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Chapter 723 The Red Crown of the Crane

There is a huge temple in Lidefang, Luoyang. This is the Daguangming Temple built by Anlu Mountain. It was originally a Zoroastrian temple, covering an area of ​​only three acres, and was called Daqin Temple.

After An Lushan occupied Luoyang, he ordered all the houses around Daqin Temple to be demolished and expanded into a large temple covering an area of ​​about 50 acres, which was renamed Daguangming Temple.

Because the scale was so large, the construction has not been completed yet, especially after An Lushan died and An Qingxu ascended the throne less than a month ago. He lived a debauched life in the harem all day, leaving all the government affairs to Yan Zhuang, and Yan Zhuang

Zhuang was not a Zoroastrian, so he naturally had no interest in building the Daguangming Temple. He did not allocate a penny, and the Daguangming Temple became an unfinished project. All the original Zoroastrian believers dispersed and went to other Zoroastrian temples.

However, the east side of the Great Guangming Temple has been built. The temple covers an area of ​​about 20 acres. There is a group of mysterious people, about 120 people, living in the temple. They leave early and return late every day, stealing property and kidnapping young women.

This group of more than a hundred mysterious warriors is the assassin group of Daguangming Temple. They are called Guangming Warriors to the outside world. They were trained by An Lushan for ten years. They are all professional assassins. The leader is Ashina Chengqing.

However, Ashina Chengqing was not in Luoyang at this time and was currently hiding in Youzhou. He lost 50,000 troops in Lantian County and was afraid of being held accountable by An Lushan, so he never dared to show his face.

In particular, he supported An Qinghe and encouraged An Lushan to depose An Qingxu. Now that An Qingxu has ascended the throne, he dare not return to Luoyang.

The deputy leader of this group of light warriors is Shi Kangsheng, who is also a Sogdian. Their mission is to monitor officials and carry out various assassination missions.

Ten of the thirty-two assassins who went to Xiangyang to assassinate Princess Lu were Shi Kangsheng's bright warriors, and the other twenty-two were soldiers selected by Shi Kangsheng from the army to assist the ten assassins.

Above an unfinished hall in the west, Aunt Gongsun was observing these light warriors with a single-cylinder clairvoyant. She had been observing these more than a hundred light warriors for twenty days and had completely understood their life patterns.

These more than a hundred people were all highly skilled in martial arts. She could kill more than twenty of them by herself, but she couldn't kill more than a hundred people, not even her apprentices, so she considered using another method to eradicate them.

Tomorrow is the fifth day of the second lunar month, and every fifth and tenth day these warriors gather together to worship the rising sun, which is a good opportunity to deal with them.

Aunt Gongsun was already confident. She waved her hand and retreated with her two apprentices.

At noon, they came to Nanrentang Pharmacy again and found the shopkeeper Wang Jing. "Shopkeeper Wang, what I want should be ready!"

Wang Jing nodded, "It's ready. Come with me!"

They came to the back hall, and Wang Jing took out a flat box and handed it to Aunt Gongsun, "There are twenty bottles in total. The best Hedinghong pure poison powder is hard to get!"

Aunt Gongsun took the box and opened it. There were twenty small porcelain bottles neatly arranged inside. She opened one bottle and found red powder inside. It was indeed the best Heding Red.

Aunt Gongsun was overjoyed and asked again: "How to use it?"

Wang Jing took out a copper tube and handed it to her, "This copper tube is specially customized. One end is sharp and pierces the wine jar, and the other end is trumpet-shaped. You need to dissolve the medicinal powder in good sake first, and then pour it into the wine jar through the copper tube.

, a small bottle can be used to pour a jar of wine. It is colorless and odorless, but extremely poisonous. If a cow drinks it, it will die on the spot, not to mention people. However, if the other party tests it with a silver needle, it will turn black, so you have to be careful."

This is not a problem. When the assassins paid homage to the rising sun, it was actually still dark and they couldn't tell with a silver needle. Besides, they usually didn't use silver needles when eating and drinking.

Aunt Gongsun collected the box and copper pipe and left.

At night, three black figures climbed down ropes from the roof and entered a room. This room was a small warehouse filled with wine jars, probably more than a hundred jars.

Aunt Gongsun had discovered a long time ago that the wine they usually drank was brought from other places. The wine here was only drunk during the sun worship. Fifteen wine jars had been neatly placed at the door. This should be the wine they drank at dawn.


Aunt Gongsun and two apprentices worked together, piercing the wine jar with a thin copper pipe, and slowly poured the poisonous wine from a small gourd through the bell mouth on the copper pipe, and then replaced it with another jar of wine.

