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Chapter 11 Extreme Joy Begets Sadness

Chapter 11 Extreme joy leads to sorrow

Author: Gao Yue

Chapter 11 Extreme joy leads to sorrow

Pei Min strode to the well, his eyes no longer cold and stern at the beginning, and became very soft. He would never explain to the Li Ye in the past, and even the stupid boy couldn't understand him, but he wanted to explain to the Li Ye in front of him.

Explain clearly so that the other party can understand it better.

"Practicing martial arts is not about practicing a few tricks and tricks. You must lay a physical foundation from an early age. Otherwise, if you lift a weight of two to three hundred kilograms, your muscles and bones will not be able to support it first.

Your mother used medicine to bathe you since you were young. I gave her the recipe and the most important medicinal ingredients. It's like digging a pond, digging a small pond to make a pond, and digging a big pond to make a lake. All martial arts families

This is how we train our children, taking medicinal baths from a few months after birth, just to strengthen their muscles and bones."

Li Ye did understand that the athletes of his time were also the same, they were all trained since childhood.

"How about playing polo?"

"Playing polo is to train your vision, agility, speed, hand-eye coordination, and also to train your strength, but more importantly, it is to let you understand control."

"I've figured it out!"

"Yours is just the basics, you haven't even started the real martial arts yet!"

Pei Min smiled slightly and said: "The Taoist law says that one life is two, two begets three, three begets all things, the same is true for martial arts, one life is two is the foundation, you have passed this level, the next step is two begets three, see if you can do it

A breakthrough will be made within one or two years. In fact, there are subdivisions in Ersheng3. I will tell you slowly in the future."

"Uncle, why do you want me to practice martial arts?"

Li Ye pondered for a moment and asked, "Is it because of the family's martial arts training?"

"It has something to do with the family, but not everything!"

Pei Min said slowly: "Many signs in the Tang Dynasty are getting worse and worse. Various crises are getting deeper and deeper. I feel a turning point. It is very likely that troubled times are coming. We must be prepared. Not only us,

Many aristocratic families I know are also preparing secretly."

"What are you preparing for?" Li Ye asked.

"All kinds of preparations, food, wealth, weapons, and training of children, but for us personally, practicing strong martial arts is the most realistic and most useful, so that we can survive in troubled times and protect our families."

Li Ye nodded silently. Just like earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters, animals will always foresee them. The same is true for wars. There will definitely be various signs that appear first, and those families that can last for thousands of years are often the first to feel it.

Pei Min came from a world-famous family and heard about the Pei family. He must have received a warning from his family.

"Where do I start?" Li Ye took his heart back.

Pei Min pointed to the well.

Li Ye glanced at the well and said with some confusion: "Let me go down into the well?"

Pei Min smiled slightly, "I also practiced at the bottom of the river in Chang'an back then. If you don't mind that the river water here is dirty, you can go to the bottom of the river to practice."

Forget about the floating river water. Li Ye thought of Pei Min's flying sword that day and the upcoming Anshi Rebellion. His blood suddenly boiled. He took off his coat and left his upper body bare, "How should I practice?"

"You jump down to the bottom of the well. The bottom of the well is very wide, about the same as your room. You swing and play polo at the bottom of the well. When you can't hold on anymore, you come up to take a breath. You play for an hour every night. When will you be able to play polo like on land?

If you can do it quickly and accurately, then you have mastered it."

"Can I use my uncle's flying sword?"

Pei Min nodded and smiled: "When you reach that level, you will know that that move is actually not difficult!"


Li Ye jumped into the well. At this time, it was the late spring cold season. The bitterly cold well water froze him almost instantly. The effect of the medicinal bath since childhood was exerted at this time, and he resisted the extreme

of cold.

The body slowly descended, and the water was about four or five meters deep. His feet finally touched the fine sand at the bottom of the well, and he slowly stood firm. He suddenly found two stone locks at the bottom of the well. His uncle should have put them there to lock his feet and let his body float.

