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Chapter 12 West Market Buying Rods

Chapter 12 Buying Rods in the West Market

Author: Gao Yue

Chapter 12 Buying Rods in the West Market

When he woke up the next day, Li Ye was lying in bed thinking about what happened last night, as if he was dreaming. Is it true? The Sword Master Pei Min is teaching him martial arts? He is actually his uncle.

This is not a dream!

Li Ye turned over and sat up, and when he saw the club broken into two parts, he felt excited. Last night was not a dream, it really happened, but he couldn't help but sigh.

This means that he will have to suffer in the well tonight.

Although Li Ye's predecessor had been practicing polo for ten years, it was not until last night that Li Ye knew that he had already embarked on martial arts. Frankly speaking, he was not mentally prepared at all.

He hasn't even thought about what he can do when he comes to Tang Dynasty?

His most realistic idea at the moment is to make some quick money as soon as possible to change his family's poverty.

But his uncle Pei Min taught him martial arts and seemed to be arranging for him to embark on another path. They also felt that troubled times were coming, and they were making preparations.

He remembered what Pei Min said. Not only them, but many aristocratic families were secretly preparing.

It was really unexpected. It seems that the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion was not an accident, but a reshuffle after various crises and various contradictions in the Tang Dynasty could not be reconciled.

If the various crises in the Tang Dynasty could be alleviated, would it mean that the Anshi Rebellion would not have broken out, or would the consequences not be so serious?

Li Ye smiled bitterly, why did he think so much? It's so funny for a poor boy from a slum to lie in bed and worry about world affairs!

My uncle is right. If you start preparations early, your family will be safe in troubled times and can live better.

What are you preparing for? In fact, my uncle has already told me, wealth and fists.

"Ah Ye, hurry up, mother has been waiting for you for a long time!" Pei Sanniang's impatient shout suddenly came from the yard.

Li Ye was startled, "Mom, where are we going?"

Pei Sanniang rushed in like a gust of wind, stood at the door with her hands on her hips and said, "Didn't I tell you? When I take you to school today, I have already told Old Man Meng, who taught you how to study, that you can continue to study, but

You have to learn from scratch!”

"Learn from scratch?"

Li Ye was a little dumbfounded. He could imagine himself and a group of six or seven-year-old children studying together, and others thought it was a parent-teacher meeting.

"Mom, I'm literate! That stick reminded me of all the books I've read. If you don't believe me, I'll write it back for you."

Li Ye discovered that the stick he received was a basket, and anything could be put into it.

Pei Sanniang's expression clearly showed disbelief, and Li Ye quickly said: "I have to go to Qiao Mansion to practice football during the day! I really don't have time to study."

This is a good reason. Pei Sanniang nodded, "Okay! Let's wait until you finish the game. Anyway, Mom has made up her mind. You must study. You can also practice polo, but you can't delay studying!"

She glanced at the club that was folded into two pieces and left in a hurry. She seemed to know nothing about what happened last night, but Li Ye had an intuition that his mother actually knew, but just pretended not to know.

No matter so much, I have to go to the West Market today.

West Market and East Market are the two most famous commercial centers in Chang'an. They are actually two huge trade cities where various professional markets are concentrated together, mainly wholesale and retail.

If you don’t want to travel far, or if you don’t want to buy a lot, there are many small shops in each shop, including grocery stores, rice oil shops, pickle shops, cloth shops, wine shops, etc. You can buy firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, etc. in the shop.

If you want to buy some fresh vegetables and game, you can go to the market outside the city, which is an open-air market, just like today's township markets.

Li Ye came to the West Market. He had to come today to buy two things.

First of all, he had to buy pens, inks, paper and inkstones. Although at this time he was a wild boy who only knew how to fight and play and had only read a year of school, he always considered himself a scholar in his heart.

Although he failed the college entrance examination three times, it did not affect his self-evaluation.

Secondly, he needs to buy a polo pole, otherwise he won't be able to train tonight.

Li Ye wore a gray coarse cloth jacket, a pair of trousers underneath, and a pair of coarse cloth shoes. The clothes and socks were all made for him by Aunt Mu. Although they were rough, they were washed very clean.

It seems that there is no difference between him and the coolies in the West Market. The difference is that the coolies all walk in a hurry, ignore everything around them, and seize the time to deliver goods and make money.

