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Chapter 259

Zhu Zhanzhen's placing the steam carrier on the sea to show off his power still played a certain role, allowing the Koreans and Japanese to experience the powerful maritime power of the Ming Dynasty up close.

After staying in North Korea for such a long time, Zhu Zhanzhen was finally ready to leave for Japan.

"Your Highness, please stay for a while. There are still many people in North Korea who want to listen to your teachings." Li Chen still kept his status very low.

"It's been a long time. There will be more opportunities for us to come to North Korea in the future. With the development of studying abroad, we will keep in close contact in the future. We are not in a hurry. If you are free next year, third uncle, you can also visit our Guangzhou mansion as a visit.

It’s okay to have fun.”

"Okay, let's wait until His Highness returns before setting off." Li Senman said with a smile.

Then he said: "Your Highness, the North Korean army will conduct exercises in the east. There are currently 80,000 troops close to the eastern coast."

There is a strait between the eastern part of Korea and Japan. Li Chen's meaning is also very obvious. If Zhu Zhanxun is useful, they are willing to help. After all, it is not only the Ming Dynasty that is threatened by Japanese pirates, but also North Korea.

And because of the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty along the coast in recent years, pirates here have begun to trouble North Korea. Although the income from disturbing North Korea is not as good as that of the Ming Dynasty, they still have to die.

Since Zhu Zhanzhen's steam carrier wiped out pirates on the sea, the coast of North Korea has become much more stable. If Zhu Zhanzhen makes any moves against Japan, the King of Korea will naturally not mind helping him. It is a way to kill two birds with one stone. Why not?

Not for.

Zhu Zhanzhen and Li Chen saluted each other, waved goodbye and boarded the warship to sail to Japan.

Black Snake Princess waited until the boat had sailed a certain distance and said quietly: "Your Highness, you are treating North Korea too favorably."

Zhu Zhanyi smiled. Historically speaking, North Korea and the Ming Dynasty and even the later Qing Dynasty had a very strong suzerain-vassal relationship, and the location of North Korea was also very important to the Central Plains, so Zhu Zhanyi had to firmly grasp it.


But in a place like North Korea, if you let the people from the Central Plains come to survive, they won't come. But this place cannot be left deserted, so they must follow us willingly.

If North Korea has been very restless in history, Zhu Zhanzhen was not so easy to negotiate.

It is very important to show kindness and power at the same time. Zhu Zhanyi showed his kindness with great fanfare. As for power, the steam carrier that straddles the waters of the Three Kingdoms is Zhu Zhanyi's greatest power.

"North Korea is different. They learn the culture and language of our Ming Dynasty. Now that they have learned it, they should learn it more thoroughly. When their students arrive in Ming Dynasty, they will have a special course to study the history of Ming Dynasty. They will only know the history of Ming Dynasty."

Black Snake Ji stood aside speechless. Her father, King Jin Han, has now surrendered to the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty treated him well, but when he saw North Korea's treatment, he still couldn't bear to be stunned. He simply chewed up his rice.

into the mouth.

This is how ordinary people view Zhu Zhanzhen's actions in North Korea. Many people in North Korea even call Zhu Zhanzhen the Ming Sage, as if he was sent by God to help them.

But when some of your basic industries and basic-level capabilities are in the hands of others, even if your country is developing well on the surface, your base will always be controlled by others, and all the money you make is mine.

Zhu Zhanyi built a street in Hong Kong, Guangzhou Prefecture, called Great Wall Street. The headquarters or divisional headquarters of large enterprises such as the Central Bank of Ming Dynasty, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and the Australian Iron Ore Company are all located on this street. It is full of weight and has

With massive wealth, financial giants, including the new generation of paper currency currently being planned by Zhu Zhanxing, are also being urgently improved by the Central Bank of the Ming Dynasty and will be circulated on this street first.

"The Sword Comes"

Zhu Zhanyang will hand over the task of developing North Korea to them. The ultimate beneficiary of North Korea's various industries in the future will be this street, and the bosses behind this street are the Prince of Zhujiang County and the Chief Secretary of Guangdong Xuancheng, Great Wall Street

It is also the economic wall of our Ming Dynasty.

