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Chapter 10 A Relaxed and Happy Day

Chapter 10 A Relaxing and Happy Day

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 10 A Relaxing and Happy Day

"School sister, you can't be like this. I just want you to be the maid who cooks medicine, but you want to be the maid who warms the bed." Ding Changsheng made a funny expression.

In fact, Zhang Xin was also testing. Thirty thousand dollars sounded like a lot, but it was not enough to make her betray herself.

She wants more.

Originally, Ding Changsheng was added to WeChat with the intention of using him as a backup. After all, Ding Changsheng was still very handsome.

Family conditions, in BJ University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, are not the best, but rather above average.

Qualified as a spare tire.

It's a pity that Ding Changsheng sees things more clearly and thoroughly than Zhang Xin.

Since the two of them joined WeChat, they have not had a private chat once.

"Okay! You really have bad intentions towards me!" Zhang Xin said coquettishly.

"Hahaha! Junior sister, with your big heart, you should understand how it is possible for a man to have no intentions towards you!" Ding Changsheng said with a laugh.

"Humph! Ignore you!" Zhang Xin said in a coquettish tone and stopped talking to Ding Changsheng.

Ding Changsheng was not anxious at all.

Anyway, he just flirted casually, and it didn't matter if he couldn't tease her.

It's really exciting, that would be even better, there would be a place to give his little Changsheng a bubble bath at night.

After chatting in the group with a group of night owls for a while, Ding Changsheng put away his cell phone.

At five o'clock in the afternoon New York time, Ding Changsheng closed the door of Changsheng Hall on time and went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Now that he has money, he plans to buy a few bottles of high-end red wine to enjoy.

Experience the luxurious life of a capitalist.

In addition, Ding Changsheng also bought a lot of vegetables.

For pullets that are less than one year old, it is best to stew mushrooms. Add some ginseng to make ginseng chicken stew, which can replenish qi and blood.

There are no eels or loaches for sale in the supermarket in Chinatown. Bad review.

Ding Changsheng also planned to stew loach tofu or astragalus eel soup, but none of them were sold.

I could only buy two kilograms of beef and go back to stew the beef.

Beef is a warm food that can replenish lean energy and increase qi and blood.

As he performs the longevity boxing every morning and evening, his appetite is gradually increasing.

Two pounds of beef, plus a pullet, is two meals.

Just buy some vegetables and mix meat and vegetables, perfect.

Carrying the vegetables and returning to the Changsheng Hall, Ding Changsheng began to leisurely prepare medicinal meals and dinner.

The reason why Ding Changsheng is so persistent in making medicated diets is not because he has just obtained the medicated diet recipes for novelty.

It's entirely because the combination of medicinal diet and Changshengquan has such a powerful effect.

After practicing Changshengquan three times, Ding Changsheng could already feel great progress.

The response to the properties panel is:

Name: Ding Changsheng






Constitution: 10

Luck: 20



Four Diagnostics - Expert (cannot be promoted)

Acupuncture - Mastery (cannot be upgraded)

Massage - Mastery (cannot be upgraded)

Prescription - Mastery (cannot be upgraded)

Pharmacy - Mastery (cannot be upgraded)

Medicinal Diet - Mastery (cannot be upgraded)

Mastery of Immortality Breathing Technique (cannot be upgraded)

Mastery of Changshengquan (cannot be improved)

System space: slightly

Strength, endurance, and speed have all been improved a bit.

Ding Changsheng believes that if he practices for a while, he will be able to become a Chinese medicine doctor with full attributes.

It is not even difficult to break the limits of ordinary people.

After all, those athletes and special forces soldiers, none of them have broken the limits of human beings.

After enjoying the medicinal meal, Ding Changsheng watched short videos for a while and digested the food a little.

Then, he started to stand in the standing position. After half an hour of standing in the longevity position, he performed the longevity boxing again.

Ding Changsheng decided to do the longevity pile and longevity fist once in the morning and one night, which is just right for maintaining health.

Anyway, he doesn't want to fight for world domination or anything like that.

If you train your body well, Xiao Changsheng will be able to soak in the bath for a while longer.

Ask for nothing more.

Just after finishing the longevity fist, Ding Changsheng's cell phone rang.

It is the notification sound for WeChat video connection.

A very distinctive sound.

"Mother, what are your orders?" Ding Changsheng connected to the WeChat video, smiled and waved to Xu Manling.

"Son, have you eaten?"

"You've already eaten. It's almost ten o'clock in the evening, right?" Ding Changsheng replied helplessly.

BJ people are like this. When greeting, they usually ask: Have you eaten?

"Son, you gave me all your money. Do you still have enough money in your hand?"

"That's enough. I have patients coming in for consultation basically every day. I don't earn much, but it's enough to spend." Ding Changsheng replied with a smile.

He decided to hide the fifteen million US dollars.

If Xu Manling found out, she would definitely ask him to go over again.

Xu Manling's consistent philosophy is that men should not have too much money, otherwise they will easily learn bad things.

Therefore, Ding's father, a director of a large department, never had more than a thousand yuan.

Of course, in order to avoid losing the man's face if something really happened, Ding's father also had a credit card with a large limit in his hand.

This credit card belongs to Xu Manling, and the cell phone left behind is naturally also Xu Manling's.

