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Chapter 563: False and true, true and false

The silent sea surface becomes deeper and more mysterious because of the night. The waves wash over the boulders on the coast, and the rough surface has become extremely smooth.

Suddenly, an antenna stretched out from the sea, and the small metal piece at the top turned in a circle, and the antenna returned to the sea. The next second, the huge body broke through the shackles of the sea and stepped onto the land.


Then, one after another, the Heretic Gundams walked onto the land from the sea, circling in a circle to alert the surroundings.

"Blogger, Fred, you lead your teams to the northwest and southwest, avoiding Zeon's sight as much as possible along the way. As long as the goal is to find Zeon's frontline command post, don't alert the enemy."

"Major, we are now using a special backpack for water. It is almost impossible to avoid Zeon's sight."

The mobility of the special underwater backpack in the water can surpass Zeon's [Turtle Overlord] and [War Crab], and the sonar detection system is also the most advanced.

But on land, combat effectiveness can be guaranteed, but mobility and ground detection capabilities are not enough to support their covert operations.

"I will lead the first team to advance from the due west direction. I will kill the enemy when I see it. I will expose our traces throughout the process and attract the enemy's attention for you."

"Understood." X2

"Remember, Kycilia Zabi can definitely predict that we will come back. Don't be confused. Be sure to determine Kycilia Zabi's location. Don't act rashly after discovering it. Wait for everyone to gather. Blog, Fu

Reid, the victory or defeat of this battle depends entirely on you." Yang Hui solemnly explained.

If the Heretic Gundam is equipped with land equipment, he can leave the task of luring the enemy to Blog and Fred. With the mobility of land equipment, he can run away even if he cannot be beaten. Yang Hui is assured of their safety, but the special backpack for water,

Yang Hui asked them to lure the enemy, which would be abandonment.

As for the location of Kycilia Zabi, after knowing that Yang Hui and others came back, Kycilia Zabi would definitely not be able to easily expose her position to Yang Hui to behead her. She would definitely arrange a fake frontline headquarters as a bait.

, on the one hand to ensure one's own safety, on the other hand it is also a bait to lure Yang Hui and others.

"Lady Kycilia, the Federation's MS troops have been divided."

"Are the troops divided again?" Kicilia Zabi was stunned for a moment, then sneered, "Haha, you are really confident in yourself, position?"

"Yes, one team went straight to the non-concierge, and the remaining troops could no longer hold on. The other team launched guerrilla operations in Xisha, Zhongsha and other areas. The naval division suffered heavy losses."

"Are these two teams the only ones?"

"Yes, only these two teams have been discovered so far."

"What about the quantity?"

"Two brigades went to Non-Concierge, and three brigades were engaged in guerrilla operations in Xisha and Zhongsha."

"...The number is wrong." Kycilia Zabi compared the numbers in the report in her mind, "This time the enemy dispatched a total of eight brigades, and now only five brigades have been found, and there are three more brigades.



"Lady Kycilia, this is the Federation's mobile suit force! Landed from the coast, headed due west, and wiped out three of our patrols and two observation posts!"

"What about the quantity?" Kycilia Zabi asked. What she was most concerned about now was the number of troops that appeared. She would only feel relieved if all the enemies were found.

"According to the final report from Observation Post No. 4, it should be a large group, and the number is uneven."

"Well... there are two more brigades, have their positions been found?"


"Go and find them! We must find them!"

"But... the brigade that appeared did not hide itself at all. It destroyed our troops along the way and was difficult to resist."

"That's a bait." Kycilia Zabi judged, "This is a hide-and-seek game, but Yang Hui and I are both ghosts and ghost hunters at the same time. Whoever finds the other party first will be the one who has laid the foundation for it."

In victory, withdraw all patrols on the enemy's route and all observation posts far away from the base. Since the opponent has never thought of hiding, there is no need to pay special attention to their whereabouts."


"But Lady Kycilia, what if the other party discovers our intention and changes from light to dark?"

"..." After being reminded by the adjutant, Kycilia Zabi also discovered this, and at the same time realized that she had fallen into passivity again, "It's virtual and real, haha, Yang Hui's move is really powerful, but...

...Don’t think that I don’t have any preparations. Is the new high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft sent by Zeonik ready for use?”

"Are you talking about the new type of [Lugen]? The final debugging has been completed, but it has not been actually used, so..."

"Then let them go to the battlefield and experiment."