So will the future North Korea be the North Korea of ​​the Joseon King or the North Korea of ​​the Great Wall Street?

This can be done for North Korea, but Japan is different. They are far from being as close to the Ming Dynasty as North Korea is, and they themselves do not have a vassal relationship with the Ming Dynasty.

The former shogun of the Muromachi shogunate, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, once sent a wealthy businessman from Hakata and a monk Zua to the Ming Dynasty in the name of "Japanese Kingdom Jun Sanhou Gendaoyi". At that time, the power of Prince Erara was declining, and Lord Kenbun named Yoshimitsu "

King of Japan" and asked Ashikaga Yoshimitsu to ban Japanese pirates. When the envoy returned to Japan, the Ming Dynasty experienced the Jingnan Rebellion in which King Zhu Di of Yan seized the throne.

But because Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was the king of Japan conferred by Kenbun-kun, Zhu Di refused to recognize him.

After Zhu Di seized the throne, he sent envoys to all directions. In the first year of Yongle, envoys from Ryukyu, Japan, and Siam went to China to pay tribute and established vassal and canonization relationships.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu also sent an envoy to the Ming Dynasty to congratulate him on the establishment of the crown prince. At that time, Japanese pirates in Tsushima and Iki were harassing the coast of the Ming Dynasty. Ming Dynasty Emperor Chengzu asked Ashikaga Yoshimitsu to arrest them. Yoshimitsu sent troops to annihilate the Japanese pirates and sacrificed 20 Japanese pirate leaders.

After that, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu frequently paid tribute, and at the same time received awards from the Ming Dynasty, and formally established diplomatic relations with the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty issued a Kanzongfu (a certificate similar to a deposit card) to Japan, and Japan conducted inspections on the Ming Dynasty in the name of a vassal state.

Tribute trade. The Ming Dynasty gave Ashikaga Yoshimitsu a gold seal as the "King of Japan", and Ashikaga Yoshimitsu wrote in reply calling himself "King of Japan, Omimoto Yoshimitsu", and Japan officially recognized itself as a vassal state of China.

Of course, this was only in name, but the Ming Dynasty had no ability to restrain Japan. Even before the steam warships were launched into the sea, the Japanese pirate rebellion was still intensifying.

After Yoshimitsu's death, Ashikaga Yoshimochi took real power. In the name of "Yoshimochi Minamoto, the Crown Prince of Japan", he sent an envoy to report his father's death to the Ming Dynasty. Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty sent Zhongguan Zhou Quan to express his condolences and conferred the title of "King of Japan" on Yoshitomichi.

.However, the surrender of the Ming Dynasty aroused strong dissatisfaction among the leaders such as Yoshitsho Shiba, and eventually Ashikaga Yoshinomichi cut off trade with the Ming Dynasty.

Ashikaga Yoshimichi said that our country has never surrendered to foreign countries since ancient times, and claimed to change Ashikaga Yoshimitsu's foreign policy, which also made the Japanese pirate rebellion in the Ming Dynasty more and more serious.

It was not until the emergence of steam warships, the Zhoushan naval battle, and the return of Ashikaga Yoshitsune to Japan that Japan once again expressed its desire to restart trade to the Ming Dynasty and presented gifts to express goodwill. After dragging them for two years, Zhu Di re-consecrated Ashikaga Yoshitomichi as the leader.

King of Japan.

But after the previous lesson, everyone knew that the Japanese people did not value the so-called suzerain-vassal relationship. Unlike North Korea, they did not have the due respect for their suzerain country.

Zhu Zhanzhen's ship passed Kyushu Island, Shikoku Island, entered the bay and arrived at Osaka.

The people's livelihood situation in Japan is obviously better than that in North Korea, and the prosperity of residential ports on both sides of the Taiwan Strait is better.

The port of Osaka is now the largest port in Japan because it is close to Kyoto and has convenient transportation. Moreover, Osaka itself is one of the most developed places in Japan. Since the trade with the Ming Dynasty, many Japanese people have moved into Osaka.

In this era, port cities have the most opportunities, and many young people come here to work hard.

