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Chapter 260 Monk Yixiu

The sound of a gunshot caused the fiery atmosphere among everyone to disappear in an instant. Yang Song led his men to surround Zhu Zhanchang. Alia pulled out two short knives from the armor on the outside of her left and right thighs and made a fighting posture.

After the gunfire, the scene was chaotic. The shooter was controlled for a while, but the attacker fell in a pool of blood.

The shooting was not aimed at Zhu Zhanyi, but at Emperor Zhongguang.

At that time, almost everyone's attention was on Zhu Zhanzhen and Ashikaga Yoshimochi. Emperor Shouguang was two positions behind. At this time, someone from Emperor Shouguang's own guard suddenly took out a blunderbuss and gave it to Emperor Shouguang.

One shot.

It seems that this is a traditional project reserved by Japanese leaders.

Fortunately, the murderer did not have enough time to aim, so he missed Emperor Shimitsu's head and hit his shoulder instead.

There was a lot of blood, but it shouldn't be life-threatening.

Yang Song and others guarded Zhu Zhanzong fiercely, not daring to relax in any way. The sudden shooting made Ashikaga Yoshinori's guards also alert.

After capturing the murderer, Ashikaga Yoshimochi shouted angrily: "Baga, Jili Gulu Gua La." This meant that he wanted to interrogate the murderer personally and could not let the man die before he arrived.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, Prince Zhujiang, for making you laugh. When this situation suddenly occurs, we will quickly interrogate the murderer." Ashikaga Yoshitoshi waited until the situation stabilized and came to apologize to Zhu Zhanzhen. After all, with such security capabilities, envoys from other countries cannot

I will definitely look down on you.

Zhang Xianqi said seriously: "General Ashikaga, our Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County of the Ming Dynasty is on a visit to Japan. He comes with the goodwill of the Ming Dynasty. We also hope that you can guarantee our safety."

"Yes, yes, this kind of thing will never happen again."

Ashikaga Yoshitomichi apologized to Zhu Zhanzhen. He didn't seem to care about Emperor Suikou's injury and ordered his men to deal with it.

Due to an emergency, the grand welcome ceremony prepared for Zhu Zhanyi at the port was also terminated, and Zhu Zhanyi was taken to the residence where he was staying.

The place where Zhu Zhanchen lives is called Osaka Palace. It seems to be a place where nobles lived in the past. All of them were cleared for Zhu Zhanzhen to live alone.

Osaka Palace has a unique shape, which is different from the Ming Dynasty architecture. The lower part is a wall made of huge stones, while the living area is located in the upper part, a Japanese castle-style building.

However, this kind of building can withstand swords, but it can be used as a target for artillery. Therefore, Japan itself has not built this kind of building in recent years, and it is only used as a reception place.

Because Emperor Shomitsu was attacked, Ashikaga Yoshitsune needed to deal with some things, so he asked Ashikaga Yoshitsune to accompany Zhu Zhanxing.

When I first delivered it to Osaka Palace, there was a monk standing at the door. The monk was less than thirty years old, but his slovenly appearance made him look older. Moreover, Japanese monks can have hair, so they are a bit more sloppy.

Standing at the door with a cane to greet everyone.

When Zhu Zhanzhen walked over, he thought he was a beggar, so he took a few taels of silver and gave it to the monk. Ashikaga Yoshitsune and others were dumbfounded.

But the monk picked up the silver and put it in his pocket without any sense of violation.

"Your Highness, let me introduce to you. This is our famous monk in Japan, Master Kuangyunzi, whose monastic name is Yixiu."

Zhu Zhanzhen was greatly shocked. This was actually the legendary brother Yixiu who cut chickens, cut chickens, and aunt stole donkeys. Why was he completely different from the cute one in the cartoon?

Looking carefully at the monk in front of me, with his slovenly appearance and deep dark circles under his eyes, he looked like a flower monk whose mind had been drained by wine and sex. He was totally incompatible with Brother Ikkyu.

The animation depicts you with a cute look, why do you look like this?

"Master Yixiu." Zhu Zhanzhen greeted him.

After Yixiu Zongchun hid the silver, without giving Zhu Zhanzhen any chance to take it back, he clasped his hands and said respectfully: "The young monk has met His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County."

Ashikaga Yoshitsune said in the middle: "Your Highness, Master Ikkyu is very accomplished in poetry, and he is also the most famous monk in Japan. I heard that Your Highness is the best literary talent in the dynasty bestowed by His Majesty the Emperor, so I thought of coming to see you.


"Master Yixiu also writes poetry?" Zhu Zhanzhen was a little surprised. He didn't know these things.

Ashikaga Yoshitsune said: "The poem written by Master Ikkyu when he was fifteen years old is still popular today. It talks about the love of a guest, and the flowers bloom and fall. The sky and the earth are clear. I sleep on the pillow with the fragrance and the wind, and it is like a spring dream."