In this way, Ding's father will not lose face, but Ding's father's consumption can be monitored at any time.

In this way, Ding's father was firmly manipulated by Xu Manling.

Ding Changsheng doesn't want to follow in his father's footsteps.

Moreover, he will soon have a large amount of income to hand over to Xu Manling.

It’s the money that Mr. Niu paid for the tapestry painting.

Ding Changsheng did not want to hand over the money to the Federal Taxation Bureau.

That's why Ding Changsheng chose to ask Mr. Niu to transfer the money directly to Xu Manling. He would directly hand over the painting to Mr. Niu, as for how to bring the painting back to the country.

That's not what he wants to consider.

"Okay, then Mom will save this money for you to use to get a wife in the future!

By the way, you can't find me a foreign wife. Although my mother is very open-minded, and although most mixed-race children are beautiful, she can't accept a foreign wife.

It doesn't matter what you do in the United States, as long as you don't cause any harm to me.

Did you hear that?" Xu Manling warned fiercely.

"Don't you know your son yet? I have been in the United States for more than three months, and I have never been to any of those entertainment venues.

Before, I was busy taking the exam, and after finishing the exam, I stayed at home every day." Ding Changsheng quickly assured.

"You can't stay at home all the time. You're still young, so you should go out and relax occasionally. However, you are also an adult, so you must pay attention to what you should pay attention to.

Don't get sick, don't kill anyone, and I don't care about anything else." When Xu Manling heard that her son stayed at home every day, she began to encourage her son to go out and relax.

As expected of a doctor, he is really quite open-minded in this regard.

"I know, don't worry, Mother, I can guarantee this." Ding Changsheng raised his hand and assured.

"You brat!" After chatting for a while, Xu Manling scolded her and hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Looking at the time, I had been chatting for more than an hour before I knew it. It was almost twelve o'clock.

Wash up and go to bed quickly.

Staying up late is the biggest killer of your health.

Another sweet and dreamless night.

Since practicing Changshengquan, Ding Changsheng has found that his sleep quality has skyrocketed.

At five o'clock in the morning, I woke up early.

Stand on the longevity stake for half an hour and perform the longevity boxing once.

Then slowly cook and have breakfast.

Watch short videos and learn about antiques.

Wait until nine o'clock in the morning to open the door to welcome guests.

There were no patients, so Ding Changsheng made himself a cup of tea, and it was another leisurely day.

Pick up your phone, continue to watch short videos, and learn antique knowledge.

Of course, it’s a joke to just rely on short videos to learn antique knowledge.

However, it is more reliable to combine short videos, search for corresponding antique knowledge on mobile phones, and compare the two.

What a pity!

When Mr. Niu taught him about antiques before, he was unwilling to learn.

The main reason is that I don’t have the inclination and energy to learn.

Traditional Chinese medicine is different from other disciplines in that it has a lot of knowledge points that need to be memorized.

Even if you go to a university of traditional Chinese medicine, it's the same.

Many students at universities of traditional Chinese medicine will lament that this is almost the same as the college entrance examination.

The college entrance examination is only one year long, so I am nervous.

But when I went to the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I spent five years as an undergraduate and two years as a graduate student, and everything I passed was like the college entrance examination.

Of course, this statement is aimed at those good students who really want to make a difference in the career of traditional Chinese medicine.

No matter which school you go to, there will always be some gangsters whose purpose is to obtain a diploma, obtain a Chinese medicine practitioner qualification certificate, and then find a job to live out their lives.

Even in top schools like Tsinghua University, there are inevitably students like this.

At noon, Ding Changsheng made himself a delicious meal, enjoyed his lunch deliciously, and then took a short rest.

Just when Ding Changsheng was having another leisurely afternoon, the doorbell rang and a patient came.

"Oppa! Your medicine is so powerful. After I drank your medicine, my relatives were no longer scary at all.

It’s just that it’s so troublesome to decoct medicine!” The previous woman with a fiery figure and perfect appearance walked in and said to Ding Changsheng with admiration.

In response to Nvbangzi's complaints, Ding Changsheng could only express that he was helpless.

Many traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and clinics in China and in the United States provide Chinese medicine decoction services.

However, Ding Changsheng's business was not good before and he was too lazy to provide such services.

Another thing is that all his patients are elderly people here in Chinatown, and they don't need such services.

"Your suggestion is very good. I will also improve the frying service here later." Ding Changsheng replied with a smile.

Ding Changsheng is still very open-minded when it comes to the suggestions put forward by patients.

As for whether to accept it or not, let’s decide.

"Oppa! My name is Jin Shuzhen, let's get to know each other!" Jin Shuzhen said to Ding Changsheng, stretching out her delicate little hand.

"My name is Ding Changsheng! Nice to meet you, beautiful Korean girl." Ding Changsheng nodded and shook hands with Jin Shuzhen gently.

"Thank you Obama for your compliment! I once visited China and I like China very much. China is big and beautiful.

Chinese people are very enthusiastic!" Jin Shuzhen chatted with Ding Changsheng very familiarly.

"When facing a beautiful girl, I think people from any country will become very enthusiastic."

Ding Changsheng was also happy to have someone to chat with him, especially when the person he was chatting with was a beautiful woman.

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(End of chapter)

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