soap."

"The interior should be as clean and bright as possible."

"In addition, another accommodation area should be built next to the soap workshop to facilitate the workers to rest."

"From now on, you will work five days and rest for two days."

"When you work, you live in the dormitory, and when you have a break, you go home to reunite with your family."

When everyone heard this, they burst into tears of gratitude.

This Master Hu is too kind to everyone.

Not only the wages are high, but they also provide money to build work sheds for everyone.

Everyone just heard that this shed is going to be big and spacious.

Moreover, the young master actually sympathized with them and gave them two days off every five days!

You must know that in ancient times, there was no such thing as Sundays and working days. Except for holidays, they were open all year round.

How could the young master not be moved by the magnanimity of the young master?

After making arrangements for the soap factory, Hu Changan gave Manager Chen some specific details and asked everyone to go out and work on their own.

Hu Changan himself took out a few story books, leaned on the deck chair in the yard and read them with gusto.

After all, I have an imperial mandate, so I can't stay outside for too long. Tomorrow I have to go to the palace to plant potatoes again.

After finishing his business, Hu Changan naturally wanted to reward himself a little and take a break from his busy schedule.


The next day, Hu Changan, led by the young eunuch, came to the potato field he was familiar with.

After a few days, the part of the potatoes exposed on the ground has grown a lot thicker, and it looks like they are growing well.

It is estimated that the potatoes will be mature in another two to three months.

When the time comes, hehehe, it will definitely blind everyone's eyes. Hu Changan said with a confident smile.

However, while waiting for the potatoes to mature, there is nothing much to do except apply fertilizer from time to time.

Moreover, these three experienced farmers are definitely more efficient at work than Hu Changan.

Hu Changan couldn't help but feel deeply worried about himself for the next three months.

Really, it's so boring.

Wait, winter is coming soon, how about building a greenhouse?

In Hu Changan's memory, winter was a complete food desert.

The meat is okay, but the vegetables are simply pitiful.

Except for Chinese cabbage that is frozen in the ground in autumn, there are only bean sprouts and various pickles, and there are very few varieties.

Eating a winter cabbage, tsk tsk tsk, my legs go numb just thinking about Hu Changan.

Now we can build a greenhouse so that we can have juicy green vegetables in the winter.

Just as he was told, Hu Changan quickly exchanged a copy of the "Guide to Growing Greenhouse Vegetables" in the system, and found a young eunuch to ask if he could be given some more land.

The little eunuch naturally nodded in agreement, and soon a large piece of land was granted to Hu Changan, which was right next to the potato field.

After all, it was late autumn at this time, and most of the farmland in the palace was already idle, so it was not a big deal to allocate a piece of it to Hu Changan.

Winter is coming soon, and with the cold wind blowing and the heavy snowfall, no matter what vegetables and fruits they are, they need to be cool.

After getting the land, Hu Changan didn't have time to spare. He went to the street and bought a lot of bamboo, silk and vegetable oil, and dragged them into the palace.

When the little eunuch who was helping him saw this, he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Master Hu, I wonder what you want to do by buying so many things?"

"Of course I am growing vegetables. Winter is coming soon. It will be really hard to have no fresh vegetables to eat."

The little eunuch couldn't help being shocked.

Planting vegetables in winter? Mr. Hu is probably crazy.

It's been getting colder every year in recent years.

Originally, some cold-tolerant mustard greens or green onions could be grown in the Jianghuai area in winter, but they have all been frozen to death in the past few years.

Even the current emperor Zhu Yuanzhang found it difficult to eat fresh vegetables in winter.

The little eunuch saw that Hu Chang'an had a kind face and couldn't help but kindly reminded Hu Chang'an: "Sir, the winter in the Jianghuai area is not much warmer than in the north. The vegetables grown in the fields are all frozen to death."

"It's okay, I know it well." Hu Changan put down the bamboo and wiped his sweat, looking confident.

When the little eunuch saw this, he didn't want to dissuade him too much. He just sighed slightly, put down his things and left.

Alas, most of the nobles in this palace are ignorant of grains. They will know when the winter vegetables are frozen.

The three farmers were very surprised when they saw Hu Changan dragging things in big and small bags. They didn't know what kind of medicine Hu Changan was selling in the gourd.

Hu Changan wiped his sweat and said proudly to the three farmers: "Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Wu, today I am going to build a vegetable greenhouse, please come over quickly and help me."

"With this vegetable greenhouse, we can also eat fresh vegetables in winter!"


The three farmers couldn't help but be shocked.

After digging in the fields for half their lives, they had never seen anyone growing fresh vegetables in winter, let alone heard of so-called vegetable greenhouses.

Zhang San, the most impatient among them, was the first to ask: "Sir, I wonder what this vegetable greenhouse is?"

Hu Changan also expected that they would ask this question, so he straightened his clothes and replied unhurriedly: "This vegetable greenhouse is something that allows plants to grow normally in winter."

"Insert the two ends of these bamboos into the ground, and then bend the bamboos into an arch shape to make the frame of the vegetable greenhouse."

"Then lay several layers of translucent silk on the skeleton, then brush a layer of oil on the silk, and it's done."

"The silk is translucent, allowing sunlight to shine directly in and increase the temperature inside the greenhouse."

"After applying oil, the heat in the greenhouse will not escape easily, which plays a role in keeping warm."

"At the same time, due to the obstruction of the silk, the cold air from outside cannot enter, and the indoor temperature is higher."

"In this way, the spring environment can be simulated in winter, allowing vegetables to grow smoothly."

After hearing this, the three farmers were hesitant to believe it.

I think I understand the principle of this vegetable greenhouse.

But is this so-called vegetable greenhouse really so magical?

But no matter what, Hu Changan is their commander.

Although several farmers were full of doubts, they could only follow Hu Changan's instructions and set up a vegetable greenhouse together.

This chapter has been completed!
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