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Chapter 722 Key Reminder

Gao Lishi nodded, "The Emperor does have the authority to issue these two decrees. I will go back and talk to the Emperor."

Gao Lishi added: "Then, His Highness will personally negotiate with King Yong on how to cross the border and how many ships are needed."

"Isn't the Supreme Emperor afraid of being controlled by King Yong and holding the emperor hostage to order the princes?"

Gao Lishi smiled lightly and said: "At this moment, at that moment, now King Yong is holding the Supreme Emperor hostage, and no one listens to him. King Yong can't open up the situation in Jiangnan, so he wants to go to Shu to join the Supreme Emperor."

Li Ye had already understood that this was the true intention of the Supreme Emperor. He had already been in contact with King Yong, and he was just testing himself by saying that he would inherit the power.

After Gao Lishi received Li Ye's clear promise, he said goodbye and left. He could not stay in Xiangyang for too long and had to rush back immediately.

The two parties also agreed that Li Ye would only use the passage to borrow the ship after receiving the Emperor's order.

Li Ye personally sent Gao Lishi to the dock. In any case, Gao Lishi was a noble person in his life and helped him a lot. Historically, Gao Lishi had a tragic end and was exiled to Wuzhou, which is today Hunan Province.

Pu, so Li Ye also wanted to help Gao Lishi.

Li Ye cupped his fists and said: "The Emperor is cold-blooded by nature and only holds grudges but not gratitude. He will never be grateful for Gao Weng's kindness in protecting him back then. However, Li Fu's country is ruthless and vicious. I'm afraid he won't let Gao Wen go. Gao Wen will be in trouble in the future.

Even if you write to me, Li Ye will do his best to help Gao Weng and give him a comfortable old age."

Gao Lishi was moved in his heart. He saw that the child was right. Sure enough, he valued love and justice. He pondered for a moment and said: "There is one thing I also want to remind His Highness. It is something that the Supreme Emperor has seen through, and he told me."

"Gao Weng, please speak!"

"Since His Highness handed over the certificate of surrender to the Guanlong nobles, he should not choose Jingxiang as his foundation, otherwise His Highness will be abandoned by the Guanlong nobles sooner or later."

Li Ye felt awe-struck and quickly clasped his fists and said, "Thank you Gao Weng for the reminder!"

The ship set off, Li Ye waved goodbye to Gao Lishi

As the carriage returned to the city, Li Ye was still thinking about the last words of Gao Lishi. Some things are really confusing to the authorities and clear to others. He was planning a strategy in Jingxiang, but the Dugu family never sent anyone to assist him, and no one from his tribe came to help him.

Served in the Jiedu Mansion.

Only now did Li Ye realize the seriousness of the problem. This was actually the attitude of the Dugu family, which did not support his campaign in Jingxiang.

Due to the attitude of the Dugu family, no one from the Guanlong noble family came to Jingxiang to seek employment.

I made a sneak attack on Chang'an at the end of last year, regained Chang'an, gave up Chang'an, and returned to Jingxiang. For more than a month, no one from the Dugu family showed up. This is indeed abnormal.

Perhaps the Dugu family thought that they would use Jingxiang as their foundation and attack Jiangnan West Road to develop southward.

But in fact, I don’t want to stay in Jingxiang all the time, otherwise I wouldn’t have proposed the conditions west of Congling to the emperor.

The key is that there is a lack of communication between him and the Dugu family, and both parties have misunderstandings about each other.

The carriage returned directly to his mansion. In front of Li Ye's mansion, he happened to meet Aunt Mu leading a donkey out of the mansion.

Aunt Mu is over fifty years old this year. She is thin and small, but she is energetic and in very good health. Li Ye’s first goal is to make her live to sixty years old. Now it seems that there is no big problem.

Then the second goal is to let her live to be seventy years old. This is a bit difficult, but it is not impossible.

"Where are you going, aunt?"

Aunt Mu smiled and said: "I'm going to Dayun Temple. There will be a Dharma conference there in two days. I'll sign up first!"

"Don't ride on the donkey, take my carriage!"

Aunt Mu was so frightened that she waved her hands quickly, "This is the prince's carriage, how can I just sit on it!"

"You are my grandmother, why can't you sit?"

