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Chapter 309 Maocheng Ambush!

Cao Cao personally led an army of 100,000 people, marched out from the White Horse, and attacked Jizhou.

Cao Jun dispatched two vanguards this time.

One road is the eight thousand dragon cavalry battalion led by Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan; the other is the ten thousand wolf cavalry battalion led by Lu Lingqi, Hao Zhao and Gan Ning.

The Dragon Cavalry Battalion went all the way north, aiming directly at Wei County. After they swept away the enemies in the eastern part of Wei County, they began to prepare to intercept Yuan Shang's army returning from Qinghe.

The Wolf Cavalry Battalion went straight up from the west road, preparing to capture Maocheng guarded by Yin Kai and cut off the food road leading to Shangdang.

After taking Maocheng, they will also defend the city and prepare to intercept the reinforcements coming from Bingzhou.

Youzhou is still some distance from Wei County, and it is hard to say whether Yuan Xi will send troops to help Yuan Shang, so Cao Cao will not consider reinforcements from Youzhou for the time being.

Cao Cao, Lu Yan and others led a main force of 80,000 troops and marched directly to Yecheng with light equipment.

With the advantage of Baigou for transporting grain, and the army of Cao Ren and Zhang Yan protecting the grain road, in fact, the pressure on Cao's army to supply supplies was not as great as Yuan Tan imagined.

It only took a few days for the main force of Cao's army to arrive at Yecheng.

Feng Ji and Shen Pei stood on top of Ye City, looking at the Cao army's camp gradually rising in the distance.

When Ji Wen was judging the match, he said: "I don't know how the battle is going on my lord's side. Now that Cao Cao is besieging the city, we are under great pressure!"

Shen Pei replied: "Our army has been reinforcing the city wall and widening the moat since last year. We have also stocked up enough food and grass for a hundred thousand troops for more than a year... As long as Cao's army is not given another chance to use 'Sky Thunder', they will

Trying to conquer Yecheng is nothing more than a fool's dream."

Seeing that Shen Pei was confident, Feng Ji felt at ease.

To be honest, he and Guo Tu only talked words at most. If they wanted to lead the army with real swords and guns, they still had to rely on the big boss in front of them.

When Cao Cao was building the army's camp, he led a cavalry team of 500 people to 400 steps away from Ye City to peek at Ye City.

In Ye City through the telescope, the section of city wall that had been blown down and repaired again looked out of place with its surroundings.

"emmmm..." Cao Cao put away the telescope and said to Lu Yan beside him: "There are a lot more turrets and arrow towers on the city wall... Sure enough, Yecheng's city defense has been reinforced again. I regret it now.

Give up Yecheng..."

"There is no regret in selling medicine in this world, and Yecheng is not invincible, so what are you afraid of?"

Seeing Lu Yan's confident look, Cao Cao said, "How about...you come to command the siege this time?"

"Impossible!" Lu Yan glanced at Cao Cao with disgust and said, "When your side is almost stable, I have to go north to support my wife."

"..." Lu Yan is leaving...

Cao Cao suddenly felt a little uneasy, and he quickly advised: "Don't, you are our card. If you are not here, the morale of the soldiers will drop a lot.

Otherwise, when attacking the city, you can just put on your gold paint armor and stand in front of the formation. As long as the soldiers know that you are there, their morale will definitely be boosted!"

Lu Yan's eyes twitched and he said, "I bet you think of me as a mascot?"

"Ye City is more important. Once Ye City is defeated, Yuan Shang and Bingzhou's reinforcements will retreat without a fight."

Cao Cao was right. After Lu Yan thought for a moment, he replied: "In that case, let's attack Yecheng as soon as possible."

"Haha! Okay!" Cao Cao clapped his hands and laughed, saying, "It's getting late today. We'll start attacking the city tomorrow after a day's rest!"

"However, before officially attacking the city, I still want to test the reality of Ye City."

After Cao Cao finished speaking, he rode on his horse and moved forward.

Lu Yan and others followed closely, until they reached a distance of 130 steps outside Yecheng.

Seeing that Cao Cao still wanted to go forward, Xu Chu immediately came to Cao Cao and said: "My lord, we can't get any closer. If Yuan Jun has a sharpshooter, one hundred and twenty steps will be enough to kill someone!"

