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Chapter 239 Identity sensitive? Then Ill show off my cards!

"New type of ship? Haven't you been able to solve it?"

"Battleship? Inside the colonial satellite?"


The Archangel set sail, and everyone came to a standstill.

But Cruze came to his senses quickly, gave up the Strike Gundam, and headed towards the Archangel.

"It has passed through the port and entered the interior of the colonial satellite. The impact caused minimal damage and the hull was minimally damaged." Arnold reported.

"[Heliopolis] is severely damaged internally, and the Strike Gundam is activated, not...in combat mode!"

After receiving the report, through the glass of the bridge, [Xigu]'s approach was visible to the naked eye. Bucky Lulu immediately issued an order: "Avoid! Full right rudder!"

At the critical moment, the Archangel deflected to the right, narrowly escaping [Xigu]'s fire. Although one or two shells landed on the Archangel, they only splashed weak sparks on the surface of the armor, sending out a

The sound of "ding ding dong dong" was bounced away.

"The enhanced super-speed armor-piercing projectile can't penetrate the armor of the new ship? Are the new federal warships monsters?" Cruze cursed.

[Xigu] didn't have much ammunition left, and he was carrying only light weapons, so he couldn't shoot down the Archangel in a short time, so he once again set his target on the Strike Gundam.

"I'll start with you..."

"Beep beep beep..."


The siren sounded, and [Sigu] had just turned around, when the figure of Strike Gundam holding a giant sword was approaching rapidly. The thin beam lines on the giant sword stimulated Cruze's survival instinct, and the cold light from the sword tip stung his skin.

[Xigu] placed the shield across his chest, turned slightly sideways and hid the 76MM machine gun behind the shield. After blocking the Strike Gundam's giant sword, he immediately swung it away, allowing its center door to open and hit his heart directly.

"The movements are too monotonous. Are you new? Just right..."


"Zi la~!"

The confident expression was solidified on his face. The thick shield did not cause any obstruction to the giant sword. It was cut in two without any pause like tofu. Also cut in two was [Xi Gu]'s shield-holding left arm.

and a machine gun hidden behind the shield.

"What!? This kind of power?"

Cruze was frightened by the performance of Strike Gundam. Whether it was the super jumping power and instantaneous explosive power, or the power of the [Gun Blade] ship-cutting knife, neither [Xigu] could compete alone.

The threat of Strike Gundam was increased, and its own body also lost its ability to fight. Without any reason, Cruze controlled [Sigu] to turn around and run away, returning to the universe through the previously opened channel.


"Stop chasing!"

Strike Gundam wanted to pursue the victory and kill the enemy, but Yang Hui's voice made Kira's nervous brain cool down.

"There are ZAFT warships outside [Heliopolis], and there are more mobile suits than this one, so don't let others get in the way."


[Xigu] temporarily retreated. Yang Hui breathed a sigh of relief. The biggest crisis was over. Moreover, compared with the original plot, [Heliopolis] was much less damaged and was not blown up by the Archangel's missile.

Several steel cables connected to the central axis were broken, and Gundam was not attacked to open a big hole in the wall.


"It depends on people."

Yang Hui's decision about [Heliopolis] can be regarded as extremely entangled. If everything goes as it should, [Heliopolis] will disintegrate and collapse without Yang Hui's intervention. But now, the damage is not

It's not that serious, it's a very embarrassing position.

But even so, the final outcome of [Heliopolis] still needs to be decided in the next battle. All the three Zeons carry are heavy equipment for fortress warfare and ship warfare, even if they only miss one

Even if it is launched, it will cause much more damage to MS missiles than a few ship-borne missiles.

"The next words..."

Yang Hui raised his head and saw the Archangel slowly landing, indicating that his dangerous journey was about to begin. With his joining, it was unknown whether the Archangel's journey would be easier or more difficult...

The Archangel landed, and everyone boarded the Archangel from the exit of the ejection deck on the Strike Gundam's big hands.

"Captain Lamias!"

As soon as they arrived, Baji Lulu and the survivors came to greet them.

"Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu!"

"I'm so glad you're okay!"

"You are the ones. It's our fault that you activated the Archangel, so we were saved."

The two of them bowed to each other, feeling happy that each other was still alive. ZAFT's attack was so brutal that the people of the United Earth were almost wiped out. Now that there was one more survivor, it was considered a victory.

At this time, the cockpit door of the Strike Gundam opened, and Kira walked out, attracting the attention of Bucky Lulu and others.

"Hey, hey, what's going on? You're still a kid! Was that kid driving just now?" As a highly skilled mechanic, Coggello Madek couldn't accept it. He knew that the X series could not be driven by ordinary people.

The five Gundams of the X series have also undergone preliminary simulation experiments on Earth. They were piloted by five elites selected by the Atlantic Federation. However, taking two slow steps is already the limit, let alone moving flexibly and fighting.

The reason why I came to [Heliopolis] is that I hope to use the help of Professor Kato to make final adjustments to the OS that is difficult to use, so that it can be used for normal combat. Otherwise, G built with a lot of money will be no different than scrap metal.

And now, it was unbelievable that they saw that Kira, a young boy, was able to pilot the Strike Gundam to fight ZAFT's mobile suits and repel them.

"Captain Lamias, this is..."


