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Chapter 60

Originally, Feng Qing thought this was just a small-scale epidemic.

After all, in ancient times, small-scale epidemic outbreaks occurred almost every year.

However, now that he heard what Hu Changan said, he was also a little panicked.

If the epidemic is really as serious as Hu Chang'an said, and if the epidemic spreads to the entire Yingtian Prefecture in the future, wouldn't Feng Qing become a sinner who knew and failed to report it?

Now Feng Qing no longer cares about reform. In the face of human life, nothing is important.

Feng Qing quickly summoned the officials in the mansion to whisper a few words, and then a horse galloped away towards the capital carrying the messenger boy.

At the same time, Feng Qing also reminded Hu Changan in a friendly way: "Brother Hu, why don't you go back to the city first? I'm here, so be careful not to get infected."

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you won’t have to worry about running out of firewood.

After all, there is still a risk of infection if you stay to fight the epidemic. Feng Qing also feels it is a pity if an astute young man like Hu Changan succumbs to a plague like this.

There are many times when you serve your country, and there is no less than this moment.

However, Hu Changan seriously rejected Feng Qing: "Master Feng, now is the time to employ people. If I, Hu Changan, run away because I am afraid of the epidemic, how can I call myself a man in the future?!"

Facing this fierce epidemic, Hu Changan is not not afraid.

After all, he knew more than Feng Qing and could better understand the horror of the bubonic plague.

But if he wanted to escape immediately, Hu Changan believed that it was absolutely impossible.

Nowadays, being an official requires not only being competent in government affairs, but also being virtuous.

In the Ming Dynasty, before the imperial examination, the court would even send people to review the candidates' moral character. Once there was any disobedience to parents or other moral misconduct, the candidate would not be allowed to participate in the imperial examination for three years.

The punishment for scholars in the Ming Dynasty was not unsevere.

The best years of your life are wasted in this way, and your future career will be cast a shadow.

Therefore, if Hu Changan becomes a deserter now, and if someone gets involved in this matter later, he will definitely not be able to take advantage of him later.

What's more, as a modern person, Hu Changan has a system and is definitely clearer about various anti-epidemic methods than the ancients.

It can even be said that there is no one in the world who is more suitable for the current situation than Hu Changan.

In order to save more people, Hu Changan should also stay.

What's more, Hu Changan still has the system mall to save his life.

Although bubonic plague was a terminal disease in ancient times, it is not incurable in the 21st century.

Streptomycin is a specific drug specifically used to treat bubonic plague.

Even if Hu Changan is unlucky enough to be infected with the bubonic plague, he can still redeem medicines in the system to save his life, but the process will be more painful.

Of course, this is only a last resort.

As a Western medicine, the exchange price of streptomycin is extremely high, and all the worship points in Hu Changan's hands are only enough to exchange for a single dose of the medicine.

Therefore, Hu Changan would never exchange streptomycin rashly unless absolutely necessary.

However, Hu Changan had a way to escape, but Feng Qing didn't know it.

Seeing Hu Changan's determined intention to stay and fight the epidemic together, Feng Qing couldn't help but burst into tears with excitement.

Sure enough, a hero comes from a boy!

This Hu Changan is not only a great talent, but also cares about the people, even regardless of his own personal safety.

It is a blessing for the Ming Dynasty to have such a pillar of talent!

However, just when Feng Qing was moved, a bustling sound of people suddenly came from outside the door.

Hu Changan couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Now that the epidemic is so urgent and it is already the time to panic, why are people still in the mood to go out on the streets?

Hu Changan quickly asked Feng Qing.

However, Feng Qing waved his hand indifferently and said: "It's okay, Brother Hu, it's just the common people building an altar."

"Every year when the plague breaks out, people will perform several rituals to drive away the epidemic."

"The ignorance of the people makes Mr. Hu laugh."

However, Hu Changan could not laugh at all.

Now that the epidemic is so serious, wouldn't it be a big deal to engage in such gathering behavior?

It’s simply the same horrible behavior as Ah San’s new crown goddess!

In particular, Hu Changan learned from Feng Qing that this ritual actually required the sick villagers to sit on a high platform, and then let other villagers take turns drinking the same bowl of talisman water!

If this is done, everyone in the village will definitely be wiped out!

Hu Changan was shocked and angry. He actually controlled his emotions and stood up from the chair. He took Feng Qing's arm and rushed outside to stop these ignorant villagers.

But Feng Qing was a little embarrassed.

"Master Hu, this is a tradition that has been going on in the village for hundreds of years. As a county magistrate who has only been in office for less than ten years, what position do I have to interfere with the behavior of the villagers?"

"And this kind of thing is not illegal. Even as the county magistrate, I have no right to interfere in this kind of thing!"

"Now is the time when the villagers' hearts are agitated, so it would be a good thing to hold a ritual ceremony to cheer them up."

Seeing Feng Qing being so hesitant, Hu Changan felt like the Tianling Gai was about to explode. He couldn't help but roar out of control: "County Magistrate Feng, these villages will be really finished when the villagers start the rituals."

Got it!"

"This epidemic is so contagious and so many people gather together, everyone will be unlucky."

"It won't even be a matter of one village dying by then. If the epidemic spreads because of this event, the entire Yingtian Prefecture will suffer!"

Seeing Hu Changan's anxious look, Feng Qing believed his words to the core.

This young man is so smart, there must be a reason for what he said!

Without further ado, Feng Qing quickly took Hu Changan with him, called several guards in the mansion, and strode out of the Yamen.

After a while, Feng Qing and Hu Changan arrived at the center of the village.

At this time, the open space in the village was already a lively scene.

Everyone is building the altar with enthusiasm, hoping that this ritual can successfully dispel the epidemic.

Seeing Feng Qing, the county magistrate, arrive, everyone stopped what they were doing and greeted Feng Qing respectfully.

Feng Qing nodded casually in return, and immediately said loudly and seriously to the villagers: "Everyone, please stop what you are doing for a moment. This plague is coming with force, and it is not as easy to deal with as the previous epidemics."

"This epidemic spreads extremely quickly and can be spread through water sources or even through the air."

"If you gather together now to do something, you are giving the epidemic an excellent way to spread."

"Not only will you not be able to achieve the goal of eliminating the epidemic, you will even cause more infections because of this ritual!"

This chapter has been completed!
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