After listening to Xu Chu's words, Lu Yan smiled in his heart: "Old Huang can shoot someone else's dog head off in one hundred and fifty steps..."

When Cao Cao heard this, he reined in his horse and stopped.

He squinted his eyes, stared at the vaguely visible figures of Feng Ji and Shen Pei on the city wall, and shouted loudly: "Shen Zhengnan! We are following the emperor's order to attack Yuan Shang. If you can open the city and surrender, I can

I plead for you in front of the Emperor, and be open to all!"

After hearing this, the judge immediately cursed in the city and refused to surrender.

Cao Cao was humiliated and asked for trouble. He smiled sarcastically and said to Lu Yan: "It is useless to keep this kind of guy if he is stubborn..."


However, Lu Lingqi and her entourage went straight to Maocheng.

After walking ten miles outside Maocheng, we can finally see the outline of Maocheng from a distance.

Maocheng is surrounded by mountains on three sides. There is a large forest outside the city. The mountains rise from the depths of the forest and are endless and winding as far as the eye can see.

Lu Lingqi frowned slightly and said: "I didn't expect that the terrain of Maocheng would be so complicated. There is only one road to the east that leads to the army. It is really a dangerous pass that is easy to defend but difficult to attack."

At this time, Zhao Xue, the commander of the personal guards beside Lu Lingqi, suddenly said:

"General, there are woods on both sides of the road ahead.

If it were me, I would definitely ambush an army here if I knew an enemy army was coming.

Just wait for the enemy army to pass through and cut off the retreat..."

Lu Lingqi nodded and replied: "At that time, all the armies in the city came out. Under a two-pronged attack, our army will be defeated!"

Zhao Xue has been living in the shadows for many years and has never seen any conspiracy.

Now that she is with Lu Lingqi, she not only acts as Lu Lingqi's personal bodyguard, but also acts as Lu Lingqi's dog-headed military advisor...

"Xiaoxue, do you have a way to break the enemy's ambush?" Lu Lingqi asked Zhao Xue for advice.

Zhao Xue's cold face showed a solemn look.

In the past, it was just a few people doing things by themselves, and even if the decision failed, there was a high chance of getting away.

But now, her strategy will affect the life and death of thousands of people. Zhao Xue suddenly felt an invisible pressure on her heart, and she couldn't help but be careless.

After more than ten breaths, Zhao Xue finally said: "General, I think we can be divided into two armies, the front and rear.

The front army acts as a bait to lure the enemy ambush to appear; the rear army waits until the enemy ambush appears, and then immediately joins the front army to attack the ambush from both front and rear. In this way, the enemy army can be defeated!"

Lu Lingqi was about to ask something more when Hao Zhao suddenly asked: "How to distribute the front and rear armies? It should be noted that if the number of the front army is too small, it will be discovered by the enemy. If the number of the rear army is too small, it may not be possible to break through.

The enemy's interception. When the time comes, the enemy will hit the superior force and destroy the front army first..." Although Hao Zhao didn't finish what he said, his meaning was already clear.

"For the rear army, I, Gan Xing, can dominate the 800 cavalry!"

Gan Ning naturally wanted to support his woman, so he took on this arduous task alone.

Lu Lingqi and Hao Zhao had no doubts about Gan Ning's bravery, and it was no trivial matter for him to fight in the army.

Zhao Xue was even more worried about Gan Ning and asked: "Is eight hundred people... too few?"

Gan Ning stared into Zhao Xue's eyes, smiled and said, "Trust me."

Zhao Xue looked at Gan Ning deeply, nodded slightly and said nothing.

"Then it's settled!" Seeing Gan Ning's confidence, Lu Lingqi also made a decision immediately, "Send my order to the general, and the entire army will advance to Maocheng after an hour's rest!"

Lu Lingqi looked at Gan Ning again and said, "Xingba, the success or failure of our army depends on you!"

Gan Ning took off the bell on his body, put it in Zhao Xue's hand, and said to Lu Lingqi: "If we can't break through the enemy army, I, Gan Ning, will raise my head to see you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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