Ma Liu was very embarrassed. She had a dreamlike feeling. Kira had perfected the undeveloped MS on the spot, and defeated ZAFT's MS twice in a row. She didn't know how to explain it, and...for Kira

She has already made preliminary guesses about La's identity. In the current situation, it is also a topic that can easily cause conflicts.

"Hey, I'm really shocked." Just when everyone fell into a confused silence, a hearty and unrestrained voice broke the awkwardness. Mu, still wearing a driving suit, came to the crowd, "I am the 7th Mobile of the Earth Army.

Captain Mu La Flaca of the Fleet, nice to meet you."

The driving suit with purple as the main color shows off his well-proportioned figure although not strong. His short golden hair, blue eyes, and hearty smile give people the feeling of being a big brother.


Seeing that Mu was of the same rank as him, Mariu quickly saluted and introduced himself to Mu: "I am Captain Mariu Ramias of the 5th Special Agent Division in the 2nd Universe."

"I am Second Lieutenant Natal Bakilulu from the same unit."

"I want a permission to board the ship. Who is in charge of this battleship?" Mu asked. His mothership had been sunk, and he was "homeless" and needed a new place to stay.

"..." Hearing this, Bucky Lulu was silent for a moment and gave a sad answer, "From the captain down, the main officers of this battleship have all died in battle, so now it should be Lamia.

Captain Si holds this position..."

"Eh?" Ma Liu was stunned for a moment, wanting to know what was going on, but the next part of Bucky Lulu's words came.

"...The only ones who are safe at the moment are the petty officers and a dozen soldiers who were in the ship at the time. I was inside the central axis at the time, so I survived..."

"Captain, how could he...?"

"Oh, what's all this?" Mu Ye, who was originally responsible for the atmosphere, couldn't help but have a headache. His mothership was sunk, and his comrades who lived with him day and night were also killed. Now his only hope is half-baked, which makes him feel

The future is quite dark.

"Anyway, give me permission, Captain Lamias. The ship I was traveling on was also sunk."

"Um...Okay, I agree."

Mary also felt unreal at this time. She was pushed away and became the person in charge of the Archangel. She couldn't accept all this immediately, but the situation was urgent and there was nothing she could do. She couldn't let Mu become a "lonely ghost", right?

"By the way, who are they?" After receiving permission to board the ship and having a place to stay, Mu now had the energy to worry about other things.

"As you can see, he is a civilian boy, and..." The five Kira people are easy to introduce, but Yang Hui's identity... is too sensitive.

"You are! Mr. Yang Hui... why are you here?" Bucky Lulu also knew that Yang Hui's identity was sensitive, so she immediately shut up and did not reveal Yang Hui's identity directly.

Only then did Baji Lulu notice that Yang Hui was also there, who was also one of the participants in [Plan G]. Although Baji Lulu had a low military rank, she was born into a military family, and her treatment in the army was even that of a captain.

Ma Liu couldn't compare to him, so like Ma Liu, she also knew Yang Hui.

"Long time no see, Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu, this is [Heliopolis], which is Orb's territory. Do I have any problems here?"

"That's not what I meant, I was asking..."

"Besides, I also had a hand in this thing, and I'm here to witness its final results." Yang Hui pointed to the Strike Gundam on the side and explained to Bucky Lulu.

It's a good thing I didn't say this, because it was both Orb and Strike Gundam, and it was related to both, which triggered whispers from everyone present.

"You guy..."

Bucky Lulu was angry. She knew clearly that her identity was sensitive and that [Plan G] was top secret, but she still declared her relationship here. Wasn't this embarrassing for them?

Although Orb has always been the target of the Atlantic Federation's efforts to win over, and so has Yang Hui himself, she does not think that Orb and Yang Hui, who have repeatedly rejected the Atlantic Federation, are ready to take a stand.

"It seems that your identity is very important." Mu didn't know Yang Hui, but he still had good eyesight. Whether it was Yang Hui's performance or the words that aroused his imagination, it showed that he had an extraordinary identity.

"Then..." Yang Hui shrugged at Mu, then suppressed his smile, and looked at Ma Liu with a serious face, "... in the name of Yang Hui, the son of Yang Hongyu, one of the five major Orb families, to propose to the Earth United

Protest, you and ZAFT openly started fighting on the colonial satellite [Heliopolis] under the jurisdiction of the neutral country Orb, blatantly violating the International Neutrality Act. Orb needs you to give a formal statement of explanation and response to [Heliopolis]

Leith] Compensation for damage caused.

Of course, the same statement of protest will also be sent to PLANT. Don't worry about me uniting with Earth or getting close to PLANT. Orb's neutral status will not be shaken or changed."


Everyone present was frightened. Mu, Arnold and other people who didn't know Yang Hui were frightened by Yang Hui's identity. Ma Liu, Baji Lulu, who knew Yang Hui, and even Kira and others on the side were frightened by Yang Hui's sudden change.


Especially Ma Liu, she was just the person in charge of rushing the ducks to the shelves. Yang Hui questioned and protested before she could understand anything. This made her brain almost shut down. Even if she really wanted to protest, it shouldn't be done.

Tell her, but tell her superiors or the Atlantic Federation or the United Earth Government. With the current situation, she can't even report it even if she wants to.

But no one expected that this was just an appetizer. What Yang Hui said next made them completely lose their ability to think.

"At the same time, as a cooperator of [Plan G], in the spirit of the contract, in order to complete [Plan G], I would like to ask you for permission to board the ship."


This chapter has been completed!
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