Li Ye forcibly dragged Aunt Mu onto the carriage, forced her to sit down, and said to more than a dozen soldiers: "Escort Aunt Mu to Dayun Temple and donate fifty taels of silver to her."

The carriage started and headed towards Dayun Temple. Aunt Mu leaned out of the carriage window and shouted: "Ye'er, I will ride a donkey in the future, so I must be low-key and pious when worshiping the Buddha!"

Li Ye smiled and waved to her, "Let's ride a donkey again in the future!"

Li Ye returned to the study room in the mansion. Not long after, Dugu Xinyue came in with a big belly, "A Zhu said, husband is looking for me?"

Li Ye smiled and nodded, "Madam, sit down first!"

Dugu Xinyue sat down on the high couch beside him, and Li Ye asked with a smile: "Have you received any letters from your family in Chang'an recently?"

Dugu Xinyue smiled slightly and said: "My sister Qiming wrote a letter a few days ago. My husband still remembers her, right?"

Li Ye smiled and nodded, "How could you not remember?"

"She wants to come to Xiangyang to stay for a few months!"

"Of course, she is welcome to come and play. Are there any other letters? For example, your father, brother, etc."

Dugu Xinyue shook his head, "My father wrote two letters before, but since the fall of Chang'an, there have been no letters. My sister said in the letter that they were very busy."

Li Ye sighed in his heart, why was Dugu Lie so busy? In the past, he served as Minister of the Ministry of War and had military power similar to that of the Privy Council of the Song Dynasty. That was when he was really busy.

However, after the new emperor ascended the throne in Lingwu, Dugu Lie was canonized as a county prince and promoted to a Tai Tu. Military power was centralized in the Marshal's Mansion of the Army and Horses of the World. In fact, his military power was deprived of him and he was appointed as the Marshal's Mansion.

Chang Shi, Li Fuguo and Yu Chaoen of Sima divided the military power.

The Ministry of War only has the functions of recruiting soldiers and providing pensions to fallen soldiers. Although Dugulie still serves as Minister of War, it is a completely idle position. The functions of recruiting troops and providing pensions are all performed by the Minister of War.

By not contacting his daughter, Dugu Lie was actually warning himself in disguise!

Li Ye pondered for a moment and said: "There is one more thing I want to tell you, Madam. I may go to Jiangnan for about two months."

"Not going on an expedition?"

Li Ye shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm going to do some business, and I'll discuss a deal with King Yong by the way."

"Then I'm going too!"

Dugu Xinyue muttered in a low voice: "I haven't been to Jiangnan either?"

“I should have been there!”

Li Ye smiled and said: "You accompanied the master and traveled around the world. I heard you said that you also went to the West Lake in Hangzhou."

"That doesn't count. I just want to go with you and take a boat with thousands of stones. Master and I used to travel by land to visit famous mountains and rivers. We only took a ferry when we crossed the Yangtze River."

Li Ye thought about it and realized that he had a large ship with thousands of stones, so it was not impossible for the whole family to go together.


Li Ye agreed, "Bring the doctor and midwife with you, as well as my mother, and let's go on a trip along the Yangtze River together."

Although Dugu Xinyue had a good idea, taking a boat trip with thousands of stones, it was strongly opposed by the doctor and her mother-in-law Pei Sanniang. She was already seven months pregnant, and this was the least time to worry. If there was fetal movement at this time, it would be minor

Miscarriage, severe cases may result in fetal death.

In particular, the Yin energy gathers in water, not the Yang energy on land. If the Yin energy is too strong, it will be very harmful to the fetus. In the culture of the Tang Dynasty, water is connected to the underworld, and ghosts come out of the water, so the Hungry Ghost Festival

People everywhere put lanterns on water to offer sacrifices to ghosts.

But what finally made Dugu Xinyue give up his desire to travel was a letter from his sister Dugu Qiming. She had already set off from Chang'an and was expected to arrive in Xiangyang in half a month.

With no other choice, Dugu Xinyue had no choice but to give up this trip with her husband. Her mother-in-law Pei Sanniang had to stay and take care of her. There was only one outcome. The concubine Yang Yuhuan accompanied Li Ye to Jiangnan.

This chapter has been completed!
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