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Chapter 333 The dispute between court and meeting (1)

When Li Ye returned to the study, there was indeed a painting on the desk. To be precise, it was a scroll. It was placed in a sleeve and tied with a ribbon.

Li Ye opened the painting carefully, and found that it was actually drawn by Suzaku himself. It could be seen that it had just been painted, and the ink had not yet completely dried. On a cliff, there grew a straight and tall green pine. It was covered with heavy snow, but the green pine still stood tall.

Above the green pine, an eagle spreads its wings and flies, accompanied by a smaller red eagle flying beside it.

Of course Li Ye understood the meaning of this painting. During the difficult time, Suzaku did not stand by and condemn himself from a moral high ground like others. Instead, he drew a painting in a short period of time to support himself, although it was only a painting.

However, Li Ye felt Suzaku's deep care and unwavering support for him.

A friend in need is a friend indeed, and a string in Li Ye's heart was plucked.

There were many forms of court meetings in the Tang Dynasty, including the annual New Year's Day meeting and the first court meeting after the emperor ascended the throne. Although these two kinds of court meetings were large in scale, they were more of a ceremonial nature.

There are three types of court meetings in the real sense. One is the morning court meeting every day. Before dawn, important ministers will rush to the palace to participate in the morning court meeting. After dawn, the morning court meeting disperses and everyone returns to their respective court rooms to start their normal daily work.

The morning court was very hard. Both the emperor and the ministers were seriously sleep deprived and had to rest very early. After the Tianbao Year, the morning court was basically abolished. From then on, the emperor no longer went to the morning court.

There is also a kind of court meeting held on the fifth and tenth day of the year. It is actually a kind of morning court, but it is large in scale and has many officials participating, so it is called a big court. This kind of big court is occasionally held, but only a few times a year.

There is also a kind of court meeting called a temporary court meeting. In the event of an emergency, the emperor summons important ministers for discussion at short notice. Usually officials of the fourth rank or above attend the meeting. There are not many such court meetings at present. The last time it was an emergency military and political meeting triggered by Absi's rebellion.

The emperor Li Longji preferred to summon the prime ministers to his inner study to discuss military and state affairs, replacing impromptu court meetings with this method.

But this time the emperor Li Longji decided to hold a court meeting to discuss the mass incident in Yunyang County, giving the ministers only one day to prepare.

In fact, Li Ye's impeachment case was only one of the discussion points, ranked last.

Before the fifth watch, the lights of many houses in Taipingfang were on. Taipingfang has always been a residential area for officials, and most of the residents here are officials or their descendants.

The lights in Li Ye's house were also turned on. Today, two men at home had to go to court, and they were both involved. Pei Sanniang was particularly nervous and got up early to be busy.

After cleaning up, the father and son got into the carriage and set off.

Li Ye was very calm. He bribed the emperor with 150,000 yuan. He believed in the ancient saying that Li Longji would definitely use people's money to eliminate disasters for others.

However, Li Dai was very nervous. He originally thought that the matter in Yunyang County was over, but he did not expect that the matter would be discussed again. The Yunyang County Magistrate has been dismissed. If he is held accountable again, it may be his turn.

When Li Ye saw his father purse his lips tightly and stare out the window, he knew that he was very nervous. Li Ye smiled and comforted his father: "The seven people of Yuan Milue have been identified, and the court will not overturn the case. We are expected to discuss three things today. The first one is

The first is how to deal with the hundreds of thousands of peasants who participated in the rally; the second is how to characterize the followers who followed Yuan Milue, that is, 500 warriors; the third is whether it is legal for me to intervene in this matter, since I killed so many people

Is it legal and ethical?

As long as my father grasps the key points and insists on asking the court to reduce rents and tax exemptions, there will be no more group gathering incidents. This is what my father must clearly request today. If other officials do not raise it, then my father must stand up. In this way

Only then will many officials support my father."

Li Dai sighed and said: "I understand what you are saying. I have also prepared a lot of information and am preparing to make a request for rent reduction and tax exemption today. But what I am worried about is the follow-up of the Yuan Mile case. They still have a large amount of wealth missing.

Fei, the government can’t find out no matter how hard they check these days, if the emperor asks about this matter, I can’t explain it?”

Li Ye smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry, father, the emperor will never ask about this today!"

"Why?" Li Dai asked confused.

