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Chapter 61 Free Healing

Chapter 61 Free Treatment

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 61 Free Treatment

"When you say that, it seems that there is something true. My left hand has been a little numb in the past two days, but it doesn't affect anything, so I don't care about it." Uncle Lin finally remembered his physical discomfort after Ding Changsheng's reminder.


“It seems a little awkward to walk, but I can’t tell what the problem is.

Changsheng, am I suffering from some disease?" Uncle Lin asked worriedly.

"It's not a big problem, Uncle Lin, come with me and I'll take your pulse and give you a few injections to adjust it!" Ding Changsheng said with a relaxed smile.

Uncle Lin himself didn't even notice that when he spoke, he was a little slurred and his hands and feet were very uncoordinated.

Also, when Ding Changsheng first came out, Uncle Lin was leaning on the chair and taking a nap.

Although there is a saying that people take naps when they are tired in spring, autumn and summer, Uncle Lin never takes a nap when he is looking after the store.

In fact, these are the precursors of cerebral infarction.

"How many injections will it take to heal?"

"Uncle Lin, we are neighbors, how can I lie to you? Your problem was discovered early, and it is not considered a disease. It will be cured with a few injections." Ding Changsheng's expression became more and more relaxed, comforting Uncle Lin.

Uncle Lin is a good man. He greets Ding Changsheng every day when he comes in and out, with seemingly long-winded greetings and some gossip.

However, Ding Changsheng felt very warm in a foreign land.

Uncle Lin's slightly long-winded greetings can drive away the strange feeling of being alone in a foreign land.

Ding Changsheng carried the medicine jar, took Uncle Lin back to Changsheng Hall, and put the medicine jar aside.

I washed my hands and started taking Uncle Lin's pulse.

It is called cerebral infarction in Western medicine and stroke in Chinese medicine. The syndrome differentiation in Chinese medicine is: wind in the liver.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that stroke is mainly caused by kidney deficiency. This kidney deficiency is caused by the deterioration of body functions with age and is not caused by lifestyle.

Kidney essence is stored in the kidneys, that is, in the lower abdomen, and also in the bone marrow, which is governed by the kidneys. Therefore, the kidneys govern the bones, and the bones store the marrow. Therefore, the kidneys govern the bone marrow, and then produce blood.

Insufficient kidney essence means insufficient bone marrow.

Brain marrow is also a type of bone marrow. When kidney essence is insufficient, it will also lead to brain marrow deficiency and liver blood deficiency.

Essence and blood are interchangeable.

"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" says "marrow generates liver", which actually means essence generates blood. The kidneys store essence water and the liver stores blood. That is, kidney water generates liver wood.

Therefore, insufficient kidney essence will lead to internal movement of liver wind, which in turn will lead to elevated heart fire.

Hyperactivity of heart fire and internal movement of liver wind can pull and interact with each other.

That is to say, hyperactivity of heart fire can in turn trigger internal movement of liver wind.

Increased heart fire and internal movement of liver wind lead to an imbalance of yin and yang in the body.

This can lead to blood vessel blockage, which is a stroke.

Therefore, the human body is a complete system. A stroke may appear to be a problem with the cerebral blood vessels, but in fact it is a problem with other organs in the body.

Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine focuses on distinguishing yin and yang and determining the five elements.

This may sound a bit fantasy, but it is actually very scientific.

The five elements refer to the internal organs. You must clearly identify the disease in the internal organs, which organ has a problem, and find the root of the problem to achieve a radical cure.

After Ding Changsheng took Uncle Lin's pulse, he didn't explain his condition too much. He just took him to the treatment room and gave him acupuncture.

First, dredge the meridians, reconcile yin and yang, enhance kidney qi, and open blocked blood vessels.

Then, he made three more decoctions for him: Bupleurum plus dragon bone and oyster soup.

"Uncle Lin, your body is a little weak. I have prescribed three decoctions for you. Remember to drink it when you get back, one dose a day. This is three days' worth." Ding Changsheng also explained some precautions when taking the decoction.

"Changsheng, thank you!

I never noticed it before, but now that I think about it, I realize that I seemed to be wearing a hat on my head before. After the injection, Uncle Lin's mind feels much clearer." Uncle Lin took the medicine and thanked Ding Changsheng.

"How much is it?"

"Uncle Lin, there is no need to pay. From now on, in our Changsheng Hall, medical treatment will be free for the neighbors!" Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"Doctoral treatment is free? How can you live since it's all free?" Uncle Lin said in surprise.

"Haha, you don't have to worry about this. I have established a Changshengtang Charity Fund. All your medical expenses will be paid by the charity fund.

You have also seen that many important people have come to see me in the past few days. The source of funds for my foundation is their donations.

Changshengtang has gone through three generations, starting from my grandfather's generation, to my second grandfather, and then to me. It is what it is today, and it is inseparable from the help of old neighbors.

This can be regarded as a way of repaying the favor to the neighbors." Ding Changsheng explained with a smile.

"Hey! That's a good feeling!

I have long told you, Changsheng, that you are capable!" When Uncle Lin heard about the free treatment, he immediately praised Ding Changsheng happily.

"Thanks to the help of the neighbors!" Ding Changsheng said modestly.

"Dear, what's going on with the charity fund?" Zhang Xin asked curiously.

Zhang Xin came downstairs to ask Ding Changsheng to eat, and happened to hear the conversation between him and Uncle Lin.

"I established a Changshengtang Charitable Foundation, put all my money into the charity fund's account, and then used part of the money to provide free treatment for poor Chinese people.

By the way, the working relationship between you several people will also be linked to the Changshengtang Charitable Foundation. As a staff member of the foundation, your salary will be paid from the foundation in the future." Ding Changsheng explained with a smile.

"What's the difference?"

"There's no difference, it's just that we changed the unit that pays wages." Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"My dear, it's time to eat! Try the fish I cooked. This is my best dish." Zhang Xin doesn't care about charity funds at all now. She is now focused on declaring her sovereignty.

"Let's go upstairs to eat!" Ding Changsheng closed the door of Changsheng Hall.

Upstairs, Zhang Xin, Zhou Linlin, and Wang Linlin moved quickly. Ding Changsheng had already cooked a large table of dishes while giving Uncle Lin acupuncture.

Very rich, six dishes and one soup.

"Dear, I know you work hard at martial arts training and have a large appetite, so we cooked a few more dishes." Zhang Xin served Ding Changsheng a bowl of rice.

Zhou Linlin rolled her eyes angrily when she saw Zhang Xin talking about her love.

This little coquettish cup really doesn't know how to restrain herself at all.

Then he glared at Ding Changsheng fiercely. How can I be inferior to Zhang Xin?

You can't see your toes when you lower your head, and my shape is more perfect than Zhang Xin's.

Ding Changsheng pretended not to see Zhou Linlin's eyes and tasted the delicious food happily.

I am simply too smart, and only through competition can I be motivated.

However, Ding Changsheng also knew that enough was enough. At this time, Zhou Linlin should not be irritated too much, otherwise it would easily be self-defeating.

Take your time and boil the toads in warm water.

After Zhou Linlin got used to it, her bed was big enough to sleep three or four people without feeling crowded at all.

Ding Changsheng ate his lunch happily and thought happily.

There’s more to come! It’s so sudden, there’s no manuscript at all!

(End of chapter)

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