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Chapter 59 The Plague

Feng Qing looked at this strange-looking piece of white cloth and couldn't help but feel puzzled.

How can this thin piece of cotton prevent terrible diseases?

Feng Qing couldn't help but raise his own questions to Hu Changan.

Hu Changan also smiled and explained to Feng Qing generously: "Master Feng, how about I explain to you how the epidemic spreads."

"Once you get sick, the patient's body will naturally emit disease-carrying particles. Healthy people will get sick as long as they come into contact with the patient's secretions."

"There are two main ways of spreading common diseases."

"One is contact transmission. Healthy people may become ill as long as they come into contact with food or water sources contaminated by disease-carrying particles."

"This route of infection is relatively easy to prevent. As long as you pay attention to drinking clean water and food, you can avoid being infected."

"The second type is droplet transmission. When a patient coughs or talks, saliva will be brought out from the mouth."

"This route of transmission is relatively difficult to prevent."

"Because the saliva is sometimes very small and floats in the air like water vapor, making it difficult for ordinary people to detect it."

"Once these droplets are inhaled into the body of a healthy person, the healthy person will be eroded by the disease-carrying particles and become sick."

"The masks I made are specifically designed to prevent this kind of droplets."

"After wearing a mask, the droplets will be blocked by gauze and cotton. As long as you change the mask diligently, you will not be infected by the disease."

In order to make Feng Qing understand, Hu Changan specifically abandoned all kinds of professional vocabulary and explained to Feng Qing how the virus spread in the simplest words.

However, even so, as an ancient person with no basis in modern medicine, Feng Qing was confused.

However, as a capable county magistrate, Feng Qing still extracted key information from Hu Changan's words.

This means that as long as you pay attention to food hygiene and avoid being splashed by patients' saliva, you can avoid infection!

After listening to this, Feng Qing had almost no doubt about the correctness of Hu Changan's words.

After all, Feng Qing has been busy with a group of doctors recently and has a general understanding of the epidemic.

Hu Changan's words were just the finishing touch, directly clearing away the fog in Feng Qing's mind.

Feng Qing couldn't help but be overjoyed.

If Hu Changan’s words are true, doesn’t it mean that this epidemic will be effectively alleviated soon?!

Feng Qing was very excited and quickly bowed to Hu Changan and said: "Master Hu, please give me more advice in the future to help the people of Jiangning County control the epidemic!"

"Master Hu, the people of Jiangning County will never forget your great kindness and virtue!"

As he said this, Feng Qing was so excited that he bent down to salute Hu Changan on the spot.

Hu Changan rushed forward and supported Feng Qing.

This is an official of the imperial court! Hu Changan is afraid that his life will be shortened if he is given a great gift.

Hu Changan patted the excited Feng Qing on the back and said softly: "Magistrate Feng, why don't you take me to see the patients quickly, so that I can see if I can save these patients."

Hearing Hu Changan's words, Feng Qing woke up from a dream, quickly pulled away from the excitement, and walked to the backyard with Hu Changan.


In a side hospital in the county government office, there were seven or eight people infected with the epidemic who came specifically to test the medicine.

But it is a pity that these patients have allowed the doctors to torture them for several days, but their condition still has not improved at all.

In order to prevent the spread of the disease, there are no servants in this courtyard, and the patients can only rely on themselves.

Every day, someone would pass food and medicine through the small hole by the door and ask about the patients' conditions.

But every time I got an unoptimistic answer.

These patients can only wait in despair for their own death.

However, on this day, the door to the side courtyard was pushed open with a creak.

The person who walked in was Hu Changan, armed from head to toe.

In order to prevent being infected, Hu Changan asked Feng Qing to help him get some large and thick clothes, wrapped them in layers, and put on two thick masks.

If the weather hadn't turned cold now, Hu Changan would have been suffocated to death.

Seeing this, the patients who were still able to move struggled to sit up from the bed.

Seeing the heavily armed Hu Changan, everyone exchanged confused looks.

Facing everyone's wary looks, Hu Changan couldn't laugh or cry. He stood in the yard and said loudly: "Dear fellow citizens, I am an aide to the prince. I just came here today specifically to treat you."

"Please be patient and stay still for a moment. Just lie on the bed and don't move. Wait for me to see how you are doing."

After everyone heard this, they could not help but be moved to tears.

He's from the Prince's Mansion!

It seems that the court has not forgotten them after all!

Everyone quickly lay down and waited for Hu Changan to come see the doctor.

Hu Changan carefully opened the door of the room and gently stood beside a patient's bed.

I saw that the man's face was covered with bloodstains, his skin was ulcerated, and he looked like he was breathing more out than in.

Hu Changan sighed deeply, silently pulled out the disposable disease detector he had just exchanged, and pointed it at the dying patient.

A crisp system sound sounded in Hu Changan's mind.

[Dip, the patient has been selected, do you want to use the disposable disease detector?]


【Hello, the disease detector has completed testing.】

[The disease this person has is called bubonic plague, which is a highly infectious disease. The host is asked to take precautions.]

After hearing this, Hu Changan's heart suddenly sank.

Oops, why is it such a serious disease?!

Bubonic plague is a highly infectious disease spread by rats and fleas. Its mortality rate is high and its contagiousness is so high that it ranks among the top three diseases in ancient times.

The main culprit of the Black Death in medieval Europe was bubonic plague.

Fortunately, unlike its brother the pneumonic plague, bubonic plague can be spread from person to person through the air.

Bubonic plague is mainly transmitted to humans through rats and fleas. As long as we vigorously kill rats and pay attention to food and drinking water hygiene, it is still possible to prevent it.

Moreover, the current spread of the epidemic is not too wide, it is mainly limited to a few villages in Jiangning County, and the difficulty of prevention and control is not too great.

If it expands to the entire Jiangning County or even surrounding counties in the future, the only way to suppress this matter is by the imperial court dispatching troops.

Hu Changan comforted the patients a few more words and strode out of the courtyard.

After walking out of the hospital, Hu Changan carefully took off his mask and robe, rolled them up, and gave them to the yamen boy to burn with fire. He took a bath again, and then hurriedly came to the main courtyard and explained to Feng Qing.

at this time.

After hearing this, Feng Qing frowned.

This chapter has been completed!
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