Zhu Zhanzhen looked at Monk Yixiu, what kind of ghost poem is this? You, a monk who writes about erotic dreams, can still spread it, and you are actually proud of it. It seems that the customs in Japan are completely different from other places.

"Master Ikkyu is very talented and learned, why not go to the mansion and talk about it."

Ikkyu nodded.

Zhu Zhanzhen, however, kept an extra thought in mind. Yixiu came to find him out of nowhere. Was it really because he admired his talent as he said?

However, it can also be seen that Ikkyu Munejun's status is very high, Ashikaga Yoshitaka respects him quite a lot, and he can go outside his own residence, which is not a status that ordinary people have.

Entering Osaka Palace, Zhu Zhanzhen asked Yang Lu to arrange his own guards all around Osaka Palace. Fortunately, the buildings in Japan were not big, and a guard team of two hundred people could guard them tightly.

After Zhu Zhanzhen sat down, he asked: "Master Yixiu, what do you want to see me for this time?"

"I admire His Highness's literary talents. Every time I read the poem "Life is just like the first time I saw it," I feel that Your Highness's heart is like the bright moon in the sky, better than ordinary things such as spring wind, autumn rain."

Being praised so much by a slovenly Japanese monk gave Zhu Zhanzhen goosebumps.

"Master Ikkyu speaks Chinese very well."

"The young monk has learned some since he was a child. With the smooth flow of trade, he also went to the Ming Dynasty to visit famous mountains and ancient temples. Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and the young monk only learned a little bit." Monk Yixiu was very respectful.

Ashikaga Yoshitsune then said: "Master Ikkyu has visited famous mountains and rivers. His Highness the Prince of Pearl River also wants to travel in Japan this time. If possible, I would like to invite Master to accompany him."

Ikkyu really knew Japan's famous mountains and rivers very well, and Ashikaga Yoshitsune consulted both of them for their opinions when speaking.

We hit it off immediately, and Zhu Zhanzhen was also happy to have a guide, but it was a coincidence that Master Yixiu came to his door as soon as he arrived.

Zhu Zhanzhen understood that it was normal for people in this era to admire literary talent. After all, there were such people in every era. When the great writer Rabindranath Tagore arrived, a crowd of people came to greet him.

Although Zhu Zhanzhen did not have many poems, he was famous, and after Zhu Di appointed him as the best poet in the world, it is reasonable for literati from all over the world to admire him.

It was the same when I was in North Korea. A group of local intellectuals came to my door almost every day and asked to see the Prince of Pearl River.

The appearance of Monk Ikkyu was reasonable but unexpected. Unexpectedly, the only animated character he knew appeared in front of him alive, and he was then arranged to receive his companions.

Speaking of which, I still prefer Japanese beautiful girl escorts. What does this middle-aged sloppy monk mean? Although he is Ikkyu, he is still a middle-aged sloppy monk.

"Your Excellency Ashikaga Yoshitsune, Master Ikkyu, something like this happened just after arriving in Hong Kong today. I feel deeply tired. I am accustomed to taking a nap after noon. When I wake up, I will go and see the situation of Emperor Akiko."

"Your Highness, please rest first."

The two of them retreated, leaving Zhu Zhanzhen, Hei Sheji and Zhang Xianqi in the room.

"Where's the bed? Your Highness, why don't they have a bed here?" Black Snake Ji searched for a long time and found that there was indeed no bed in this place.

"They don't have beds here, so they sleep on the ground with quilts. Zhu Zhanchen pointed to the neatly folded quilts not far away."

Black Snake Girl was not very satisfied and said: "How can I do it without a bed? Without a bed, I can't help but feel sore and my knees also hurt."

Zhang Xianqi had a black line on his head, but he didn’t dare to speak.

"Zhang Xianqi, what do you think about the attack on the Emperor today? Was it really an attack on the Emperor or was it directed at me?"

Zhang Xianqi frowned and thought deeply: "Your Highness, the perpetrator's purpose is clearly to target Emperor Shouguang, and it should not be aimed at you. However, if it is so blatant on a day like this, I will go to the Japanese general to ask for an explanation."

From a short conversation, it can be heard that Zhang Xianqi has a very high status in Japan. After all, he represents the Ming Dynasty. It is normal for him to use this as the title of this shooting incident and ask the Japanese general to investigate thoroughly.

"Security work in Japan is a top priority. Your Highness will still have to bring a guard with him wherever he goes."

"Well, I know that. This incident can be regarded as a wake-up call. After all, going out is not as safe as at home. As far as you know, who wants to kill Emperor Shouguang?"

Zhang Xianqi thought for a while, and first told the relationship between Emperor Zhongguang and himself: "Your Highness, I have communicated with you in the letter, and according to your wishes, I have a good relationship with Emperor Zhongguang, and I deliberately approached him. The Ashikaga family

I don’t respect Emperor Shomitsu, but my respect also makes Emperor Shomitsu take me seriously.”