The people moved skillfully and cooperated tacitly. In less than half an hour, all fifteen jars of wine were filled with poisonous wine.

"let's go!"

Aunt Gongsun gave a gentle order, and the three of them climbed the rope onto the beam, jumped from the big hole to the roof, took away the rope, and laid the tiles again. The three of them quickly disappeared into the darkness.

At dawn, a long table was placed in the square, covered with large bowls, and a carpet was spread on the floor. More than a hundred people knelt on the carpet and worshiped toward the east, chanting something.

As the early morning sun slowly rose from the eastern sky, their worship rituals reached their climax. After three prayers, each person picked up a big bowl, and one of his men held a wine jar and poured wine into the bowl. Aunt Gongsun did this three times in a row.

Seeing them worshiping like this, I came up with the idea of ​​poisoning the wine.

Otherwise, some people drink first and others drink later. The person who drinks first becomes toxic and the poison will be exposed. The best time is to drink together.

Everyone knelt on the carpet with a bowl of wine. The deputy leader Shi Kangsheng dipped his finger in the wine, flicked it toward the sun three times, and read scriptures loudly.

He raised the wine bowl above his head and drank it all in one gulp. More than a hundred other people also drank it in one gulp. Aunt Gongsun could see clearly with her clairvoyance on the roof a hundred steps away that there were fifteen wine jars in total.

, the same batch of wine jars they poisoned.

Suddenly, several warriors fell to the ground, holding their stomachs and rolling around, howling loudly. Other warriors came to rescue one after another. Soon, the rescued warriors also fell to the ground, and even the leader Shi Kangsheng also fell. More than a hundred people fell one after another.

On the ground, some people rolled over and some curled up in a ball, all wailing in pain.

There is no need for Mrs. Gongsun to read any more. The concentration of this kind of Crane's Crown Red is very high and there is no cure. It will basically kill you within a stick of incense. Even if you drink less and survive for a while, it will seriously damage your internal organs.

They died one after another within a few months.

Aunt Gongsun waved her hand, "Let's go!"

The three people quickly left the top of the hall and left the Daguangming Temple.

At noon, Wang Jing brought news that all one hundred and twenty Great Light Warriors had been poisoned and killed, and no one escaped. Aunt Gongsun and her two apprentices left Luoyang that day and returned to Xiangyang.

It is already mid-February, and the chill of early spring in February has subsided a bit in the south. The air is filled with moist and warm atmosphere, warblers are flying and grass is growing, both sides of the Yangtze River are colorful, and there are vibrant bright greens everywhere.

A fleet of 300 large and small warships sailed slowly on the Yangtze River, carrying 6,000 naval troops and a large amount of wealth and supplies.

Li Ye personally led the fleet east this time. He wanted to transport a large amount of materials and treasures to the prosperous Huainan and Jiangnan to sell them and convert them into money, cloth or grain. He was originally going to Jiangnan, but Gao Lishi found him.

He had a new mission to go to the south of the Yangtze River, to talk to Yong Wang Li Lin about the details of borrowing a boat to enter Sichuan.

This is also Li Ye's first trip eastward after coming to the Tang Dynasty. Even in his previous life, he had only been to Jiangxia as far east as possible. In his previous life, Jiangxia was called Wuhan. However, it is a little regrettable that this time he can only go to Jiangning and not Suzhou.

Changzhou and Hangzhou areas.

In the third-floor cabin of the first Wanshi ship, Yang Yuhuan lay lazily on the soft and thick backrest. The warm sunset shined through the windows made of crystal and shone on her skin as delicate as suet, making her

Her skin glowed pink, and she applied a little makeup. She looked stunningly beautiful, and her whole body was filled with the warmth of a mature woman.

She is the kind of woman who only takes a thousand years to be born. Time has no effect on her. She is like an apple with an infinite shelf life. She always exudes a mature charm that makes all men in the world intoxicated by it, but only the strongest in the world.

Only then can I have her.

Although the eldest sister Xinyue was not able to travel with her, Yang Yuhuan lost a traveling companion to talk to, but she was secretly happy about the result. She could stay and fly together with her husband and enjoy the pleasure of fish and water to the fullest.

Although she and Li Ye were also just two people on their way from Sizhuyuan to Xiangyang, their moods were completely different between now and then.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside. Yang Yuhuan sat up slightly, her S-shaped body showing a charming curve.

The door opened, and Li Ye pushed the wooden wheel dining cart and walked in with a smile on his face. He was tall and burly, full of strength and masculine charm, which really fascinated Yang Yuhuan.

Yang Yuhuan's beautiful eyes became brighter, and a blush appeared on her pretty jade-like face. The beautiful night she had been looking forward to had arrived again.

This chapter has been completed!
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