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Chapter 8 Please call me goddess of war!

When he met Aman, an incomprehensible master, Zhihua no longer dared to look at the Blue Wolf King.

Zhihua's lips trembled slightly, she really didn't know how to continue teaching.

Fortunately, the Canglang King expressed sympathy and understanding for her plight, and waved his hand to ask her to leave.

The Cang Wolf King no longer expected Ah Man to pick up food for him. He took the chopsticks and planned to do it himself.

So, without even looking at Ah Man, he said, "Just watch me eat here."

Ah Man swallowed again.

The Blue Wolf King couldn't bear to hear this.

Originally, the servants of Haohan Palace had to wait until Xuanyuan Junyu finished eating before eating in batches according to their rank.

Aman is a rough servant, so she should wait until the end of the queue to eat.

However, after Xuanyuan Junyu took a few bites, he said that the food was not very tasty and it was a shame to waste food, so he asked Aman to help destroy the remaining food on the table.

Ah Man immediately devoured his food. The Cang Wolf King was still advising from the side: "Take your time, don't be in a hurry, be careful not to choke, there are plenty of things."

Anyway, I'm used to fighting for food with hungry dogs. If you're quick, you'll get it, but if you're slow, you won't. Ah Man doesn't know any table manners, and he doesn't care about nobility and elegance.

It is said that the dining table, which is "full of things", gradually dwindled and bottomed out under the stormy clouds of Aman.

The eyes of the many palace servants who were waiting to share some scraps gradually showed a look of despair.

It seems that I am going to be hungry tonight.

Fortunately, the first one still had some dry food hidden.

What? You didn’t hide any dry food? Do you want to sell you a steamed bun for ten cents?


Xuanyuan Junyu watched Aman eating and asked, "What's your name?"

Normally, Ah Man wouldn't bother to answer. If anyone asked her what her name was, she would have to answer, wouldn't she be busy to death?

But it's different now. Now Ah Man has a rare meal and drink, and she's in a good mood.

Ah Man stretched out his petite tongue, licked the juice from his fingertips, and said, "A Man."

The scene in front of him only made Xuanyuan Junyu's heart flutter. When he thought about what Aman said, Xuanyuan Junyu stood up from his seat.

At that time, the servants of Haohan Palace had already covered their mouths in shock.


This woman is actually the female devil Aman who can make werewolves thunder into their ears just by saying her name and can stop children from crying!

With the martial arts skills of this barbarian woman, he should have guessed it a long time ago!

Xuanyuan Junyu had heard that the fierce woman named Aman had robbed his army, so he went to conquer it himself.

Later, when he visited the scene in person, all he saw was a loosely disciplined mob. He thought that the female devil Aman abandoned her troops and fled after hearing that he was leading the expedition. The rest of the large army dispersed.

He was gone. That’s why he came back with the beautiful woman in front of him abducted.

What exactly is going on?

It turned out that after Aman conquered the million-strong army of the Canglang Kingdom, Lieutenant General Canglang was dissatisfied and planned to rebel.

--Jump back in time to the current day--

It is said that Lieutenant General Canglang was not convinced that Aman had replaced the army commander. When Aman stood on horseback majestically and walked in front, he had other plans.

He quietly half-raised his head and stared at Aman, but said in his heart: "How dare this ignorant woman replace me, the Canglang Commander? We will follow suit for the time being. As long as we pass the level ahead, Cangshan Winter Cold, we will definitely be able to defeat this person.

The ungrateful woman is frozen!"

This is the strategy of Lieutenant General Canglang. He plans to take advantage of the harsh climate and environment of Cangshan Mountain to repel Aman.

Lieutenant Canglang suddenly realized his evil plan, but Aman seemed to sense it.

Ah Man suddenly glanced at him, and the deputy general was so frightened that he quickly retracted his neck.

At that time, the deputy general's eyes flashed, he bowed to Ah Man, and then pretended to excuse himself.

However, the majestic Aman naturally did not take this mere deputy general seriously.

After making up her mind to lead an army to conquer the world, Aman used her long stick as a trekking pole to move forward bravely.

When they reached Cangshan Pass, the coldest place in the legend, where Lieutenant General Canglang plotted the uprising, Aman paused in his steps and the Lieutenant General's heart tightened.

Finally, Ah Man's eyes flashed, and without saying a word, she led the army and marched forward without hesitation.

Lieutenant General Canglang let out a sigh of relief. In the biting cold wind, the Lieutenant General was so afraid that Aman had cowered just now. In this way, his plan would not be implemented.