Zhu Zhanzhen notified Japan before setting off, and sent another notification in advance the day before arriving in Hong Kong. At this time, the Emperor and generals of Japan were all in Osaka, waiting to welcome the Prince of Pearl River.

As an old acquaintance, Ashikaga Yoshitsune naturally came to Osaka, and the Ming Dynasty's ambassador to Japan, Zhang Xianqi, also arrived at the port with his wife to wait.

Ordinary Japanese people have never seen this posture before. Their spiritual leader also appeared at the port to personally pick up the Emperor of Japan, whom they had no chance to meet. The surrounding security level was raised to the highest level, and almost the entire Osaka port was shut down.

All merchant ships that want to dock must be carried back.

"Who are we welcoming? With such a huge formation, it is said that His Majesty the Emperor is still inside." Onlookers outside the port were discussing.

"It is said that he is some kind of prince from the Ming Dynasty."

"The prince? The prince is worthy of so many people coming. I thought it was the emperor of the Ming Dynasty who came."

"This county prince is very powerful. Have you seen the "Main Wife Mothership" on the sea before? He was the one who built it." The steam carrier has a great reputation, and because there is no special Japanese language to speak it, they all

I use Chinese to describe it, but because of the accent, it sounds like the mothership of the wife.

"Then this prince is so powerful that he can build such a big ship."

"Isn't that right? According to my friends from the Ming Dynasty, the Prince of Pearl River is really powerful. That's why General Ashikaga and His Majesty the Emperor value him so much."

When Zhu Zhanzhen's warship slowly sailed into the harbor, General Ashikaga Yoshimochi and everyone prepared a grand welcome ceremony.

But Zhu Zhanzhen was very careful and asked Yang Song to follow him with his guards to protect him tightly.

Zhang Xianqi took the lead and went up. He had grown a beard after not seeing him for a few years and saluted respectfully: "My lord, Zhang Xianqi, I have met His Highness the Prince of Pearl River." His voice was high-pitched, and Zhu Zhanyi hurriedly supported him: "Ambassador Zhang, please forgive me for these.

You have worked hard this year."

The two still exchanged many letters, and this time Zhang Xianqi was accompanied by his wife. When he was stable in his third year in Japan, he took his wife over. Now his wife is pregnant and is preparing to

Return to Ming Dynasty.

Generally speaking, no women would follow such occasions in this era, but Zhang Xianqi brought his wife, and Zhu Zhanzhen also uncharacteristically had some pleasantries with Zhang Xianqi's wife.

Zhang Xianqi then introduced Zhu Zhanzhen to the Japanese leaders.

"Your Highness, this is the Emperor of Japan, the Emperor of Japan." Zhang Xianqi first introduced the emperor, who mainly had a symbolic meaning. This made Ashikaga Yoshi dissatisfied and immediately stood up on his own.

"His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County, I am Ashikaga Yoshimichi, General of Japan. I am honored to meet you."

Zhu Zhanzhen's smiling face did not change at all, and he said to Ashikaga Yoshimochi: "King of Japan, Ashikaga Yoshimochi, I have heard about it for a long time. I am glad to meet you."

The words "King of Japan" are specially emphasized, because as far as the canonization of the Ming Dynasty is concerned, the name "King of Japan" is correct. Ashikaga Yoshitomichi is the king of Japan canonized by the Ming Dynasty, not the emperor.

Zhang Xianqi first introduced that Emperor Koko was a favor to Ashikaga Yoshimochi, and Zhu Zhanzhong called the Emperor of Japan a favor to Emperor Guangxu. As far as Zhu Zhanzhong knew, the relationship between the emperor and the general had not been very good.

How can it be possible? How many people are willing to be puppets, and be puppets in the highest position?

Fang started to stir up each other's emotions as soon as they met. There is still a tacit understanding between Zhu Zhanzhen and Zhang Xianqi, because Zhang Xianqi's letter said that although the emperor is symbolic, to a large extent the people still believe in the emperor, so even if there is no

Real power is also useful, so he often visits the emperor to build a good relationship, which also makes Emperor Chengguang feel that the Ming Dynasty respects him.

