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Chapter 1160 Set off and fight towards the enemy’s lair

"Yiqi, what are you doing?"

Vision Maya, Hasama Shoko and Hasama Kanon, who had just finished training, saw Ichiki Makabe in the corner of the training room and asked, not knowing what he was doing.

"Ah? I didn't... didn't do anything." Ichiki Makabe turned around quickly and faced the three of them in a panic, which made the three of them suddenly suspicious.

"One ride?"


"Ride away, let's go to the next area."

Just when Ichiki was sweating profusely, Master Magero rushed over from the other direction and resolved Makabe Ichiki's crisis.

"Capital City? What are you doing?" Yuanyuan Zhenya saw what secrets the two of them were hiding and asked curiously.

"We are performing a mission." Chief Commander Miyagi said bluntly, but did not inform the three of them about the content of the mission.

"Mission? Ikki, is it true?" The three of them looked at Makabe Ikki again and confirmed with him.

"Hmm... um, yes." Makabe Ikki hesitated, but still nodded.

"Oh, that's it. Thank you for your hard work." Seeing that Makabe Ichiki had said so, Yuan Yuanzhenya was no longer curious. Hazama Kannon had long been used to it, and Yuanzhan Maya and Hasama Shoko had also developed good habits.

It is a habit not to ask too many questions when it comes to military affairs.

"Thank you, let's go first."

"See you."

The three girls waved goodbye to Ikki Makabe and Chief Makabe and left. After the two of them walked some distance away, they could hear Chief Makabe complaining to Ikki Makabe: "Why does she believe what you say every time when she doesn't believe what I say?"


"Eh? Is there any?"

"You guy..."

"Hehehe..." The three X3 girls looked at each other, covered their mouths and chuckled, then turned around and prepared to continue training.

Ikki Makabe and Chief Master Makabe were walking around inside the base, and the training room was already the third area they passed. They didn't lie, they really received the mission.

"Chief Sergeant."

"Yeah, I feel it too."

The two looked at each other and nodded, then separated, walking to different corners like walking, and then...at the same time, they stretched out their hands and grabbed something in the air. It was completely transparent and impossible to see with the naked eye, but there was indeed something caught in the air.

They caught it in their hands.

"You are me...I am you."

As Ichiki Makabe murmured in a low voice, an invisible object appeared in his hand. It was a palm-sized Festum, with huge eyeballs occupying three-quarters of the body, and a pair of small wings. It was caught

The struggle suddenly stopped, and the next second, green crystals spread from Makabe Ichiki's hand, quickly wrapped it, then shattered and disappeared.

After the two of them each eliminated a Festum, they did not leave in a hurry. Instead, they walked around the area and eliminated all the Festum hidden in different corners before heading to the next area side by side.

Not only Ichikki Makabe and Chief Master Makabe, but also Yang Hui, Graham and other people who successfully awakened their bodies, as well as Mjolnir, Kasugai Kohiro, Lai Zhushou and other Festum who have transformed into human forms, scattered throughout Sli.

Their mission in the Naga area and the Promis Army is to clear out all the "eyes" lurking in the Srinagar area and within the Promis Army.

This is the plan formulated by Yang Hui and others. After Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang discovered that Festum or people who possess the Festum factor and successfully awakened it can sense weak connections and develop small amplification devices, they can clearly find these "

where the eyes are located.

When formulating the plan, they believed that in the [Siegfried Network], because of the exchange of consciousness, they would not be discovered by these "eyes". They unanimously decided not to find and eliminate all the "eyes" immediately, but to wait for a suitable one.

With the perfect timing, he caught them all in one fell swoop, and in a very short period of time, the [Happy Knight] and [Bloody Knight] lost the eyesight to monitor them.

And this opportunity is just after the [Happy Knight] and the [Bloody Knight] appeared again and started fighting, because Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang also developed a nano-level weapon based on the characteristics of Festum's mutual induction.

During the battle with [Happy Knight] and [Bloody Knight], place this new type of coordinate positioning device on [Happy Knight] or [Bloody Knight], and then let them carry the coordinate positioning device

The devices return to their home dens.

After that, they immediately started to clean out all the "eyes", turning the [Happy Knight] and [Bloody Knight] blind, and then immediately dispatched the entire army to attack their hidden lair, catching them off guard.

However, so far, there has been a major change in the plan. [Happy Knight] was killed by Yang Hui, and [Bloody Knight] also learned about their plan.

But at this point, Yang Hui and the others have no choice. They have no way out from the beginning. The mission must be completed. All possible preparations have been made. They can no longer obtain staged improvements. It is time to start a decisive battle. If

If it keeps dragging on, I still don’t know what will happen.

Therefore, Yang Hui decided to keep the original plan unchanged and clean up the "eyes" in the Srinagar area and the Promis Legion in the shortest possible time. After cleaning up, he immediately set off to go to the lair of the [Bloody Knight] and kill it.

Kill it, eliminate the alien Festum in one fell swoop, and complete the mission.

