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Chapter 334 The dispute between court and meeting (2)

‘Dang! Dang!’ The crisp sound of the cloud panel sounded, indicating that the time was up.

The imperial court formed two civil and military teams one after another. The civil officials were headed by Yang Guozhong, the right minister, and the military attachés were headed by the prince Taibao and right guard general Yuan Yu.

Officials are arranged according to their rank. In this dynasty, officials of seventh rank and above will participate, and there will be hundreds of officials.

Li Ye's casual officer is General Yunhui, from the third rank, located in the middle of the military generals. Among the military attaches, there are seven or eight generals Yunhui. In front are the champion generals, hussar generals and other generals of the guards.

A guard shouted loudly in front of the palace, "The time is up, enter the palace!"

The sound of drum music sounded, and the officials walked along the dragon's tail road on both sides towards the high hall.

The Longwei Road is very high and long, and there have been cases where old and frail veterans were unable to climb it.

Hundreds of ministers from the two teams filed into the main hall. There were clear gradation lines in the main hall, and everyone had their own seat. Among them, senior ministers of the third rank and over sixty years old also had seats.

The ministers were all discussing today's court meeting in low voices. Even Prime Minister Yang Guozhong had a look of worry on his face. The Yunyang incident was actually over. Except for Li Ye's indiscriminate killing of innocent people, all other cases had been closed. However, the emperor suddenly added

It was turned out for discussion, indicating that the emperor was not satisfied with the handling of the matter.

Yang Guozhong didn't know what the problem was, but several of his officials believed that there were signs of mass incidents starting in various places, which made the emperor start to worry.

At this time, the guards shouted, "Your Majesty has arrived, His Royal Highness the Prince has arrived!"

The hall suddenly became quiet. Everyone stood up and straightened their backs. The first person to come was Prince Li Heng. Of course he also had to attend the court meeting. His seat was in the middle of Danbi, below the emperor and above the officials.

It is consistent with his status as prince.

Although the emperor Li Longji wanted to change the prince, it turned out that the best time to change the prince was in the fifth year of Tianbao. The Wei Jian case at the beginning of the year and the Du Youlin case at the end of the year almost forced the prince Li Heng to a dead end. If it were not for Gao Lishi

After pulling the strings at the last moment, Li Longji failed to consider the candidate for the new crown prince. Then Li Heng would fall off a cliff and be completely dethroned as crown prince.

Now it is not so easy for Li Longji to want to depose the prince. On the one hand, Yang Guozhong's foundation is too shallow and his ability is far less ruthless than that of Li Linfu. On the other hand, the prince is secretly developing his own power, especially eight years after Tianbao.

Under the repeated persuasion of his grandson Li Ye, Li Linfu began to leave a way out for himself and secretly formed an alliance with the prince to deal with the Yang family.

Under Li Linfu's arrangement, the officials of the prince's faction continued to grow, forming a group of civil officials led by Prime Minister Wei Jiansu within the court, and supported by Hedong Jiedushi Cheng Qianli and Hexi Jiedushi Gao Xianzhi outside the court.

Li Longji had some ideas and measures to change the crown prince, but he encountered strong opposition from both inside and outside the court. It was very difficult to implement various measures, which made the emperor Li Longji a little hesitant.

The key point is that Concubine Yang is not enthusiastic about changing the prince. After all, Prince Ning is not Concubine Yang's biological son. Concubine Yang gradually doesn't like this adopted son. He is not as smart and cute as when he was a child. His reactions are a bit dull and his appearance is much worse.


Li Heng stood in front of the seat. At this time, the emperor Li Longji walked in from the side. He walked to the dragon couch and sat down. Hundreds of ministers bowed together and saluted, "Long live your Majesty!"

Li Longji smiled and waved his hands, "All my dear friends, you will be exempted from the courtesy!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

All ministers returned to their respective positions.

The host of today's court meeting was Wei Jiansu, and it happened to be his turn to be in charge of the affairs. Li Longji made a gesture to Wei Jiansu, which meant that it was time to start.

Wei Jiansu was responsible for all the preparations and arrangements for the court meeting, and then Wei Jiansu would just temporarily announce the content of the court meeting, and then when the court meeting was over, he would announce it was over, and there would be no other matters for him.

In addition, there was a eunuch who was responsible for delivering messages. The hall was very large, and the ministers stood far away so that the emperor could not hear them, so someone was needed to deliver the message.

Wei Jiansu stepped forward and bowed to the emperor and the prince, and then said to the ministers: "Today there are three issues. The first issue is the origin and consequences of the Yunyang mass incident, and the third issue is whether Yuan Maitreya's followers should

Conviction, the third topic is to discuss the Yushitai impeachment of General Yunhui for exceeding his authority and moral misconduct. Let’s move on to the first topic.”