Not going up.

Only then did he realize that playing polo underwater was not a good idea. The cue was floating upwards and he had to push it down with great difficulty. It was extremely difficult to swing the club at the bottom of the well. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything around him, let alone hitting the bottom of the well.

of small stones.

No wonder he has to train in the water. The water is a completely different world. His strength, speed, accuracy, and acumen on the shore are all gone. Everything starts from scratch again, and it is even more difficult.

Li Ye's predecessor was a stubborn bull, and no one could take back what he was sure of. Although Li Ye is far less stubborn than his predecessor, he still has the same tenacity and will never give up easily.

He knew that it would take two or three years to practice hard and it would never be achieved overnight. He had to persevere and accumulate small streams to become a river.

With one swing, every muscle in his body was moving. After only two or three swings, his arms were sore. He gritted his teeth and swung twice more. He couldn't hold his breath anymore, so he kicked off his feet and floated up.


With his head above the water, Li Ye breathed heavily, and Pei Min asked from above: "How many shots did you swing?"

"Five shots!"

"No! You have to take seven swings at the beginning. Get down quickly. You have to dive fifteen times today!"

Li Ye took a deep breath and dived again. He dived to the bottom, grabbed the stone lock, turned around and wrapped his feet around the stone lock, took out the polo club from his waist and continued to swing.

But after only four blows, he couldn't fight anymore and couldn't hold his breath anymore. He gritted his teeth and continued to hit him five times and two more times. He was holding it in so hard that his chest was about to explode.

He swung the last two times with all his strength, drank a sip of water, and almost fainted. He stepped on his feet and rushed out of the water before losing consciousness, breathing heavily.

This was only the second time, and there were thirteen more. He was scared just thinking about it. Li Ye felt that he couldn't hold on. He looked up at the mouth of the well, and it was pitch black above.

"Uncle! Uncle!" he shouted twice.

There was no response from above. The explanation has been given and Pei Min has most likely left.

"Then how can I get up there later?"

There were moss-covered walls on both sides of the well, which were slippery and had no place to rely on. Li Ye began to become frightened.

At this moment, a black object suddenly appeared above him and hit his head. Li Ye tilted his head and hit the water with "Boom!". It turned out that the bucket was thrown down and there was a rope on it.

"Third time, hurry up!" Pei Min shouted from above.

The sound was like fairy music, and Li Ye was so moved that he almost cried. He took a deep breath and dived in again.


Li Ye himself didn't know how he climbed up. He lay on the well platform like a dog. His whole body seemed to be no longer his, and he was completely unconscious.

Li Ye dived at the bottom of the well fifteen times and stayed there for a full hour and a half. Pei Min had already left.

At this time, Li Ye found a small porcelain bottle in front of him. He pulled out the stopper with trembling hands. It turned out to be a small bottle of medicinal wine. His teeth were chattering up and down because of the cold. He poured the medicinal wine into his mouth. The bitter medicinal taste was so strong that he almost vomited it out. He had to force it.

Swallowed it.

This medicinal wine was like Laobaigan at 67 degrees. In just a moment, a wave of heat surged out from his Dantian and flowed to his whole body, unstoppable. It was as if his whole body had been soaked in boiling water. Every pore was breathing freely, making him moan in comfort.

stand up.

He slowly sat up and put on his clothes. He discovered the effect of the medicinal wine. The extreme fatigue and muscle pain all over his body disappeared completely. His body became ten kilograms lighter, and his arms seemed to have endless strength.

He looked up to the sky and roared, and swung the club hard towards a stone on the ground. There was only a "click!" sound. This shot hit the stone hard. The stone did not move at all, but his club broke into pieces.

The two sections turned out to be large stones like millstones buried in the soil, with only a small sharp corner exposed.

Li Ye was so regretful that he opened his mouth wide. What does extreme happiness bring about sadness? This is it.

(End of chapter)

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