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Chapter 310 Kill the enemy

Lu Lingqi pretended that she didn't know there was an ambush here, and led the army behind her to march straight towards Maocheng at full speed.

When the cavalry team had just passed through the woods, two ambushes from the upper and lower ranks came out of the forest.


There were sounds of killing behind her, and Lu Lingqi shouted: "Don't panic, just follow me and move on!"

at the same time,

When the cavalry was still about 200 steps away from Maocheng, there was a sudden bang in the city, and a row of archers immediately stood up on the city wall, bending their bows and shooting arrows at the head of Lu Lingqi's army!

The enemy would ambush, which Lu Lingqi and others had anticipated in advance.

Although there was a rain of arrows in front of her and pursuers behind her, Lu Lingqi did not panic, but calmly commanded the cavalry and continued to move forward.

For a cavalryman advancing at full speed, one hundred steps only takes 3 or 5 seconds.

The enemy's calculation was very good. From standing up to releasing arrows, and then when the arrows rained down, Cao's cavalry just entered the shooting range. When the arrows rained down, the people shot by Cao's cavalry would surely be turned upside down.

However, although Yin Kai's calculation was very good, the reality may not go according to the script that people expected.

Lu Lingqi rushed to the front. When she was still one hundred and thirty steps away from the city wall, she suddenly drew an arc and changed her direction gracefully!

Making twists and turns and changing speeds are the highlight of the Wolf Riding Battalion's daily training.

At this moment, Lu Lingqi set an example, and the soldiers of the Wolf Cavalry Battalion naturally followed Lu Lingqi's route and drew a wonderful arc.

The arrows on the city wall can reach about one hundred and twenty steps, and the cavalry's roundabout position is still ten steps away from the arrow's range.

And these ten steps are like a chasm!

Yin Kai on the city wall could only watch helplessly as the enemy turned his horse around in front of him.

"Damn it! Their reaction was too fast!" Yin Kai punched the city wall with a strong regret in his tone.

"Soldiers!" Lu Lingqi raised her Fangtian painted halberd high and rushed towards the ambush behind her, "Follow me and kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

When Yin Kai saw Lu Lingqi turning his horse and charging towards the ambush, he immediately ordered people to open the city wall and personally led his army out of the city to pursue them.

There were ten thousand men in ambush, and five thousand pursuers came out of the city.

The road ahead is narrow. As long as the ambush can trap Cao's cavalry in a positional battle, the light cavalry who have lost their speed will have no choice but to be slaughtered by them like lambs waiting to be slaughtered!


There is an ambush ahead.

When they saw the cavalry charging towards them, they immediately stopped and blocked the large shields and spearmen at the front as quickly as possible, preparing to meet Cao Jun's charge.

The road was only two feet wide, and the light cavalry lost their mobility. Their big shields and spears were their nightmare!


Lu Lingqi bit her silver teeth and shouted loudly: "Fifty steps! Prepare to attack!!!"

No matter whether Gan Ning succeeds or not, they have only one way to charge now!

"Kill!" Zhao Xue followed Lu Lingqi closely and started shouting too!

Twenty steps!


When Lu Lingqi was about to attack the ambush's shield and spear formation, chaos suddenly began in the rear of the ambush!

"Gan Xingba is here, anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Gan Ning held a long knife in his hand, flying up and down, invincible to anyone who stood in his way!

Different from the previous robbery of the camp, this time Gan Ning and his 800 cavalry charged head-on.

He and his horses were completely soaked in blood; of the 180 horses behind him, there were now less than 300 left!

The eight hundred cavalry lived up to expectations and defeated an ambush team of nearly ten thousand people.

Although at the beginning, I relied on the convenience of a sneak attack to catch the enemy off guard, but in the middle and later stages, I really killed him step by step!

Gan Ning did what he said, he had almost defeated the enemy!

Lu Lingqi was less than fifty steps away from Gan Ning and less than ten steps away from the shield and spear array in front.

