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Chapter 317 The Girl Holding the Flag High

Zhu Zhanzhen's words shocked the Duke of Marseille and others.

No matter who you are, they will be frightened. The army comes from nowhere and says that they will judge your king.

But you still can't beat them.

The Duke of Marseille sneered in his heart and sneered disdainfully. The black-haired foreign youth in front of him actually said that he wanted to judge their king. Even if their king was still a madman, he would not tolerate such insults from others.

"The whole army is ready." The Duke of Marseille gave an order to his army, and all the troops were ready to fight.

He could see that the opponent's numbers were seriously insufficient, and the fortifications had not been built yet. If his army launched an assault, as long as they rushed into the enemy's formation, their strongest artillery and firearms would be difficult to use, but in this case

He had to lose a lot of troops, so he hesitated.

Hesitation leads to defeat.

He missed the best opportunity. Although the Ming Dynasty's side was insufficient in numbers, as long as the fortifications were built, their equipment advantages would be brought into full play during positional warfare.

The Duke of Marseille has not ordered an attack for a long time. He is still not good at leading troops in battle. He lives on the southern front of France. The war on the northern front has almost nothing to do with him, so he has always lived a peaceful life. Now he is facing

He was a little helpless about the war.

He sent people to negotiate with Zhu Zhanyi, but it was of no use. Zhu Zhanyi's attitude was very tough.

In Zhu Zhanzhen's expectation, the conflict with France was unavoidable. After all, he wanted to arrest the French king, so he did not intend to talk nicely, but to fight.

Hou Xian said with some worry: "Your Highness, if we really want to fight like this, we don't have enough people and supplies, so I'm afraid it will be unsustainable."

When Hou Xian followed Zheng He, he caught France and Ying Gelan off guard at the beginning. He beat them so hard that they howled and howled, leaving them unable to fight back. However, in the end, they ran out of ammunition and lost their biggest guard of honor.

We can only fight and retreat.

He was worried that Zhu Zhanzhen would be in the same situation as they were at the beginning.

One cannot make mistakes twice in the same place.

But Zhu Zhanchang didn't think so. According to what I knew before, Hou Xian and his crew should have landed on the northern front when they first landed in France. Both Britain and France had heavy troops on the northern front. They definitely didn't have enough people, but this was the southern front.

France itself does not have enough troops. Even if the Ming army cannot occupy this place, they will at least have no problem escaping.

But by disturbing the southern front of France and making France feel threatened by the south, they will find it difficult to worry about the northern and southern fronts. If they want the army to come over, it will definitely leave the northern front empty.

Zhu Zhanzhen's purpose now is to mess with you. If you mess up, I can take advantage of it.

According to the words of Timur's uncle, Joan of Arc in France has organized an orderly counterattack, and Zhu Zhanzhen's trouble will completely disrupt the domestic power.

I occupy this place. Will your army move south? If you don't come, there are less than 10,000 troops in the city of Marseille. It would be a fool's errand to capture you and the steam warship. Otherwise, your Marseille army will die.

Come fill it in.

In the city of Marseille, the Duke of Marseille ordered the people to surround the Ming army from a distance, but at this time he was extremely distressed.

He is a playboy who likes to have fun, and he has a headache when faced with such a situation.

"Hurry up and send someone to report to the king, saying that there are tens of thousands of foreign troops here, and our army is fighting hard. Let him send troops here as soon as possible, otherwise the city of Marseille will be lost."

The attendant beside him said speechlessly: "But Your Highness the Duke, there are not so many of them. Once the king's army arrives and sees these few people, they will blame you."

"You are stupid. When the time comes, you can just say that the others were killed or escaped by our heroic resistance, and you can still claim credit."

I have to say that the Duke of Marseille knows how to report military information.

They set off on a fast horse, but just a few miles north of the city, they suddenly encountered a French army heading towards Marseille.

There were about a thousand people, headed by a girl with a soft face but a resolute look. She was wearing silver-white armor and riding a tall brown horse at the front of the cavalry team.

And the most conspicuous thing is that she always holds her flag wherever and whenever she can.

One side of the flag is embroidered with the names of the Holy Father and the Virgin, and the other side shows two angels holding iris flowers on a white background, which is the power given to her by her god.

The girl holding the flag has almost become a symbol in France. The messenger who went to deliver the message immediately stepped forward when he saw that it was a friendly army.

"My subordinates, the Marseille City Guards, would like to ask you why you are heading to Marseille City this way?"

