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Chapter 240 Adjusters and Natural Persons

"Wait a minute! What's going on with the permission to board the ship?"

"Hey, hey, are you kidding me? The young master of the Aubyan family is assisting the Earth to jointly develop MS? Aren't you a neutral country?"

"Stop joking! Yang Hui, this is the Earth Army's latest battleship, and [Plan G], they are all top secrets, you..."

Facing the questions from the three highest-ranking military officers present, Yang Hui gave them answers one by one, of course, in an incomplete manner.

“As you heard, although 4 units of the

Gao, I don’t want to leave any clues, and then I won’t be rewarded for my efforts, so I will temporarily follow Strike Gundam until it is completely completed.” This was Malu’s answer.

"Orb is a neutral country. There is no doubt about this. This cooperation with the Atlantic Federation is just a transaction and does not involve a change in political stance. As for why... I'm sorry, there are no secrets related to Orb." This is a response to the question.

Mu's answer.

"I have been involved in the research and development of [G series]. It is not a secret to me. As for the Archangel...am I not aware of the secret now?" This was the answer to Bucky Lulu, and

In response, I stepped on the catapult deck a few times and told her that I was waiting for her to board. How could I talk about such a secret?


"What's this all about..."


The three people had different expressions. Every answer given by Yang Hui was well-founded and difficult for them to refute. Especially with the permission to board the ship, the performance of the Strike Gundam has not been fully demonstrated. The same is true for the problems and flaws.

As the only remaining semi-finished product of [Plan G], delivering it safely to the commander of the 8th Orbital Fleet, Commodore Duane Halboton, is the most important task at the moment.

Although four units have been snatched away, and the technical information must have been leaked, it cannot be completely used as a wedding dress for ZAFT. Whether the Federation can build a mobile suit unit depends entirely on the Strike Gundam.

Similarly, as a semi-finished product, it is definitely impossible to compare. After all, [Plan G] was carried out by Duane Halbaton with his own will and in conjunction with other people. Many shady methods were used in it. If there is no result at all,

The top management of the Atlantic Federation will not let him go, and neither will the people or organizations who were coerced or bribed in the first place.

Therefore...as Yang Hui is the only surviving top-level R&D researcher in [Plan G], it is the most appropriate and perfect result for him to accompany the team to complete Strike Gundam.

It's just that... his identity is too sensitive, and one bad move will completely change the pattern of the earth and PLANT.

"If you do this... Orb will not agree, so I will not grant your permission to board the ship." Ma Liu shook his head and rejected Yang Hui.

Although she is also eager to see the completion of G, as long as G can be safely delivered to the hands of the Earth United, completion is only a matter of time, but it will only take longer.

But Yang Hui's big trouble was right in front of him, and he was actively pushing towards him, so he had to push it away quickly.

Let’s not talk about what kind of trouble Yang Hui will cause if he boards the Earth Army’s warship. As far as the current situation is concerned, ZAFT’s warship is still watching outside [Heliopolis]. In addition to the Strike Gundam and many personnel, they have

Qi's Archangel has no other combat effectiveness. Whether it can escape from ZAFT and successfully rendezvous with friendly forces is unknown. Ma Liu dare not let Yang Hui take risks with them.

"Okay." Yang Hui spread his hands. He knew Ma Liu's character and would never give him permission to board the ship, nor did he force it. After all, his identity was here. If he forced it like a dog, Ma Liu would

Lyu and others will doubt their own purpose.

But if boarding permission is not given now, it doesn't mean that he can't stay on the Archangel.

"But now..." Yang Hui looked towards the direction of Strike Gundam, or rather the direction where Kira and the other five were.

"What about them? Why do civilian children drive MSs?" Mu knew that Yang Hui's question could not be explored in depth, so he followed Yang Hui's wishes and moved the topic to other places.

"Ah, it's like this. When he was attacked, he appeared in the factory area for some reason. It was too dangerous at that time. I let him board the Strike Gundam. His name is Kira Yamato."


Seeing that Mu was full of doubts about Kira's attitude, Ma Liu quickly added.

"Thanks to him, I destroyed a [Jean] before, and also repelled the [Xigu], and finally defended the last G."

"Defeat [Jean]? You mean that kid!?" Bucky Lulu exclaimed. They all knew that they had defeated [Xigu], but the gap between defeating and defeating was still huge, which made them even more excited.

Hard to believe.

"I came here this time to escort the rookie pilots of the aircraft. How are they doing?" Mu asked.

"At the time of the explosion, they happened to be greeting the captain at the command podium, and together..."

"Is that so..." This is another sad topic. Although they are not acquaintances, they are both members of the Earth Army and the same life. They passed away so simply. No one can turn a blind eye.

But the information provided by Ma Liu allowed Mu to confirm a certain guess. Mu took the lead and came to Kira with everyone.

"What...what's wrong?" Facing the scorching gazes of everyone, Kira was very nervous.

"You...are an adjuster, right?" In order not to scare Kira, Mu's tone was very soft. Although he was an Earth Army member, he was not a fanatic and had a hostile attitude towards all adjusters.