Facing the wind and snow all the way.

Finally, Aman led the army to Canglong Ridge, the highest peak of Cangshan Mountain. Canglong Ridge is covered with ice and snow all year round, and it is even more frozen in winter.

The deputy general's eyes flashed, and he pretended to bow his hands and said, "It's a very cold spot ahead, and I'm afraid it will freeze you to death. May I ask if you will send your troops back until spring warms up?"

Ah Man glanced sideways at the lieutenant, snorted coldly, then picked up his stick and left.

The deputy general was shocked by the stare, but the arrow was already on the string and he had no choice but to fire it.

Afterwards, the deputy general followed him calmly and raised his hand to signal the soldiers to move forward.

At that time, it was snowing heavily in Canglong Ridge.

Aman is wearing only one pair of pants and looks very weak at first glance.

The lieutenant general plucked up the courage for himself, and decided that when he reached the extremely cold spot, he would immediately launch an army to rebel, and he would definitely kill Ah Man by surprise.

Unexpectedly, Ah Man, who seems to be weak, has always noticed that there are people who want to rebel.

As long as the rebels keep quiet, Aman will keep quiet so as not to alert others.

As a result, as soon as he stepped into Canglong Ridge, the deputy general could no longer hold himself back. He waved his hand impatiently, and the soldiers were ready to move.

However, before the soldiers made any move, Ah Man remained calm and only used the stick that was temporarily used as a trekking pole to bang the ground hard several times.

In an instant, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and snow poured down from the front.

"It's an avalanche!" The soldiers screamed, and then fled in panic, swarming back, and even stepped on others.

Millions of troops fell to death, were trampled, and were buried in the snow. The strength of the army was greatly reduced.

Ah Man didn't even look back, he just turned his face and shouted majestically: "Who dares to rebel?!"

All the soldiers bowed their hands to show weakness, showing their surrender and respect for Aman.

Among the crowd who showed weakness, Lieutenant General Cang Lang gritted his teeth bitterly. He originally wanted to use the harsh environment to repel Aman, but was used by Ahman to defeat their army. At this moment, Lieutenant General Canglang had something in his heart.

Extremely unwilling.

However, Lieutenant Canglang refused to give up.

After the army regrouped for a while, they marched for another period. This time they arrived in front of the Qishui River.

The water in Qishui River is fast, but the ice is not thick.

The lieutenant knew this river well, and soon he had a conspiracy.

Lieutenant General Canglang bowed and paid homage to Aman: "My lord, please pass first."

The lieutenant thought that when her heavy stick hit the glacier, the thin ice would definitely break. When the time came, this arrogant woman would freeze to death if she didn't drown. If she didn't survive, she would be swept away by the rushing river.

Went away.

As a result, Ah Man looked forward, raised his stick, and waved his slender hand, but he didn't let the stick touch the ground at all.

Then, Ah Man performed his Qing Kung Fu, and his toes barely scraped the ground as he took small steps.

The lieutenant was stunned!

When they crossed to the other side, Aman waved his hand and motioned for the lieutenant to follow him.

The deputy general hesitated in his steps. He muttered and did not dare to step forward.

Ah Man was silent and had no choice but to watch him calmly, but he still had to serve him with a stick.

The lieutenant raised his eyes slightly, and when he saw the stick ready to move, he felt afraid.

In the end, the deputy general had no choice but to tremble and slide forward step by step.

Sure enough, after taking only a few steps, the deputy general fell into the water with a plop.

The deputy general stretched out his hands and shouted: "Save me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he sank into silence.

With great difficulty, the deputy general struggled and finally emerged above his head.

Ah Man sneered: "This useless villain must be destroyed!"

After saying that, Ah Man raised his feet and turned around to return.

The deputy general who was in trouble was overjoyed, thinking that Ah Man had turned around to save him.

The lieutenant stretched out his hand towards Ah Man with great effort.

Unexpectedly, Ah Man was walking across the ice, and when he came to his side, he kicked his head heavily into the water.

"Gulu gulu", the water surface was bubbling, and the deputy sank to the bottom of the water until he was washed away by the fast and rugged water.

Returning to the shore, Aman glanced at the remaining soldiers and asked, "Is there anyone else who wants to rebel?"

All the soldiers bowed their heads and were too cowardly to speak.

"Cut down trees and make sleds." Ah Man shouted and ordered loudly.


"So, where are my millions of troops?" Cang Lang King asked in a deep voice.