The Ashikaga family basically didn't take the emperor seriously, especially Ashikaga Yoshimochi's father, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, who was known as the Japanese Tsao Mengtoku. He slept with the emperor's wife, and the emperor didn't dare to say that he was so angry that he died, and later let his

My wife is the prospective mother (godmother) of the next emperor, and she obviously wants to be the emperor's father.

There are plots about the Minotaur and the foster mother, which is worthy of the traditional Japanese culture.

Of course, Ashikaga Yoshiki really wanted to be the emperor, but Ashikaga Yoshimochi had no such interest. He thought the emperor was just a puppet. Of course, like his father, he basically had no respect for the emperor except for superficial etiquette.

After introducing General Ashikaga Yoshitsune and Emperor Shomitsu, Zhu Zhanzhen greeted his old acquaintance Ashikaga Yoshitsune warmly.

"Your Highness Prince Zhujiang, you will stay in Japan for a while this time." General Ashikaga Yoshimichi said enthusiastically: "I have prepared the best girls here for Your Highness to serve you, including the best geisha in Kyoto now.


Geisha Zhu Zhanzhen naturally knew that the time for its birth had not yet arrived in theory, but as the living standards of residents have greatly improved, these new generation pastimes have also appeared in advance.

Japan's folk customs are still open. These things were mentioned on the spot, but people were doing it secretly. How come it has become an overt etiquette for hospitality here.

"General Ashikaga, I came to Japan this time with the friendship and alliance of our Emperor. Of course, I also heard our Ambassador Zhang Xianqi's praise of Japan, so I felt that I had to travel around. I have loved traveling around since I was a child.

"Looking at the different folk customs, I hope the general will give me preferential treatment when I come to Japan this time so that I can travel unhindered in Japan."

"Naturally, naturally." Ashikaga Yoshitari's Chinese is relatively unfamiliar, but he can speak a lot, and there is a translator on hand to help.

"Of course I'm not here just for fun. I hope to increase the scale of trade between Guangzhou and Japan. Previously, Japan's commercial ports were mainly Weihai and Ningbo ports. We also have many good commodities in the south that can be traded with Japan. For Japan

Specialties are also in demand.”

Ashikaga Yoshimochi had a smile on his face: "Of course, my brother is now in charge of trade with the Ming Dynasty. We can sit down and have a good chat."

"I have a close relationship with Mr. Ashikaga Yoshitsune. We must sit down and have a drink and talk."

"Yes, yes, yes, Your Highness, we have prepared some good wine. Let's go have a drink now." Ashikaga Yoshitsune finally answered.

"General Ashikaga, I want to travel around Japan, but I'm not familiar with the place. I don't think I'm familiar enough with Zhang Xianqi alone. I would like to ask Lord Ashikaga Yoshitsune to spend some time and effort with me."

Ashikaga Yoshimochi naturally did not want what he wanted, so he would definitely have to send someone to follow Zhu Zhanzong. Now that Zhu Zhanzong had brought it up himself, he would not have to think of a way to speak out.

"That's natural. Yijiao must remember to take good care of His Highness. Wherever His Highness wants to go, we let the local people prepare in advance."

"We must go to Kyoto. I think Lord Ashikaga Yoshitsune can make arrangements for me in other places." Zhu Zhanzhen couldn't say too much, so as not to appear to know too much about Japan.

But Iwami Ginzan must go, and Hiroshima must go as well, because according to Lee Hsien-yu's information, Hiroshima is the base for Japan's steam ship building, and she herself is also in Hiroshima now.

"Okay, okay, I will make arrangements. Your Highness will have to stay in Japan for a while." Ashikaga Yoshitomichi's idea was to see if he could use Zhu Zhanzhen as a breakthrough to get some resources from the Ming Dynasty.

Because Zhu Zhanzhen's reputation was mixed, Ashikaga Yoshimichi heard that he was also very greedy for money, and anyone who was greedy for money would have the opportunity to attack.


Just as a group of people were meeting enthusiastically, everything was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a gunshot.

After the gunshot, someone fell into a pool of blood..

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