"Emperor Shomitsu ascended the throne of the emperor at the age of eleven and is now in his early twenties. From the exchanges, I feel that he is quite ambitious. He often told me that he wanted to visit the Ming Emperor and was willing to carry out the Ming Dynasty as the emperor.

I also want Ming Dynasty to recognize his position and help him. Of course, he only dares to talk to me in private. He is somewhat ambitious, but because he has been a puppet for a long time, he is actually very cowardly."

Zhang Xianqi didn't think highly of him, but he was someone who could be used, which was why Zhang Xianqi showed favor to him.

Zhang Xianqi went on to analyze: "Ordinary people in Japan still have great faith in the emperor, so ordinary people will not think of assassinating the emperor for no reason. Moreover, Japan's fire gun management is quite strict and ordinary people cannot get it. It is the main opponent of Emperor Guang.

Or General Ashikaga Yoshimochi, Your Highness, do you think it was Ashikaga Yoshimochi who sent someone to perform this act?"

Zhu Zhanzhen thought about it and asked: "Does Ashikaga Yoshinori want to be emperor?"

"Ashikaga Yoshimochi is different from his father Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu is an out-and-out careerist and a tycoon. He has coveted the throne of the emperor for many years. However, because the emperor pays attention to blood, he has not succeeded even if he has great power. On the contrary

Ashikaga Yoshimochi is relatively peaceful, and the relationship between father and son is average. However, Ashikaga Yoshimochi followed some of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu's basic policies, which allowed the political well-off state to be maintained. He also had frequent business contacts with the Ming Dynasty and rapid economic development. However, he had

The position of emperor does not seem to be of that great interest."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanzhen was confused: "But Japan is studying steamships, and our court is sending spies. Could it be that Ashikaga Yoshimochi is not what he seems?"

Zhang Xianqi nodded: "It is possible, but I think Ashikaga Yoshitomichi seems to be uninterested in the position of the Emperor of Japan after his father's series of actions, but as far as I know he is implementing his New Deal."

"New Deal?"

"Yes, a new policy with the general as the main body, which completely evacuates the power of the emperor, and combines several important figures with the general to form a cabinet organization similar to that of the Ming Dynasty, with the general as the leader."

Zhu Zhanzhen was shocked, this was going to establish a constitutional monarchy.

"Your Highness, please don't think it is unnecessary. Although the actual power of Japan is in the hands of the general, he still has to ask the emperor for instructions on many things. Without the emperor's order, some things cannot be carried out. This is also the restriction imposed on him by other families.


From this point of view, Ashikaga Yoshitomichi really did have a reason to kill the emperor. The current Emperor Shomitsu is older and less easy to control. Killing him and re-supporting a new emperor will obviously be beneficial to his rule.

But Zhu Zhanzhen still shook his head: "Today's assassination method is too inferior, and the accuracy of the fire blunderbuss is not high, and the occasion is not suitable. If Ashikaga Yoshimochi really wants to kill Emperor Shimitsu, he will definitely be cautious and careful.

The best assassin will be found in a place that is not easy to be discovered, and the best preparations will be made. Emperor Shouguang will definitely have no way to survive. Today's assassination is more like a performance, intentional."

"Your Highness, you mean that today's assassination was a deliberate failed assassination. Why?"

Zhu Zhanzhen shook his head: "I don't know now whether it was done for me or for others. They made this scene when I first arrived, as if they wanted to take advantage of me."

Zhang Xianqi saluted respectfully: "Don't worry, Your Highness, the low-ranking officials will definitely pursue Japan and give a reasonable explanation for this matter. If they collide with His Highness, they will collide with the Ming Dynasty."

Zhu Zhanzhen said with a smile: "You don't have to be so formal. You have worked hard these years. My sister-in-law is pregnant now. I will arrange a warship to send my sister-in-law back to the Ming Dynasty first."

Looking at Zhang Xianqi's wife next to him, it was indeed very hard to accompany her husband abroad. Being in a foreign country, you can't go back for several years after leaving, and the homesickness is always difficult to alleviate.

Zhang Xianqi smiled and looked at his wife with tenderness: "Thank you, Your Highness."

Zhang Xianqi's wife spoke up herself: "Your Highness, I will go back later. Xianqi still needs my help in some areas."

"You're already pregnant, so it's best to take care of yourself."

"Since I have been helping Xian Qi for so many years, I will need your Highness's help and cooperation in the next few months."

Zhu Zhanzhen nodded: "Well, I'm very satisfied with the way you did it in Japan."

What did she preach in Japan? She preached that every woman in the Ming Dynasty could wear a phoenix crown, men in the Ming Dynasty were proud to love women, and women in the Ming Dynasty enjoyed the same rights as men.

This chapter has been completed!
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