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Chapter 62 Charity Foundation Recruitment

Chapter 62 Charitable Foundation Recruitment

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 62 Charitable Foundation Recruitment

Zhang Xin and Zhou Linlin's first lunch in New York ended in a rather strange atmosphere.

In the afternoon, Smith came to Changsheng Hall.

Come here to help Zhang Xin, Zhou Linlin, and Wang Linlin apply for their driver's license exams, as well as related issues related to registration and acupuncturist certification.

There is also the legal procedures for the Changshengtang Charitable Foundation.

"Dear Ding, you should hire two full-time accountants!" Smith reminded.

"Full-time accountant?" Ding Changsheng pondered.

Indeed, after the establishment of the Changshengtang Charitable Foundation, it can be regarded as a formal company. For accounting transactions, it is not very convenient to rely entirely on an entrusted accounting company.

“Does Smith have anything to recommend?”

"Dear Ding, for the sake of our lasting friendship, I cannot recommend an accountant to you.

You can try to find a headhunting company, they can provide you with complete services." Smith said with a smile.

"Okay! I'll talk to the headhunting company!" Ding Changsheng nodded.

The Changshengtang Charitable Foundation not only requires two full-time accountants and cashiers, but also a manager responsible for the daily operations of the foundation.

He, Zhang Xin, Zhou Linlin and others just name themselves, and they don't understand the operation of charity funds.

If any illegal operation occurs, it will be very troublesome.

After sending Smith away, Ding Changsheng took out his mobile phone and searched for it, and found a headhunting company with a fairly good reputation.

Just find two accountants and an experienced operation manager. You don't need to find those international headhunting companies, just find a state-level headhunting company.

After all, international headhunting companies provide good services and charge good fees.

Ding Changsheng asked the other party to come to Changsheng Hall to meet and discuss in detail.

When there is business, headhunters come quickly.

The economic situation in the United States has been very bad in recent years, and the business of headhunting companies has also been difficult to do.

There are more and more people looking for jobs, but there are indeed fewer and fewer employers.

"Hello Mr. Ding, I am a talent consultant at Halide Headhunting Company. My name is Vinicius Foster. You can call me Foster.

It’s a pleasure to serve you!”

"Hello Foster, I already told you the person I need on the phone. Is there a suitable candidate?"

“Based on Mr. Ding’s request, we conducted a preliminary screening and there are twenty accountants here, all of whom are very suitable for Mr. Ding’s needs!

In addition, we have also selected ten qualified managers who are familiar with the operation of charitable foundations for Mr. Ding to select.

This is their information, please take a look first." Vinicius Foster took out a tablet very professionally, opened a folder, and handed it to Ding Changsheng.

Ding Changsheng took it and took a look. The information in this document was very complete.

It not only contains various information about job seekers, including work photos, life photos, and comments from the previous unit, but also analysis reports given by headhunting companies.

Of course, all of this information hides the job seeker's contact information, and even the name is semi-hidden.

It can be seen that headhunting companies are not easy to deal with. Competition is fierce and involution is serious.

The accountant candidates given by Vinicius Foster are all around thirty years old, which is the stage when they are young and experienced.

It also shows the current status of the job seeker, whether he is employed or idle.

Naturally, these people are not ACCA (International Certified Public Accountants), but certified public accountants, also known as CPAs, who can be qualified to be responsible for the accounting duties of a small and medium-sized company, and can also be qualified to perform auditing work.

Ding Changsheng’s charitable foundation does not need ACCA.

There is no competition between the two. One is a compound managerial talent and the other is a professional and technical talent.

Ding Changsheng had to admit that the people Vinicius Foster brought out were all in line with his requirements, so he randomly selected two accountants who looked pleasing to his eye.

One man and one woman.

The man is the accountant and the woman is the cashier.

Then we selected a manager with ten years of experience in operating charitable foundations.

This is for job seekers who want to achieve career advancement by changing jobs.

Not only the one chosen by Ding Changsheng, but also the other nine job seekers all applied for jobs for the sake of career advancement.

On the one hand, it can be seen that in the United States, positions at charitable foundations are still very popular.

Most staff at charitable foundations do not have to worry about losing their jobs.

When they left their jobs, they either made mistakes or their positions in their original company were promoted to the ceiling, and they could only achieve a career jump by job-hopping.

This situation is actually very common. Don't talk about employee loyalty.

It is a simple relationship where you get paid and I do work for you. There is no need to make it look like the ancient relationship between a lord and his retainers.

The company does not need to emphasize loyalty to its employees. If you can complete the job well and live up to your professional ethics, you are an excellent employee.

Companies that emphasize employee loyalty are fucking rogues.

Ding Changsheng doesn't care about this. He only cares about whether he is the person he needs, whether there are any stains in his career, and whether he is pleasing to the eye or not.

There is no way, the list provided by Vinicius Foster is all what Ding Changsheng needs, and all of them meet his requirements, so he can only choose whoever suits his eyes.

"Just them!" Ding Changsheng checked the people he wanted on the tablet, and then handed the tablet back to Vinicius Foster.

"Okay, Mr. Ding!

There is a contract here, you need to sign it!" Vinicius Foster took out a contract and handed it to Ding Changsheng.

Ding Changsheng took the contract and took a look. It was a contract entrusting a headhunting company to provide talent services and charge fees.

It was not very complicated. Ding Changsheng looked at it carefully and signed it readily.

"Mr. Ding, when do you think the interview will be arranged?"

"There is no need for interviews. If they have no objections, just let them join us as soon as possible!"

It's not a high-end talent, and it requires two-way selection. Naturally, Ding Changsheng agreed and just informed them to come to work.

The job resume has the salary requirements they need. Ding Changsheng allows them to come to work, which naturally means agreeing to their minimum salary requirements.

"Mr. Ding, what do you think of this salary?"

"According to their minimum salary requirements, if their work performance is good, we will give them a salary increase." Ding Changsheng thought for a while and said with a smile.

Before Vinicius Foster came, Ding Changsheng checked the salary of certified public accountants in the United States on the Internet.

The average monthly salary is more than 5,000 US dollars, with some as high as 7,000 to 8,000 US dollars. Of course, there are even higher ones.

The two certified public accountants Ding Changsheng found required a salary of more than $6,500, which was not low, but not too high either.

Managers responsible for operations management do not require high salaries, with a monthly salary of US$8,000.

Looking at their salaries, Ding Changsheng realized that he had taken it for granted that he had offered Zhang Xin and others a salary of US$30,000.

Take a break first, there will be more later.

(End of chapter)

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