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Chapter 562 Position Exchange

As the operation progressed, one after another, the Heretic Gundams jumped from the Luna into the sea like dumplings.

"Major, Fort Romfilo requests to return to the team!"

"Fort?" Yang Hui looked at Unit 5 beside him and was stunned for a moment, wondering why Fort Romfilo appeared here. He did not believe that Fort Romfilo dared to disobey his order and attack without permission.

However, when he saw Jung and others surrounding him, he smiled in relief and said, "These brats, I'll grant you permission. Your code name is White Shark No. 5."

"Understood! Hehe."

"Major, the entire aircraft is here." After counting the number of people, Jung reported to Yang Hui.

Yang Hui nodded and immediately connected to the Luna's communication.


"Go ahead, Natal."

"Well, be careful."

After ending the communication, the Luna remained in the air and continued to move towards the target location, while the MS troops, led by Yang Hui, headed towards Xisha.

"Each aircraft, this is the first time to attack Zeon's large force head-on. We will hold them back for at least two hours. Are you confident?"


"Okay, first order, kill Zeon's bastard!"


"Beep beep beep..."

"Major, we have discovered enemy troops. The numbers are huge." At this time, Travis Kakuland reported.

"Huh? It's just the right time. The second order..."

Everyone held their breath and waited for Yang Hui's second order. Although they had already guessed the content, they still wanted to hear Yang Hui give them.

"...Give me the glory and go back alive!"


Everyone's eyes were filled with red, which was the color of blood. Their sharp gazes were as frightening as those of wolves. There was a ferocious smile on the corners of their mouths, and their sharp claws exuded a cold light.

Kycilia Zabi, who was at the non-concierge headquarters, looked at the battle report sent by her subordinates. She glanced at it lightly and threw it aside. Just as she expected, one naval division and one mixed air division were completely destroyed, and the Federation was completed.

The layout of the mine array.

These two divisions were originally given to the Federation by Kycilia Zabi, or rather...to the 12th Independent Technical Force.

Only in this way can we discover their location first, instead of waiting for them to reappear in the hinterland of Zeon without anyone noticing, and then stab her in the heart.

Therefore, if the 12th Independent Technical Force did not destroy all the bait she threw, she would be distressed.

"But the MS equipment specially designed for air and water has brought me another surprise, Yang Hui boy, but... this is not enough for you to escape the script I wrote for you."

"Lady Kycilia, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Marine Divisions encountered the Federation MS troops!"

"Great!" Kycilia Zabi's face once again filled with a ferocious smile that she had everything under control, as if the prey she was targeting had fallen into the net, "Second Order No. 1, No. 2, No. 3

The naval division must hold them back and not fight for the purpose of annihilating the enemy. The 4th, 5th, and 6th naval divisions immediately dispatched, bypassing Xisha and advancing in the direction of Quang Ngai, launching an attack from the rear of the enemy. At the same time, the 1st,

The 2nd Airborne MS Corps supports the fighting forces."


This is Kycilia Zabi's script. The frontal attacking troops are just decoys, or even abandoned ones, to make the federation and cover think that they will land from the direction of Cochin. The federation wants to establish an effective defense line in Cochin in a short time.

It is absolutely impossible within.

Whether it is delaying time or fighting head-on, the 12th Independent Technical Force is the only force that can reach Cochin in time. As long as they are lured there, Kycilia Zabi's plan will be half successful, and then...

Kycilia Zabi's goal was not the federal defense line or the East Asian theater from the beginning. Her goal has always been the 12th Independent Technical Force. As long as this huge threat is eliminated, the federal defense line in the East Asian theater will be insufficient.

For the sake of worry, you can break it at any time.

As for whether Yang Hui sees through it or not...it's not up to him. If the 12th Independent Technical Force doesn't go to Jiaozhi, Zeon can just land in the right direction and attack East Asia from behind.

So this is a conspiracy prepared by Kycilia Zabi for Yang Hui. Even if you guess that this is a trap, you must get into it, otherwise all the federal arrangements in the East Asian theater will be destroyed.

"Major, something is wrong. Zeon's actions have changed." After White Shark 2 destroyed a [Turtle Master] with a small sonic cannon, South Baninger said to Yang Hui, "The other party is not in a hurry to break through our blockade.

They're stalling for time!"

"Well, I can see it. I didn't expect the situation to develop in the worst direction." Yang Hui's face was also dark at this time. He thought from the beginning that this was probably a trap, but at the same time he also saw that it was a conspiracy.

Even if Ethan Leia immediately deployed the defenses along the Cochin line after receiving the report from the Navy Commander, even the troops would not be able to move across within two or three hours.

He didn't bring anyone along the Cochin line to buy time for the federal army. According to the distance and speed of the Zeon army at this time, he could land in Quang Ngai in less than half an hour, and then...

Either Cochin will be reduced to a sea of ​​flames, or all federal reinforcements will be destroyed before they even land.

So Yang Hui had to come. Although he would not dedicate himself to the Federation, once the East Asian Theater fell, the little advantage the Federation had finally won would be lost, and Yang Hui's efforts would be in vain.