The ambush soldiers were frightened by the shock from behind, and their lines became loose for a moment!

Lu Lingqi seized the opportunity, used her halberd to lift the spear in front of her, and the bay-red horse beneath her made a leap, leaping directly into the enemy's formation.

Zhao Xue was right behind Lu Lingqi. When she saw Lu Lingqi's flying horse leaping up, she also reined in the horse and followed Lu Lingqi into the enemy's formation!


The cavalry behind them relied on the powerful impact of the horses to directly hit the enemy's shield, and had the most intimate collision with the enemy with their flesh and blood!

The ambush defense line was struggling to hold up under the powerful impact of the cavalry, but it was still some way from collapse.

But if the enemy's support is cut off, the line will be broken by your own cavalry before long.

Therefore, Lu Lingqi and Zhao Xue, who jumped into the formation, did not care about the cavalry behind them, but went straight towards the direction where Gan Ning was.

Lu Lingqi is now at the top of the first-class, and Zhao Xue is now close to a first-class master. The two of them cooperated tacitly, attacking and defending, and soon penetrated the enemy's internal defense line.


"Xiao Xue!"

Finally, Lu Lingqi and Zhao Xue came to Gan Ning.

The ambushing soldiers around them did not choose to surround and kill them again, but began to flee in panic.

The cavalry behind them had already broken through the gun and shield array of the ambush. If Yuan Jun's ambush remained here, the only fate waiting for them would be massacre.

After defeating Yuan Jun's ambush in Maocheng, Lu Lingqi left Zhao Xue and some soldiers to protect Gan Ning and the remaining two hundred cavalry.

After she joined up with Hao Zhao, she turned around and attacked the pursuers chasing out of the city. They planned to defeat the pursuers before Yin Kai could react and take Mao City directly!

Yin Kai originally thought he had a trick, and took it for granted that Cao Jun must have fallen into the quagmire of positional warfare.

Unexpectedly, when he ran up excitedly, what greeted him was the fierce and cold iron hooves of the Wolf Cavalry Battalion, and the roaring Fangtian Painted Halberd in Lu Lingqi's hand!

"What...ah!!!" Before Yin Kai could express the doubt in his heart, Lu Lingqi's Fang Tian Hua Ji had already pierced his chest.

With a swing of the halberd, Yin Kai's body was thrown aside like a broken sack, and was trampled into a puddle of mud by the cavalry following Lu Lingqi...

"All soldiers, follow me up!" Lu Lingqi shouted and charged away, causing the enemy army to shatter to pieces in an instant.

The general of Maocheng's soldiers was killed, and was trampled mercilessly by the enemy's iron hoofs. All of them suddenly panicked and began to flee towards the city or both sides.

Yin Kai had already marched out with his entire army, and the gates of Maocheng were wide open at this moment.

Seeing this, Lu Lingqi led the army directly into the city without hesitation.


Qinghe City.

Zhang Liao and Wei Yan took advantage of Yuan Shang's full attack on the city and led their troops to attack behind Yuan Shang.

Yuan Shang's army was defeated and had to retreat back to his camp.

However, Cao Cao's cavalry was not large in number, and they were divided into two groups. Therefore, although they repelled Yuan Shang's army, they did not injure Yuan Shang.

After returning to the camp, Yuan Shang learned that Cao Jun had besieged Yecheng.

Now there is another powerful cavalry cruising around outside Qinghe City, which makes Yuan Shang dare not attack the city with all his strength.

After repeated discussions with Guo Tu, they decided to leave a group of suspects to contain Yuan Tan as much as possible, while the rest of the main force turned back to Yecheng at full speed to support the trial and distribution.


The last saved manuscript has been exhausted... I have been very tired lately from getting up early and going to bed late.

There is another chapter to be posted during the day tomorrow. I will go to bed early tonight and adjust it... I'm sorry.

This chapter has been completed!
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