"The emperor is also secretly pursuing this wealth. In fact, he has already obtained it, and 150,000 yuan has entered his inner treasury."

Li Dai was shocked. He suddenly realized, "Could it be that the money is in your hands?"

Li Ye nodded, "I have already given it to Gao Lishi, a total of 150,000 yuan. Originally, this money should have gone to the imperial household department, but now it has gone to the emperor's inner treasury. In any case, he has benefited from me.


Li Dai frowned, "You shouldn't hide this from me!"

Li Ye shook his head, "Father should not know about this matter. If he does not act after knowing it, his father will be accused of embezzlement and perverting the law, and his conscience will not be able to bear it. But if he finds out and returns it to the Ministry of Household Affairs, his father will definitely offend the emperor."

Unknowingly, his son actually completed a private deal with the emperor, but he was unaware of it.

Li Dai sighed. He found that he was really passive in front of his son. No wonder his father valued Ye'er so much. It made sense!

The carriage drove into the majestic Danfeng Gate and went straight to the Xuanzhengdian Square, where today's imperial court was held.

The carriage stopped, and the father and son got off the carriage. At this time, an official came over and said a few words to Li Dai. Li Dai nodded and said to Li Ye: "Xianyu Jing Zhaoyin came to discuss with me, and I came over for my father."

"Father, feel free to do it. I'll take a walk and take a look."

Li Dai left in a hurry.

At this time, it was still dark, and there were already many officials in the square, gathering in twos and threes.

"General Lee!"

When Li Ye turned around, it turned out to be Li Lin, King of Sining. Li Lin was appointed Minister of the Ministry of Industry, so she would also attend the court today.

Li Ye quickly stepped forward to greet him. In fact, Li Ye had visited Li Lin two days ago, but he only saw Mr. Leng Yue. Li Lin went to inspect her manor.

Li Lin smiled and said, "I heard from Leng Yue that you visited me two days ago. I'm really sorry. I went to my manor in Fengxian County."

"Is it because of the incident in Yunyang County that the prince went to the manor?"

Li Lin nodded, "The autumn harvest situation in the entire Guanzhong this year is not optimistic. Yunyang County is the first, but it is by no means the last. I am also afraid that the tenant farmers will cause trouble, so I went to the manor to reduce the rent by half to appease the tenant farmers.


"Your Majesty, please be kind!"

"It's not like it's a disaster! The owner has to bear some responsibility, and I think it should be done. Later I will persuade the Lord to reduce the rent of the Imperial Manor, and other major families will also reduce it."

"Yes! Tax reduction and rent reduction are the key."

Li Lin looked at both sides and whispered: "Someone is deliberately targeting you for what you did. It's not just Yang Guozhong, the real promoter is someone else."

"Your Majesty, can you tell me something?"

Li Lin continued: "Don't you feel that someone is deliberately publicizing this matter, and they are doing it in a moral way, to ruin your reputation from a moral level. This is not promoted by the Yang family. The foundation of the Yang family is too shallow. They

I don’t have that much ability.”

Li Ye nodded, "Your Majesty is right. If no one deliberately pushed this matter, it would not have become a hot spot in the court. So who did it?"

Li Lin wrote a word on Li Ye's palm, and Li Ye suddenly woke up, "Zhang Jun!"

Li Lin nodded, "And his two brothers, especially the consort, he is the main promoter!"

Li Ye nodded silently, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for informing me!"

Li Lin patted him on the shoulder and said, "The situation in the imperial court is turbulent. It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows. You have to be careful!"

After saying that, Li Lin turned around and left.

Of course, Li Ye knew why the Zhang family wanted to frame him. The root of the problem still came from his grandfather. His grandfather used the prophecy to pinch Zhang Jun, forcing him to remain neutral at the critical moment.

But when his grandfather retired from office, the Zhang family began to turn around. This time, they cooperated with Yang Guozhong to frame themselves, which must be the Zhang family's surrender to Yang Guozhong.

Li Ye forced himself to calm down. The Zhang family just wanted to deal with him. Could it be that they built the plank road openly and secretly used the warehouse, and the person they targeted in the end was his father? They forced his father to resign through the murder incident.

But what Li Ye couldn't figure out was that the Zhang family was attacking him. Aren't they afraid that Zhang Jun's prophecy would be revealed?

This chapter has been completed!
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