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Chapter 7 Violent women learn to be maids

The Canglang King's personal maid realized that Hua was in a hurry, so she hurriedly stepped forward and said to the Canglang King: "Your Majesty, it is already the job of the servants and other personal maids to serve you, your Majesty."

The Blue Wolf King's eyes narrowed dangerously, and he said dissatisfiedly: "I said this is the job of rough handling the maid, and it is the job of rough handling the maid! Who has the final say, you or me?"

Zhihua knelt down with a "plop". Zhihua trembled and kowtowed as he responded: "Of course it is Your Majesty who has the final say. I am so ignorant that I almost misled Your Majesty."

Canglang King said: "Why don't you slap your mouth thirty times?"

Zhihua quickly kowtowed heavily and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty."

Zhihua knew that Canglang King had shown mercy to her by asking her to slap herself. If she had asked someone else to slap her, it would not only have made her mouth swollen and painful, but she might have been beaten to death.

So Zhihua shed tears and slapped himself again and again. He didn't dare to be vague in his strength.

As a maid, she knew how to paint, write, and be courteous. She was originally trained as a beautiful girl by her family. However, her family's financial difficulties finally made her lose the qualification to be a beautiful girl.

However, Zhihua's family did not want to give up, and they seized every opportunity to send her to the palace.

In the end, Zhihua managed to live up to his expectations, and with his outstanding performance, he managed to sneak into the Haohan Palace.

Others are afraid of the king, and in order to save their lives and rely on connections, they refuse to work in the vast palace even if they live or die.

But Zhihua was different. Zhihua went straight to Haohan Palace from the beginning.

Because, there are no more opportunities to get in touch with the king than in the vast palace.

Zhihua believed that as long as she behaved well, she might be able to become famous one day. No matter how bad it was, she was still much better than a beautiful girl who could not see the king all year round.

Zhihua never expected that he would be punished by the king. And all this happened because of an illiterate barbarian woman.

I know how to hate that.

While slapping herself, she cursed Aman bitterly.


By the way, after punishing Zhi Hua, the Canglang King was hungry. After all, he had been tortured by Ah Man all day long.

So, Canglang King said: "Let's have a meal."

Then Xiao Dezi, the chief eunuch of the Canglang King and the head of the House of Internal Affairs, loudly called: "Pass the imperial meal!"

The maids from the Imperial Food Bureau, who had been waiting for a long time, filed in with plates.

Aman on the side had never seen such a battle before.

Aman was used to fighting for food with hungry dogs, so he had never seen a complete meal. Let alone one that was so exquisitely arranged.

However, it is a pity that there are many plates, but the portions on each plate are not large.

Ah Man stood quietly and licked his lips, but he didn't realize how charming this little action of his was.

The Canglang King saw all this.

The Canglang King held his chopsticks and looked sideways at Ah Man who was standing at the table: "Aren't you still waiting for me to eat? Do you want me to do it myself?"

Aman answered straightforwardly: "If you do it yourself, you can do it yourself. You don't have many hands, so what's the problem with doing it yourself?" You must understand that if she wants to do it herself, she can't even take a bite!

The Cang Wolf King said: "Oh, you are still sharp and sharp!"

The sharp-tongued Aman:?

Ah Man didn't know when he became so good at talking. He was probably hungry.

Her last meal was just a chicken leg! She originally wanted to gnaw the chicken leg bones, but unexpectedly she encountered the Wolf King, who made her throw the chicken leg bones as darts.

When he thought of this, Ah Man took the Cang Wolf King's chopsticks away bitterly and picked up a piece of chicken leg.

The Canglang King said, "You can teach me," and opened his mouth with satisfaction, waiting for Aman to feed him.

Unexpectedly, Aman put the chicken leg directly into her mouth.

Canglang King:!!!

Haohan Palace paid attention to the servants at the table, and all of them took a breath. They didn't expect that someone dared to steal the royal meal!!!

Ah Man is used to eating directly with his hands and holding chopsticks, this is the first time.

Ah Man was chewing the chicken leg and looking at the chopsticks curiously.

As he watched, Aman suddenly felt blessed and had a flash of inspiration!

Oh, aren't chopsticks just sticks? So... the feel is just that, just make do with it. You can also practice your skills at the same time. It's better than bare hands!

Unexpectedly, the Blue Wolf King suddenly slapped the dining table with his big hand and roared angrily: "You bastard!!! I asked you to wait for the meal. It's better for you. I didn't eat, so you should eat first!"

Ah Man said with an innocent face: "You are a fool if you don't know how to eat first when you are hungry."

A fool:......

The Cang Wolf King refused to give up and asked in a cold voice: "Are you going to feed me or not?"

Ah Man, who was aware of current affairs, decisively picked up another chicken leg.

This time, the Cang Wolf King's heart was in doubt, he was really afraid that Ah Man really wouldn't feed him.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary embarrassment, the Cang Wolf King did not open his mouth this time. When Aman brought it to his mouth, he would consider whether to eat it. At that time, as long as he did not open his mouth, it would be embarrassing

It’s Aman!

Unexpectedly, this time Ah Man really picked up the chicken legs and put them towards his mouth.

The Cang Wolf King nodded with satisfaction and waited for her leisurely.

As a result, Ah Man was accustomed to using a stick weighing a thousand pounds, and he was holding two chopsticks with only a few taels, and his hand speed was nothing to mention.

It was too late but not too late, Ah Man held the chicken leg between his chopsticks and stuffed it to Cang Lang King's lips.

While the Cang Wolf King was still nodding with satisfaction, he didn't even have time to consider whether to open his mouth or not, when Ah Man slapped him hard from behind!

The Cang Wolf King choked out a breath. When Aman saw the Cang Wolf King open his mouth, he suddenly stuffed the drumstick into the bottom of the Cang Wolf King's throat. The Cang Wolf King was so uncomfortable... he almost shed tears.


The Cang Wolf King held a mouthful of chicken drumsticks in his mouth and said impatiently: "Don't you know how to feed people well?"

Zhihua, who was waiting silently with his mouth swollen and his face swollen, quickly stepped forward to greet him.

Seeing Canglang King looking at him in warning again, Zhihua, who was familiar with Canglang King's temperament, quickly bowed and said, "I will teach her." Originally, Zhihua planned to do it himself. However, since Canglang King,

If you don’t like it, then you can only give up!

The Canglang King nodded with satisfaction, and said something to Aman to make everyone stand down: "That's right, you are a barbarian woman who first entered the palace, so naturally you don't understand anything. I am very tolerant and will not care about you. You

Just study hard."

Aman grinned and looked at Zhihua with a mischievous smile.

I'm speechless when I know how to paint. I regret very much why I have to be so troublesome. As the saying goes, if you endure the calm for a while, you can take a step back and the sky will be brighter!

Zhihua knew that Canglang King was not happy, so she did not dare to take the chopsticks. She could only give instructions with words.

Zhihua said: "After setting the dishes, you must first test the poison with silver needles."

Ah Man licked his lips: "I personally tested it to be non-toxic."

The Cang Wolf King looked sideways, thinking about the chicken leg that was eaten first:!!!

Zhihua swallowed and continued: "Then, you have to understand His Majesty's preferences, pay attention to his eyes, and put his favorite dishes to his mouth."

Aman said bluntly: "It's really not a good habit to be picky about food. It's shameful to waste food!"

Canglang King:-_-||
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