The leading girl on horseback said: "God has given me a will. The city of Marseille will be in trouble, so I am coming with a large army."

The soldier froze on the spot, and then made a prayer gesture to the girl devoutly: "A miracle, a miracle, it's really a miracle, it's really God's blessing, it can actually count the trouble in Marseille this time,

No wonder they say you are a messenger from heaven."

"Take me there." The girl's voice was childish but unusually cold.

"But you only have more than a thousand people, so I'm afraid it's not enough."

The girl Jeanne d'Arc stared at the man with a pair of cold eyes: "Are you doubting God's will? God sent me a decree and told me that enough is enough. Do you think it is not enough?"

The man apologized quickly.

Joan of Arc spurred the horse, skipped the man and rushed towards Marseille City with a solemn look on her face.

The soldier followed. Although he felt that it was impossible to win the battle with the few men Joan of Arc led, he had to believe it because the whole of France was now filled with legends about this saint. She looked a bit miraculous.

She allegedly met the archangels St. Michael, St. Margaret and St. Catherine, who told her to drive away the English and take the crown prince to Reims for the coronation ceremony.

She predicted many wars. At first, everyone did not believe in her prediction ability, but gradually her predictions were constantly confirmed. The soldiers were in awe of her and felt that she was a messenger sent from heaven.

With her prophetic ability, the French army could always learn about the actions of the Ingeland army in advance and then designate corresponding strategies.

Just before the siege of Orleans, she predicted that she would be pierced by a sharp arrow in the shoulder, but she said that it was a will from God and the only way to victory, so she did not take any precautions.

Sure enough, during the war, the enemy's sharp arrow shot through her shoulder.

Joan of Arc, who had short hair and wore men's clothing, did not flinch, but cut off the sharp arrow and continued to hold her flag high, telling the French soldiers that God had sent down the will, and her prediction was still correct. For a moment, the French soldiers

The morale of the army was greatly boosted, and everyone was not afraid of death, but Ying Gelan's soldiers were panicked.

Amid shouts of God bless France, Joan of Arc led the French army to regain victory at the Siege of Orleans.

This stop established Joan of Arc's status as a saint, and now her reputation is extremely high.

This time, it was predicted that there would be an invasion of foreigners in the old port of Marseille. The frequent occurrence of miracles strengthened people's worship of her.

Joan of Arc led the cavalry into the city of Marseille from the other end, and the Duke of Marseille immediately greeted them. He never expected that the reinforcements would come so quickly, and that the famous Saint Joan of Arc would come in person.

Joan of Arc has a special buff, which is that no matter where she goes, the morale of the French soldiers will be increased by 20%. As soon as they heard that she was entering the city, the Marseille City Guards, who had been frightened by the artillery fire of the Ming Dynasty army, instantly felt like themselves again.

OK again.

Although the Duke of Marseille is a duke, he is a weakling. At this time, he has to rely on Joan of Arc to fight the battle, so he keeps his posture very low.

"I wanted to ask for help, but I didn't expect to meet Joan of Arc. It's God's will. I wonder how many more troops will follow?" He looked at Joan of Arc, but there were not enough.

"It's not that we met, but the saint received a message from God before, saying that there was an invasion of foreigners on the south bank, so she came here."

After the Duke of Marseille was shocked, he was overjoyed and laughed loudly: "Since it is God's will, then Saint, you must have a way to repel those foreigners."

Joan of Arc said with a cold face: "Let's rest today. I will go to talk to the foreign army early tomorrow morning."


The Duke of Marseille arranged everyone. After the arrangements were made, his expression changed: "Humph, it's just a little girl, putting on airs in front of me."

He was very unhappy with Joan of Arc's indifferent attitude, but that was how Joan of Arc was, not only to the Duke of Marseille, but also to the French king and prince. Except for the knight's salute, she was neither humble nor overbearing.


To put it nicely, it's neither humble nor arrogant, but in front of many older dignitaries, Joan of Arc just takes credit and is arrogant. Why should a teenage girl treat them with that face? You know if Joan of Arc would not lead troops to fight, she is like this

The little girl was just a plaything for these people one night.

Joan of Arc just hated the lustful eyes of these people, so she cut her long hair short and put on men's clothes.

This night, Joan of Arc rarely slept on a soft bed, but she couldn't get used to it and ended up lying on the ground. Even so, she covered herself with her own flag. She was always used to having her flag stay with her day and night.


