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Chapter five hundred and seventy sixth

Although everyone was anxious, Xun You was not in any hurry to explain.

After he finished the bowl of rice and gnawed all the chicken legs, Xun You sipped his fingers with unfinished content and explained to the prisoners: "The prime minister knew that Sun Quan, in order to resist the heavenly army, was ruthlessly recruiting young men in Jiangdong and arresting young men arbitrarily.

The reputation is meaningless and the complaints are widespread.

But the Prime Minister feels sorry for the suffering of the people in Jiangdong, so he is extra gracious and allows you to go home."

The sound of the prisoners eating disappeared instantly.

Cao Cao actually wanted to let them go? Could this be a dream?

But the feeling of fullness in their stomachs and the aroma of meat on their lips told them that all this was real!

I don’t know who cried first, which caused a chain reaction.

The prisoners cried out one after another, some were venting their stress, and some were crying because of joy.

When the crying subsided, Xun You said again: "Enjoy it well, and you can add more if you don't have enough... But I will say the ugly things first. If anyone can't walk because they are too full, don't blame me for crying.

Someone fork him out!"


The humorous words made the prisoners laugh out loud, and the gloomy atmosphere in the prison camp suddenly lightened up.

"Eat! I will eat my fill tonight and go out sideways!"

"Thank you, Prime Minister, for your kindness, do it!"



Xun You raised his glass and drank with everyone from afar. Then he pointed to the center of the camp and said: "There will be a New Year's Eve concert there. Later, Lu Qiaoqi and the Prime Minister will go up to recite poems and rhymes or sing.

Qu, if you are interested, you can secretly watch it from the edge. Remember, when you are discovered, don’t say it was me who gave you the tip."

After saying that, Xun You bowed his hands and said: "Everyone, we are all Han people, and we are all Han people. In the past, we had to kill each other only because we were our masters. But Your Majesty, the Prime Minister, and the Hussar General all hope that the Han Dynasty can be reunited as soon as possible.

Returning to the imperial court, I hope that the people of the Han Dynasty can live a life of adequate food, clothing and clothing, and live and work in peace and contentment."

"The meal you just had is probably extremely rare for you... But in our Central Plains, it is nothing more than common. Don't you yearn for that kind of life?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, you are still just working hard to survive, and you are still far away from life..."

Xun You was just like La Jia Chang, talking to them a lot.

And it was these down-to-earth routines that completely made the captives let down their guard.

"It turns out that the people in the Central Plains have long been living and working in peace and contentment..."

"It turns out that what we are doing now is called survival, not life at all..."

"I'm so envious of the Prime Minister's rule..."

"When I go back, my wife, children, parents and I will move to Xuzhou..."

Later in the night.

When the dozen or so common people walked out of Cao Jun's camp, they seemed to be in a dream.

If it weren't for the heavy packages of meat and pastries on their backs that reminded them all the time, they would have thought that they had walked through the Heavenly Palace in a dream.

"Cao Jun is so kind to us people..."

"The Sun family robbed us of our food and our men..."

"Shh, you just need to know some things in your heart, you can't say them out loud!"

At this moment, the gate of Cao Jun's camp opened again, and dark figures poured out of the dark door!

These dozen or so common people thought that Cao Jun had gone back on his word and was coming to arrest them. They were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground with their hands weak.

But when the group of people approached, they saw through the moonlight that these people were wearing Jiangdong Army armor.

At this time, these people realized that these people were not Cao Jun who came to arrest them, but Jiangdong prisoners who were released by Cao Jun to their homes!

Just when everyone met and the atmosphere seemed a little awkward, an old woman suddenly shouted tremblingly:

"Er baby, is it you, Er baby!


The person called Erwa is the young man who claims to be only nineteen years old.

After hearing the old woman's voice, he crawled to her side, knelt down on his knees, hugged the old woman and cried out: "Mom! The second baby is back, the second baby is back!"



If a country wants to stand on top of the world, it is definitely not enough to rely solely on force. The death of the Great Qin Empire II is a living lesson.