Wei Jiansu glanced at Li Dai and said, "Now let's ask Jingzhao Shaoyin Li Dai to explain the whole incident."

Li Dai went out to salute, "I am here to see you, Your Majesty, and to see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Li Longji nodded, "Li Shaoqing, please tell me!"

Li Dai has been investigating and is confident. He said calmly: "The root cause of the mass incidents among the people in Yunyang County is the crop diseases and insect pests that started in August this year. Farmers have been fighting against the pests and diseases, but this year it was too serious, resulting in a reduction in this autumn harvest."

30%, but this year is a single season planting, so the impact is huge. The average wheat yield per mu has dropped from 350 jins to 250 jins, and the yield per mu has dropped by a full 100 jins. After paying rent and taxes,

The surplus grain in the hands of farmers is no longer enough to feed their families.

The farmers' anxiety and the Maitreya Cult took the opportunity to incite and incite, resulting in this mass incident involving 150,000 people. Their slogan was to reduce rents and taxes. The Maitreya Cult wanted to use the farmers' emotions to incite rebellion, and then instigate the entire

The peasants in Guanzhong participated in the rebellion and achieved their ambitions, which is roughly like this."

Li Dai spoke clearly and spoke loudly, and all the officials in the hall and the emperor could hear him clearly.

At this time, Prime Minister Zhang Jun suddenly asked: "So how did the government respond? Can Li Shaoyin elaborate?"

Li Dai was startled. This matter had already been discussed by the Political Affairs Hall, and he had submitted a detailed report, and the county magistrate had also punished him. Why did he start questioning again?

Li Ye sneered in his heart, as expected, the truth was revealed. The Zhang family had to deal with not only himself, but also his father.

Li Dai hesitated for a moment, but still reported the original report: "The county magistrate Liu Jing discovered that people gathered and attacked Wanma Manor, causing casualties. He immediately rushed overnight to report to Jingzhao Mansion. After urgent discussions between Beizhi and Xianyu, it was decided that I would go to Yunnan.

Yangxian stabilized the situation, and Xianyu was in charge of the capital to make arrangements.

I rushed to Wanma Manor in Yunyang County in the afternoon and learned that the mass gathering was hosted by Yuan Mile and others. I immediately entered Wanma Manor, found Yuan Mile and others, and asked them to stop inciting the people immediately, but not only did they not

If you obey, you will trap your humble position and followers in the large warehouse of Wanma Manor."

"Since he believes that the other party is plotting rebellion, why does Li Shaoyin still need to negotiate with them?" Zhang Jun asked as he continued to dig traps.

"At that time, we could not conclude that the other party was plotting rebellion, and we knew very little about the Maitreya Religion."

"Really? Then when did Li Shaoyin know that the other party was plotting rebellion?"

At this time, Wei Jiansu coughed heavily and interrupted Zhang Jun's question, "Xiangguo Zhang, the question you asked has been discussed repeatedly in the political hall before and a resolution was formed. We all think this is an emergency. The county government report

In a timely manner, the government acted decisively and the army performed effectively. The only problem was that the county government ignored and condoned the Maitreya Cult. Therefore, the county magistrate was removed from office. Do you think there is any need to repeatedly mention the government's performance in this matter?


The emperor Li Longji also expressed his position: "Xiangguo Zhang, since the political affairs hall has made a decision, don't get entangled in this matter."

Zhang Jun actually used Li Dai to induce Li Ye to kill innocent people indiscriminately, and then Li Dai, as a father and Jingzhao Shaoyin, allowed his son to kill indiscriminately.

This is very insidious, because if it is only at the end that the opponent knows that he has the intention to rebel, then the killings that Li Ye started at the beginning were indiscriminate killings of civilians.

In fact, this was the only loophole that Zhang Jun discovered after repeated investigations. Li Dai only obtained the oath of alliance at the end, and before that, the Maitreya Cult should be considered to be carrying out normal religious activities, so he should not kill people.


Even if the evidence is obtained afterwards, the guilt can be exempted, but if the motive of killing is not correct, it is a moral issue. Even if it is to save the father, it will still be regarded as indiscriminate killing of innocent people, which will attract severe moral condemnation.

Since the Han and Tang dynasties, the moral punishments in all dynasties have been very severe, and officials are clearly required to put their moral behavior first and their ability second. Once they are found to be unethical, both Li Dai and his son will definitely be dismissed from office.

This chapter has been completed!
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