She looked at the bright moonlight outside the window, with hesitation and helplessness in her eyes. She stroked her flag and said to herself: "Dear Holy Mother, great God, is this really the will given to me this time? I misunderstood it.

Oh? God, please continue to protect me, please continue to convey your love to the world through me, and let me save all the people in this world, even if I die."

As she spoke, Joan of Arc touched her shoulder lightly with her fingers, which had been pierced by a sharp arrow before. It seemed that it still ached slightly, and the tired girl fell into a deep sleep. She was too tired, really tired.

Early the next morning, Zhu Zhanzhen arrived in front of the formation. The opponent was already waiting for him. He thought it would be the Duke of Marseille who would continue to send envoys, but he did not expect that in front of the opponent's formation was a girl riding a white horse.

This white horse is the favorite horse of the Duke of Marseille. In order to build momentum for today's battle, the Duke of Marseille contributed his own war horse.

The girl mounted the war horse, not to mention she looked really heroic.

In the mist of the early morning, amid layers of haze, a girl riding a white horse, holding her iconic flag, slowly walked towards the camp of the Ming army amidst the sound of horse hooves.

Although Zhu Zhanzhen had never seen her before, he recognized her at a glance as the French hero Joan of Arc.

The two armies were confronting each other, but she walked toward the Ming army's camp without fear.

"Your Highness, do you want to open fire?"

"No, she is the only one, she should be the envoy." Zhu Zhanchen signaled to his subordinates not to take action.

"But Your Highness..."

"But what but, you don't listen to me anymore, what are you afraid of with just a girl?"

"Your Highness has a landmine in front of you. Why don't you remind her and ask her to go to the left?"

Zhu Zhanzhen then remembered that there was a minefield arranged around the perimeter, and hurriedly wanted to exit to remind him, but before he could speak, he saw Joan of Arc magically reining in the reins and asking the horse to go aside, just in time to avoid the previous arrangement.


Zhu Zhanzhen looked at Joan of Arc in disbelief. Could it be that this person possessed the miraculous miracles of Joan of Arc? Otherwise, how could she have just avoided the minefield set by his army?

Zhu Zhanchen stared blankly ahead. Joan of Arc came slowly on a white horse. Zhu Zhanchen stood up and stood on the earth barrier dug out on his side.

In the early morning moisture, the soil was moist, soaking Zhu Zhanyi's clothes.

The white horse walked closer and closer, until it reached the front of his army safely. The white horse took two steps forward. The soldiers around Zhu Zhanyi were very nervous, but Zhu Zhanyi signaled them not to move.

The closer he got, the clearer Zhu Zhanzhen could see.

It was a heroic face, but it couldn't be said to be very beautiful. An ordinary peasant girl had long wavy hair, but it was cut short to look like a man. Her figure could not be seen under the silver armor, but her pair of

Her eyes were full of perseverance and she had a slightly childish face. Perhaps in order to avoid being looked at and thought she was weak, she specially smeared mud on her face to cover up her slight baby fat.

Her skin should be pink and tender, but it's a pity that she can't show her cuteness and beauty as much as other girls. She will dress herself a little dirty every morning.

She finally walked up to Zhu Zhanzhen. One person was riding a horse and the other was standing on the barrier mountain, almost looking at him at eye level.

The girl spoke, with a very sweet voice at first, but as if she was afraid that her voice would be too immature, she lowered her voice specially: "Your Excellency is the prince of the Eastern Empire."

"According to your statement, yes, I am Zhu Zhanzhen, the Sea King of the Ming Dynasty. Are you Joan of Arc?"

Joan of Arc nodded and held the flagpole tighter.

"Are you here for peace talks?"

"No, I'm here to ask for your help." As she said this, Joan of Arc turned over and dismounted from her horse and performed a knight's salute to Zhu Zhanyi.

This sudden change stunned everyone. Zhu Zhanzhen and the Duke of Marseille were very surprised. What is going on?

Although Joan of Arc led the French army to win some wars, she also felt that the British army was getting stronger and stronger, and they had stronger firearms. If this continued, France would have no chance of winning.

She swore to God that she was willing to exchange her most precious things, hoping that God would take pity on France and make a decree to save the world.

God said that the blue dragon in the east will drive away the Yinglan people.

God said, fire for fire, blood for blood.

God said, God bless France.

God says, I will save you, my child.

Joan of Arc knelt on one knee devoutly in front of Zhu Zhanzhen: "Please also ask His Highness the King of the Sea of ​​the Ming Dynasty to send troops to drive away the English!"

This chapter has been completed!
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