In addition to being anxious to complete the task, there is another important reason...

"Ikki, can you still hold on?" After clearing the "eyes" in several areas, Chief Makabe supported the somewhat weak Makabe Ichiki and used the assimilation ability one after another, without the assistance of the body, using it directly

The ability to assimilate consumes a lot of money on them.

"I'm fine, Chief, I can still hold on."

"...There is one more area, the mission is completed, I can do it alone..."

"Let's go, Chief, I'm fine."


Chief Makabe didn't try to persuade Makabe Ikki anymore. He was a typical cold-faced and warm-hearted person who cared very much about his companions. He once went berserk when he was a child because of the Festum factor in his body. The adaptability of Excalibur-type Fafnna

It is also very low, so I have no choice but to direct others to fight in the [Siegfried System].

Seeing his companions fighting hard on the battlefield, getting injured and surrounded by dangers, he was the most nervous and uncomfortable person. Every moment, he longed to drive a Valrhona onto the battlefield and fight side by side with his companions.

Protect them.

But Commander Capital City also understands everyone's consciousness and persistence, so... he doesn't want to fight, he agrees, just stay behind and be protected by him, but if he is determined to continue fighting, he will not dissuade him, and will firmly


"This is the last one." After cleaning out the last "eye" in the Gnakuli of the Promis, Yang Hui was sure that there were no more "eyes" on the Promis, so he took off the eyes behind the ears.

Compact device.

"Natal, what's the progress in other areas?" Yang Hui took out his PAD and contacted Bucky Lulu.

"The fleet has been completely cleared. Areas A, B, and C in the Srinagar area are all completed, area D is 97% complete, and area E is 89% complete."

"Area D and E...areas that Jonathan, Yiqi and the Chief are responsible for. How are their physical conditions?" Yang Hui asked with concern.

"I can still persist."

"...After the end, let them go to Director Yuan Yuan immediately. If the percentage exceeds 70%, they will not be allowed to participate in the next battle." Yang Hui gave the order.


"As well as the Valrhona pilots on Ryugu Island and Poseidon Island, they must also undergo inspections before departure. If the assimilation rate exceeds 60%, they are not allowed to participate."

"Okay, I will supervise it myself."

Hanging up the communication, Yang Hui sighed. This was also the reason why he was anxious to end this war. The Valrhona pilots on Ryugu Island and Poseidon Island had reached their limit, especially Makabe Ichiki, Makamoto Chief Sergeant and Qiang.

The three savior-type Valrhona pilots, Nathan Mitsuhiro and Bartram, as well as Hino Michio and the second-generation pilots from Ryugujima Island, are all very young and have spent less time piloting Valrhona.

It has been a long time, and my physical condition is not optimistic. The reason why I am still able to fight is because of the treatment technology sent by Mjolnir.

Yang Hui and others are different. They have the blessing of Promis Fortress. Driving the [Dawn Series] does not require burning lifespan, but only requires stamina and energy.

The Favna troops on Longgong Island and Poseidon Island are indeed a powerful force, but no matter how powerful they are, Yang Hui will not use them as consumables for the sake of victory. Instead of consuming them all in one mission, it is better to bring them with him.

They go to Promes Fortress to achieve more feats in future battles.

"What? We don't need to participate in the next battle? Why?" After getting the physical examination report, Yuanyuan Chizuru found that it was easier to say that the [Makabe Factor] on the Poseidon Island was much less corrosive to the human body than the Festum Factor, and the situation was not serious.

, but here on Longgong Island... the lowest fourth-generation pilots have exceeded the 60% red line. According to Yang Hui's order, no one is allowed to participate in the next battle.

"This is an order from Commander-in-Chief Yang Hui, and you must obey it."

Regarding Yang Hui's order, Yuan Yuan Qianhe agreed with both hands. These pilots in front of her were all the children that Yuan Yuan Qianhe had watched grow up. Among them were her own son-in-law and daughter, allowing them to continue flying Favna to fight.

, not to mention the dangers encountered in the battle, they are likely to die directly in the cockpit...or...disappear directly.


"No but, this is an order." If it were before, Yuan Yuan Qianhe wouldn't know how to stop these children who wanted to join the war, but now... the word "order" has become her trump card. These children didn't know that before.

What is an order, but after staying in the Promethean Legion for such a long time, I won’t reach the point where I have krypton gold in my bones, but when I hear the word “order”, I won’t insist on having my own way.

"Director Yuan Yuan, if the commander-in-chief agrees, then shall we..."

"Chief Commander, give up. The Commander-in-Chief will not agree." Yuanyuan Chizuru knew what Chief Commander Miyagi was going to say, so she interrupted directly, "I have already sent your physical examination report to Captain Bakki Lulu.

Captain Bucky Lulu replied to me, saying that I will never let you participate in the decisive battle. Your aircraft should be locked now, and... let's see."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, looked up, and saw in the sky, the huge fleet that originally guarded the Srinagar area entered the FOLD jump channel one after another and disappeared into the sky.

(End of chapter)

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