"Major, break out, Zeon's target is us!" South Baninger requested.

"Well... the whole aircraft is moving closer to the center. Let's break out. The direction is... non-concierge."

"Understood!" XN

Although everyone was confused that the direction of the breakout ordered by Yang Hui was not the rear Jiaozhi, but the enemy's base camp. After all, if they didn't stop Zeon, wouldn't the East Asia theater be doomed?

"Kycilia Zabi cannot be commanding in Australia, she must be non-concierge!" Yang Hui judged based on a series of factors such as the speed of frontline troops changing operations, communication obstacles in the Minovsky particle environment, and the speed of message transmission.

Kycilia Zabi’s headquarters is in Non-Concierge rather than Australia, “The ball is coming, Kycilia Zabi, pick it up for me!”

Dozens of Heretic Gundams found their positions and formed a cone-shaped formation. Using Yang Hui as the sword, they pierced through the obstacles formed by [Turtle Tyrant] and [War Crab], and headed straight in the direction of the non-concierge.

"Stop them!"

"No! I can't catch up! Damn it, why are the Federation's underwater MS so fast!?"

"Even if you can't catch up, you have to catch up! Immediately inform Lady Kycilia that the enemy is heading towards the non-concierge!"

They saw the awls composed of Heretic Gundam getting further and further away from them, and finally watched helplessly as they turned into small black dots and disappeared from their sight.

"Lady Kycilia, urgent report from the front, the federal MS troops have broken through!"

"Oh, did you see it? The direction of the breakout?"


"What?" Kicilia Zabi stood up in shock. She was indeed frightened by Yang Hui's courage, but she soon laughed in relief, "Hahahaha, amazing, you guessed that I was here so quickly.

Are you brave enough? But...don't underestimate me too much. Order all troops not to return to defense, advance towards the Jiaozhi defense line, land directly upon arrival, occupy Jiaozhi, and establish a frontline headquarters!"


"Everyone, prepare to evacuate and abandon this base."

"Lady Kycilia?"

"If you don't evacuate, are you waiting to be taken prisoner?"

"Don't dare." Kycilia Zabi's adjutant was also covered in cold sweat. She and Kycilia Zabi had seen the terrifying force of this unit in the North American war zone. At that time, there were only Jiutai, but now it has become

If there are dozens of them, it will only become more terrifying.

"Let's go. Last time they were ghosts and we were ghost hunters. This time... let's change our identities."

At the same time, Ethan Leia looked at the battle map with a gloomy expression. He also received the report from the Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Fleet and sent the idle troops to Jiaozhi as soon as possible, but he was not sure that the 12th Independent Technical Force could

Whether it can support the arrival of supporting troops.

"Is there any news about the 12th Independent Technical Force?"

"The Luna has arrived in Vinh City. According to the report from Captain Bucky Lulu, Major Yang Hui led the MS troops equipped with special underwater backpacks to intercept the Zeon army in the sea to delay our troops."

"Well...order the support troops to speed up! The sooner they arrive at Jiaozhi, the sooner Yang Hui and the others will be safe!"

"Colonel, with all due respect, we can..."

"Shut up!" Ethan Leia shouted sharply, interrupting his subordinates, "Friendly troops are fighting at the front and using their lives to delay us, but are you thinking about how to betray them?"

"Go to...Colonel?" Ethan Leia's confidants were very surprised. In their hearts, Ethan Leia was a man who would do whatever it took to win. How could he care about the life and death of an army? Moreover, this army was still alive.

The opponent's subordinates.

"Without them, do you think we can stop Zeon's attack?"


"Huh, short-sighted."

The reason Ethan Lea said was only on one hand. On the other hand, he also valued the 12th Independent Technical Force. Regardless of his position, he had a feeling that this force was the future of the Federation and the future of this war.


"Haha, Ray Bill, I didn't expect that I had the same idea as you." Ethan Leia thought in his heart and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Colonel! Urgent encrypted message!"

"Emergency encrypted message? Who sent it?"

"There is no note about the sender, but it uses the highest level encryption of our military."

"Decode now!"

"Yes...Kycilia Zabi's target is us. To delay the failure, she suggested that Colonel Laiya abandon the south of Indochina and establish defense lines along Hanoi, Bokeo, and Naypyitaw. Our troops have broken through and the target is very

Concierge, conduct a beheading operation."


On the other side of the deep sea, the 12th Independent Technical Force, which was advancing at full speed, suddenly stopped.

"No, Kycilia Zabi will not make the same mistake. She must have left the non-concierge."

"Major, what should we do now?" Jung asked.

"The 2nd and 3rd teams continue to move forward and take down the non-concierge for me. The 4th, 6th and 7th teams are engaged in guerrilla warfare with Zeon in the Xisha and Zhongsha areas. The 8th and 9th teams follow me back the same way.

, landed from Qiujiang."


"Haha, are you going to be a ghost this time? You have to hide it well. I have never lost at hide and seek, Kycilia Zabi."

This chapter has been completed!
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