The experience of later generations also told Lu Yan that only when the country is rich and the people are strong, and has technology that leads all other countries, can it become a being respected and feared by everyone, and can it become the real only one in the world!

For this reason, Lu Yan has been instilling in his students the values ​​​​from later generations, technology, wealth, foresight, etc... As for etiquette, integrity, laws and regulations, that is after he has obtained enough capital.

, something used to restrain oneself and discipline other people and other countries...

Why does Mao want developing countries to protect the environment and reduce carbon emissions? That’s because he doesn’t want you to become powerful through industry.

And they themselves have already completed primitive accumulation through the industrial revolution. They have just crossed this difficult road that must be passed to become stronger.

Lu Yan has seen all the shameless tricks, so he knows that there are no real feelings between countries, only eternal interests. You can't even bite off a few pieces of meat from your own dog.

Know where his bottom line is.

Therefore, under Lu Yan's influence, Cao Ang has always maintained a vague hostility towards foreigners, and he will not trust any foreigners!

For example, in the case of Goguryeo in front of him, Cao Ang felt that these savages might not have fully blossomed yet...but they were not that unbearable, and they were actually quite good as pawns.

Goguryeo is thousands of miles east of Liaodong, bordering Chosun and Haoqi to the south, Woju to the east, and Buyu to the north. The capital is in Wandu, with an area of ​​about two thousand miles, and the number of registered households is about 30,000.

Most of Goguryeo's territory consisted of high mountains and deep valleys, with no plains or lakes.

Its residents live in the valleys and drink mountain water. Because there is no fertile land, although they work hard, they often cannot have enough food and clothing. Therefore, the custom advocates saving food. The people like to build palaces and build large houses on the left and right of the place where they live to worship ghosts and gods.

Lingxing and Sheji. Most of the residents have bad tempers and like to attack and plunder. Goguryeo has a king, and its officials are divided into Xianjia, Duilu, Peizhe, Guchujia, Zhubu, Youdaicheng, envoys, Zaoyi ancestors, etc.

, there is a strict hierarchy of superiority and inferiority.

Goguryeo was not a good enemy. They were very martial and brave, and Wo Ju and Dong Yi successively attached themselves to them.

During Wang Mang's period, he forced Goguryeo to send troops to attack the barbarians, but Goguryeo refused to send troops, and many people fled outside the Great Wall and became bandits.

Tiantan, Dayin of Western Liaoning, pursued these people, but was killed instead. The prefectures, prefectures, and counties all attributed these crimes to Marquis Gouli, so Wang Mang sent Yan You to carry out a crusade.

Yan You tricked Fan into attending the meeting, killed him at the meeting and sent his head to Chang'an. Wang Mang was very happy and issued a notice to the world, changing the name of Goguryeo to Xiagouli.

In 32 years, the King's Palace of Goguryeo sent people to pay tribute to the court and began to call himself king.

During the reigns of Emperor Shang and Emperor Han'an of the Han Dynasty, the King of Goguryeo continued to invade Liaodong, and the imperial court placed it under Xuantu County.

Cai Feng, the prefect of Liaodong, and Yao Guang, the prefect of Xuantu, regarded Gong as a serious threat to the two counties and sent troops to attack him. Gong pretended to surrender and asked for peace, so the troops of the two counties withdrew.

However, Gong took the opportunity to send troops to attack Xuantu County, burned the city, entered Liaodong City, and massacred the officers and soldiers. Later, Gong invaded Liaodong, and Cai Feng sent a small force to pursue it, but was defeated by Gong.

After Gong's death, his son Bo Gu succeeded to the throne.

During the reign of Emperor Shun and Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty, Bogu invaded Liaodong, Xin'an, Juxiang and other places, and attacked Xi'anping, killing the county magistrate of Daifang and abducting the wife and children of the prefect of Lelang.

Goguryeo had a heavy blood debt to the Han Dynasty. The more Cao Ang knew about them, the colder his blood became towards them...
This chapter has been completed!
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