Following Kira's affirmative answer, the soldier on the side pulled the bolt of his gun.

Thor and others were frightened, but still stood in front of Kira.

"What do you want to do?" Yang Hui also stood between the soldiers and Kira, looking at the soldiers with a serious look, "Kira is a citizen of Orb."

"Put down the gun!" Malu immediately scolded the soldiers. She could see that the soldiers were quite nervous. They were not that group of fanatics. They were currently at war with ZAFT. They had narrowly escaped death due to ZAFT's attack before. One of the adjusters

The killer suddenly appeared in front of them, and they subconsciously regarded Kira as their enemy.

But Ma Liu heard the two meanings in Yang Hui's words.

The first is to tell everyone that Orb is a neutral country, and its citizens include natural persons and adjusters. Heliopolis is Orb's colonial satellite. It is normal for the adjusters to appear. Kira is not an enemy.

The second is to tell everyone that Kira is a citizen of Orb, so Yang Hui, as an important figure of Orb, will definitely protect his own citizens.

If the soldiers really hurt Kira, it would not just be a battle between natural people and adjusters, but it would directly evolve into an international issue.

Moreover...seeing the nervous expressions of the soldiers, she was also afraid of misfire. After all, Yang Hui was standing on the ray.

The soldiers' tension cooled under Malu's angry rebuke, and they looked back at each other in confusion, but in the end, they obeyed Malu's order and put down their guns.

"What? It was obviously because of Kira that I was saved, yet you have such an attitude."

"That's right, ungrateful."

The four Thors muttered that Kira was their friend and the savior of everyone. To be held at gunpoint by the saved person would make everyone feel uncomfortable.

"Captain Lamias, what on earth is this..." Baki Lulu was very confused as to why Malu would hand over the important G to a civilian boy? What's more, he is also an adjuster.

"No need to make a fuss, right? Many adjusters moved to the neutral country [Heliopolis] because they didn't want to be involved in the war, right? Kira."

"Uh...well, yes, because I am the first generation adjuster." Kira replied.

(PS: The first-generation adjusters refer to those who have adjusted their genetic genes before they were born. The second-generation and third-generation adjusters are the offspring born after the union of adjusters.)

"That is to say, your parents are natural persons." At this point, Mu Ye left a little embarrassed. After all, he was the one who initiated this topic. "I'm really sorry. I'm actually the one who caused such a big mess."

I want to ask."

"Captain Flaca..."

"On the way here, I watched the simulation training and start-up tests of the preliminary pilots. Just to get the aircraft to move slowly, they have to work hard, and everyone is more deadly than others." Mu lamented.


No matter how many subjective factors exist in the world, the objective gap is a fact. No one can deny that adjusters are indeed better than natural people.

"Captain, where are you going?" Seeing that one of the two top officers at the scene was about to leave, Baji Lulu asked quickly.

"Where else can we go? I was shot and made an emergency landing. The enemy outside is Team Cruze."


Everyone was shocked. Team Cruze was a famous elite unit of ZAFT. Before Cruze became the captain in white, during the Battle of Endymion, he single-handedly drove the highly mobile [Jean] to defeat the entire team.

Mobius Zero] team, leaving Mu alone as a survivor.

After that battle, it was rumored that Cruze, who was not an adjuster, fought his way through many outstanding adjusters and became the captain of an elite unit.

"Is it really him?"

"Yes, so we are in quite a lot of trouble now. Instead of worrying about Kira's status as an adjuster, we should first think about how to get through this crisis. From what I know about him, he will not stop here. He is a neutral country or something.

...There are no restrictions on him."

"No...it can't be...even the Cruze team won't mess around in [Heliopolis], right?"

"They should be waiting for us outside [Heliopolis], and we can go inside..."

"Didn't they already do this? The captain was killed by them!"

"Then what should we do? This ship has no combat effectiveness, and it is fighting inside a colonial satellite. If we are not careful, [Heliopolis] will be finished!"

"Quiet!" Seeing everyone's panic and confusion, Baji Lulu angrily yelled, and then asked Malu: "Captain Lamias, you are now the person in charge of the Archangel, what should we do?"

Everyone looked at Ma Liu and regarded her as their backbone.

"..." Facing everyone's gaze, a heavy responsibility fell on her shoulders. Although it was very heavy, Ma Liu had to shoulder this responsibility, "... All members are preparing for Level 2 combat, inspecting [Shuguang Club]

, give priority to recovering all available parts of the Strike Gundam, and then replenish the ship's supplies to prepare for ZAFT's attack!"


There are not enough manpower, and they don't know if they can complete such a heavy task, but they can only complete it because it is their only hope.

Everyone dispersed, and the five Kira people will stay on the Archangel temporarily. No matter which country they are citizens of, they already know the top secret and cannot just let them go. As for Yang Hui...

"Yang Hui, you are now..."

"I'm going to adjust the Strike Gundam, Kira, come and help."


This chapter has been completed!
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