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Chapter five hundred and seventy-fifth, eat and drink enough, you can go on the road

Zhou Yu died, but he still couldn't survive the winter.

For Jiang Dong, Zhou Yu's death was like the biggest pillar of a building collapsing.

Many people and many aristocratic families began to panic and hesitate. They didn't know how long the Sun family could last. They didn't know what would happen to them who had been helping Jiangdong to resist Cao's army after Cao's army invaded.

The death of Zhou Yu undoubtedly meant that the Cao family lost a major enemy. After Zhou Yu's death, a large part of Jiangdong's barrier disappeared, and Cao Cao's process of unifying the world will be accelerated again!

However, as the tenth year of Jian'an is approaching, the soldiers need to recuperate, and their armor and weapons also need to be replenished. I'm afraid there won't be another war this year.

Cao Cao, Lu Yan and others did not return to Xuchang and Chen Liu. They planned to celebrate the New Year with great vigor and excitement at Fankou Camp.

Lu Yan had promised Zhao Yun before that he would celebrate the New Year with the soldiers.

In order to make this New Year more special, Lu Yan ordered people to start preparing various ways to celebrate the New Year early.

Not only were there hot pots, fireworks, and red envelopes in previous years, but this year because he was in the military camp, Lu Yan also ordered preparations for writing Spring Festival couplets, holding a New Year's Eve concert, etc... Anyway, it's as lively as it can leave the deepest impression on Jiangdong.


During the day, Lu Yan wrote the couplets himself.

Then the soldiers were ordered to stick them at the entrance of the camp or outside the tent. This novel way of celebrating the New Year attracted the attention of generals from all walks of life.

[Blessings come to you as you wish, and the spring breeze from thousands of miles away comes as you wish.] [Hengbiao: The door is filled with auspicious energy]

"This is great! I, Xiahou Dun, want it!


[The people are safe and the country is in peace and prosperity, and the good weather and good weather praise the Chinese years.] [Hengbiao: The people are safe and peaceful!]

"This one is better! Zhang Wenyuan accepted it with a smile!"


In the dead of winter, Lu Yan's forehead was actually covered with sweat...

This was all the result of other people coming to ask for the couplet after learning that Lu Yan had come up with new tricks.

From dawn to now, Lu Yan has been writing all morning.

At this moment, not only my wrists were sore, but my forehead was also starting to sweat.

However, Lu Yan looked up and immediately sent out a cordial greeting: "Damn it, you can't see the end of the line of people! Why are there so many!"

Yes! It’s absolutely terrible!

Lu Yan got scared and finally pulled Sima Yi and Jiang Wan out to carry the bags, while he and Lu Lingqi ran to play with the fireworks.

The reason why this New Year must be extremely lively and exaggerated is to create a feeling for the people of Jiangdong that the Central Plains is in a prosperous and prosperous era.

This feeling is not an illusion, but they have never seen it before. What Lu Yan wants to do now is to show the people of Jiangdong what life is!

At night, the New Year's Eve vigil began.

Fireworks were blasting outside the Fankou camp, and the aroma of wine and meat in the camp floated for more than ten miles.

The people in Jiangdong had never seen such magical and beautiful fireworks. They stopped to watch them one after another and were intoxicated.

A small group of brave Jiangdong people even sneaked close to the camp because they wanted to see what could make such a noise and beautiful fireworks.

Unexpectedly, when they were within a few miles of the camp, they smelled the irresistible aroma of wine and meat. Just like this, following the scent, they unconsciously got closer and closer.

When they woke up, they were only three to five hundred steps away from the camp.

There were still soldiers patrolling outside the camp, and they happened to be bumped into.

These dozen or so Jiangdong people hurriedly knelt down and begged Cao Jun to let them go. Unexpectedly, these soldiers dragged them into the annual meeting together!

Someone was singing and howling on the stage, and a group of rough guys below were also howling and dancing.

There are also long tables under the stage, and the tables are filled with food they have never seen in their lives!

"Since you are lucky enough to come to our camp, let's join in the fun together!" Xia Houlan pulled an uncle who was shaking like chaff and said.

"General...general...we...we didn't mean it..."

"In our Central Plains, the military and the civilians are one and the same. I don't care what your Jiangdong rules are. If you don't have enough to eat and drink today, don't even think about leaving!"

"Hahaha!" The guards next to Xiahoulan laughed, then pulled the group of people to the table and said, "You're welcome, today's food, wine and food are open to the public!"

"Look, Lu Piao is on stage! He's going to sing!"

Lu Yan stood on the stage. He was wearing a robe as white as jade, with his flowing hair tied behind his head, and his bright eyes. He was really elegant and profound.

Under a spotlight made of candles and mirrors, he raised a large trumpet in his hand...

"When will the bright moon come? Ask the sky for wine.

I don’t know what year it is today in the palace in the sky!


I hope we will live forever and share the beauty of the moon thousands of miles apart!"

Xiao Qiao stood beside the tent prepared for her alone, looking at the brilliant fireworks in the sky, her eyes gradually filled with tears as she listened to Lu Yan's singing, "I hope we can live forever, and we can share the beauty of the moon thousands of miles apart... Gongjin, listen."

, he can actually sing such beautiful lyrics.

If you are not enemies, you should become very good friends..." Xiao Qiao murmured, gently recounting his grief for Zhou Yu.

In another part of the camp, there is a place dedicated to holding captives.

Xun You, leading more than 300 personal guards, was distributing drinks and food to the 5,000 Jiangdong prisoners of war in the prisoner camp.

A large bowl of fragrant white rice is not only covered with three large pieces of sizzling fatty pork, but also a large chicken leg and a few vegetable leaves. Next to the big bowl, there is a pot of fine rice wine.

It was rare for them to eat such rich delicacies once a year in the past.

Because they didn't know why Cao Jun suddenly gave them such generous treatment, some people had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

Xun You saw that the food had been distributed, so he said to them: "Everyone, the Prime Minister is gracious and has specially added some good wine and food to you... You're welcome, come and eat."

After hearing that it was a gift from Cao Cao, the hatred of Cao Cao in the hearts of these prisoners could not help but diminish a lot.

Some prisoners picked up their bowls and began to feast without saying a word, and then more people joined in. Before long, the sounds of eating and drinking could be heard throughout the prisoner camp.

Xun You looked at the group of people eating so hard that he actually felt a little hungry himself.

Xun You took a bowl of identical food from the guards, took a bite, and said with a mouth full of oil: "Everyone, eat well and drink well. After you have eaten and drank enough, you can go on the road safely..."

The prisoner who was enjoying the food and wine at this moment suddenly turned a dead gray color.

"So, is this the last supper..."

"Uuuuuu...I'm only nineteen years old, mother! I don't want to die..."

"That's all, it's better than being a starving ghost! Eat!"

"It smells so good! Brothers, after you have had enough wine and food, let's go together on the road!"


"I want to die a full man! Eat!"

When Xun You heard these words, he knew that his ambiguous words might have caused them to misunderstand...

So Xun You said again: "After you have eaten and drank enough, you can go home... When you go back, be filial to your parents, love your wives and children, and the good days in the future will be long!"


"Ah! We're coming to Seite!"

"What do you mean? Will this kill us?"

This chapter has been completed!
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