Ah Man ate and drank enough, picked his teeth and said, "Buried by an avalanche."

The Canglang King quickly asked: "Where is the general?"

Ah Man said: "The head was splashed with blood on the battlefield."

The Canglang King asked again: "Where is the deputy general?"

Aman's expression did not change: "Drown in Qishui River."

The Canglang King sadly confirmed: "A bunch of rabble are left in the end?"

Ah Man glanced sideways: "Under my leadership, we will soon expand in size and become a wolf and tiger division."

The Cang Wolf King's eyes turned red with anger: "The female devil!"

Ah Man replied calmly: "Please call me the Goddess of War!"

The Canglang King said: "Asshole, if you are the female God of War, then I am the male God of War!"

Ah Man asked lightly: "A fight? Wait until I get my weapon back, and we will have a fair and just fight!"

The Cang Wolf King turned away and stopped looking at Aman. He was not that stupid and offered her the weapon with his own hands. She was already so fierce with her bare hands, but what if she had a weapon in her hand?!

However, if we really want to fight seriously, it's not like he can't beat her. It's just that this female war goddess is unique in the world, which is a pity.

After a while, Canglang King said: "I want to take a bath, you can wait for me to change my clothes."

Ah Man lowered his eyes and looked at his nose and heart: "Don't look at anything inappropriate!"

Ah Man said something literate again. This was one of the only literate words she could say. She heard this from the tree roots in the village at the foot of the mountain, and she accidentally remembered it.

Shugen is one of the few educated people in the village. He once gave Aman delicious food.

Ah Man knows how to be grateful. He always liked seeing tree roots before.

Every time Aman goes down the mountain, he always hangs out in front of the tree root gate.

Uncle Liu, a fellow villager, said: "Aman is a little mud monkey. If you clean her up, she can still look good."

The root of the tree was whittling the wooden stick in his hand, and he said without raising his head: "Don't look at anything inappropriate."

Uncle Liu, a fellow villager, smiled cheerfully and teased the roots of the tree: "When Aman grows up, I will take him over to be my wife."

Tree Gen pursed his lips and smiled, noncommittal.

However, little Aman listened to the joke at that time. It’s not like Aman has never thought about it, when he grows up, he will become the bride of the root.

When the time comes, she can move to a clean and tidy house with tree roots. In this way, she will have a roof to cover her head no matter how cold or hot it is. Then, there will be tree roots as warm as water to teach her how to read.

Ah Man had a beautiful thought in his heart.

She never thought that she would face this cruel Wolf King now!

Compared with tree roots, the Canglang King is really a rough guy.

Ah Man blurted out and asked: "Can you read?"

The Canglang King grinned: "Not only can you recognize it, but you can also write it. What, you want me to teach you?"

Aman's eyes were shining brightly, and she looked at the Cang Wolf King eagerly. She really wanted to read.

The Cang Wolf King touched Aman's head lovingly, but Aman surprisingly did not avoid it.

Canglang King said: "How about you bathe and change clothes for me, and I will teach you how to read?"

Zhihua bowed forward and said, "Your Majesty, there is a nun in the palace who is responsible for teaching."

The Cang Wolf King glared in displeasure: "Talk too much!"

Zhihua shivered again. Not only did he not get the benefit of bathing and dressing the Blue Wolf King, but he was even scolded.

You must understand that the Canglang King usually doesn't like outsiders when he is bathing and changing clothes. The Canglang King said that he is an iron-blooded man. He has to do such private things by himself! Therefore, Zhihua coveted this job.

I've been asking for it for a long time, but I still can't get it.

Besides, what a blessing it is to have the Blue Wolf King teach you how to read!

For the sake of being able to read, Ah Man looked at Zhi Hua who was standing aside, imitating the way she had just promised, and said: "Here!"

The Cang Wolf King immediately nodded with satisfaction.


The two came to the bathtub.

This is a natural hot spring pool filled with fragrant rose petals.

Ah Man tilted his head and stared at the still smoking hot spring water, thinking to himself that it would be troublesome for rich people to take a bath. Unlike her, she would go to the mountain stream and put on her pants and rub it twice and it would be over.

In the mist, the Cang Wolf King looked at the rosy-faced woman in front of him and smiled tenderly.

He slowly opened his arms and signaled Aman to take off his clothes for him.

However, Ah Man still looked at him in confusion, indifferent.

The Cang Wolf King frowned, and said to Aman in a slightly sullen tone: "Come on, let's do it!"
This chapter has been completed!
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