Li Ye was different. He looked around, curious about everything, and amazed by everything. He was just like a wild boy from the country who came to the city for the first time.

There are too many shops in the West Market, one after another, with numerous signboards and shouts of hawking. The front door is piled with all kinds of goods, many of which he has never seen before. It is so dazzling that he can't see it all.

There were too many people, there was a constant flow of people of all kinds, and there were many foreigners, who didn't know which country they were from. Li Ye stared at them curiously.

Turning a corner, several charming young women suddenly appeared in front of them, with cloud-like hair, light gauze skirts, and large white flesh exposed on their chests. They leaned in front of the door, waving to Li Ye, looking at each other, biting their lips and eating.


Li Ye's face turned red immediately. He wanted to see it but didn't dare to, so he ran away.


I first bought pens, inks, paper and inkstones in a stationery store. The cheapest set cost thirty pennies, but the clerk treated me like an errand boy.

Li Ye was carrying the tied cloth bag and felt a little hungry. He spent another ten cents to buy two steamed buns with meat fillings and ate them while walking.

"Master Shao's latest cue, the pride of the polo field, is limited to three pieces for sale!"

A burst of hawking attracted Li Ye's attention, and he noticed that there was a shop selling polo equipment next to it, called 'Shao's Polo Equipment'. Not only this one, but also the seven or eight stores in front of them all sold polo equipment.

It's all good.

Polo was the national sport of the Tang Dynasty. From emperors and dignitaries to pawns and vendors, everyone was addicted to polo. Even the concubines and princesses in the harem would often ride donkeys in polo matches.

Any polo match in Chang'an City will attract tens of thousands of people to watch the game, which is extremely enthusiastic.

Li Ye walked to the door of the shop, and the yelling waiter looked at him with disgust. He was about to drive him away, but unexpectedly, Li Ye took out ten taels of silver and weighed it. The white silver dazzled the waiter's eyes.

He bent down and said with a smile: "Brother, are you here to buy golf equipment?"

"Look at the clubs!"

"Brother, you're right, our cue is ours! This is the one in Beijing..."

The clerk gave a thumbs up, "Even the clubs for the ladies in the palace are provided by us. The polo clubs for the Knight Riders, who finished second in the league last year, are also from us."

Li Ye was too lazy to listen to his bragging and walked into the store. The store lobby was very spacious with no counter and all kinds of golf equipment hung on the wall.

Polo competition is fierce and it is easy to get injured, so there are all kinds of helmets, leather armors, and leggings, all with prices marked on them. Li Ye was secretly stunned. The cheapest set of leather helmets cost 50 pieces, and the most expensive one cost 50 pieces.

One set to hang in the middle of the wall costs 1,800 pieces.

The clerk took out a set of leather armor and introduced it enthusiastically: "This is called Light and Shadow. It is an imitation of Mingguang Armor. It is the best-selling one in our store. A set only costs 120 gold. How tall is your young master?"

This bitch still thinks of himself as a servant running errands.

Li Ye said calmly: "Let me take a look at the clubs. They cost less than ten dollars."

When the waiter heard that it was less than ten dollars, his enthusiasm suddenly disappeared. He lazily pointed to the corner of the room and said, "It's all over there, go and see for yourself!"

The three large bamboo baskets in the corner of the room are filled with polo clubs. There are prices on the bamboo baskets. There are three types of polo sticks: five guan, ten guan and fifteen guan. Compared with the limited edition polo sticks made by Master Shao, they are 500 guan each.

, these are indeed low-end products.

There are several young people nearby who are also choosing clubs.

Li Ye took out a five-guan-qian willow cue and shook his head. The workmanship was not bad, but the wood was too light and soft, not as good as his.

He took out another ten-guan cue. The wood was slightly better, it was a beech cue, but the weight was still too light.

He suddenly discovered that although his club was a little worn out, it seemed to be a jujube wood club that was very heavy, much heavier than a ten-guan-money club.

It seemed that there was no need to buy a new club, just a good second-hand one. His mother just spent ten cents on it from a street stall.

At this time, I heard several young men chatting next to me: "Do you think Qiao Xingzhong will also invite foreign aid?"

Li Ye's ears suddenly pricked up.

(End of chapter)

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