This is the difference between Kycilia Zabi and Yang Hui. They are also testing the performance of new weapons in actual combat, but Yang Hui has absolute confidence, while Kycilia Zabi simply doesn’t care whether people will die.

She only cares about the results she wants.


As they moved forward, Yang Hui and others did not know how many Zeon troops they had destroyed, but suddenly they discovered that they did not encounter any patrols or observation posts on the way forward.

"Kycilia Zabi's reaction was very quick."

"Major, something is wrong. Isn't she afraid that we will disappear too?" South Baninger asked.

"Amuro, what do you think?"

"There should be other reconnaissance methods, right?" Amuro replied.

"Well... hide in place and stay quiet."

Team 1 all stopped and kept quiet. At this moment, everyone heard a slight buzzing sound.

"Heaven! Air reconnaissance plane!"

Looking up, there is only the deep night sky, but the flashing signal lights can be vaguely seen. This can only be seen vaguely at night, but it cannot be seen clearly at all during the day.

"This distance... is about 10,000m by visual inspection." said Kristina Mackenji. She is the fire support member of the team and is very confident in the visual inspection.

"High-altitude reconnaissance plane? Zeon's new weapon!" Everyone was shocked.

"Major, our weapons cannot reach such a high position to remove their eyes, so we cannot attract the enemy's attention for others."

"So...do you dare to break into Zeon's base with me?"


"The patrols and observation posts can't make Kycilia Zabi feel any pain, so let's attack a few bases and see if she can leave us alone."


Except for Fort Romfilo, the members of Team 1 have already experienced it. Everyone else has a ferocious expression of excitement on their faces. They have long wanted to try it. Several mobile suits captured a base. Not only is it a huge

The credit is also the honor of the trump card.

Now the definition of ace within the federation has changed because of Yang Hui and the others. It does not depend on how many enemy planes you have shot down, but on whether you have the ability to capture the enemy's base with an absolute disadvantage in strength.

Ten minutes later, Kycilia Zabi's adjutant hurriedly ran to her to report.

"Lady Kycilia, the Stung Treng base has been captured."

"What?" Kycilia Zabi frowned slightly, "Did it be done by the two brigades that haven't been found yet?"

"No, it was done by the brigade we have been monitoring. A total of 8 MSs captured the Stung Treng base in a devastating manner."

"Channel 8? Do you have video data?"


Kycilia Zabi took the PAD and looked at it carefully: "It's him!"

"Lady Kycilia, who are you talking about?"

"This mobile suit." Kycilia paused the video playback and pointed at the Heretic Gundam sweeping two Zaku IIs with its trident, "Yang Hui, it must be him!"

"It's him!"

"That's right, watch its movements carefully." Kycilia Zabi replayed the video record, focusing on Yang Hui's Unit 1.

"It's indeed him!" The adjutant also confirmed that this Heretic Gundam was Yang Hui's machine. He took the lead and swept unparalleled. His movements were silky and smooth, as perfect as art. His elegant waltz steps could crush the enemy's heart with every step.

Like that night in the North American war zone.

"I can actually let him act as a bait in person... The other two brigades must be looking for my location! They must be found!"

"But Lady Kycilia, [Lugen]'s search range has been expanded to 500 kilometers, but they still haven't been able to find their location."

"Then keep expanding the scope!"


"Also, from now on, the three camouflage command posts will be removed from their camouflage. Everyone will follow me and change positions every two days."

"Is it true or false... I understand, Lady Kycilia."

"Well, let's make arrangements."


Federal Middle East Theater Command, Ethan Lea asked CIC: "How is the layout of the western defense line going?"

"78% completed."

"It's too slow. They have to finish it all before dawn!"


"The situation of the 12th Independent Technical Force."

"Two teams of the 12th Independent Technical Force have broken through the non-protocol forward positions and are launching a strong attack on the headquarters. Three teams are conducting guerrilla operations in the Xisha and Zhongsha areas, severely damaging the Zeon underwater mobile suit units. They are still

While expanding the results, the Luna is still on standby in Hanoi."

"Where are the other three teams?"

"I don't know, but there is news from the frontline observation post that the large forces assembled in Vang Vieng and Pabon have not launched an attack, and there are some internal commotions."



"Well... I understand. I ordered the frontline observation post to closely observe the movements of the Zeon army, and then call Captain Bucky Lulu to see if support and supplies are needed." Ethan Leia considered the 12th Independent Technical Force.

The MSs were all equipped with water-specific equipment at this time, and the three teams had been fighting in the sea. If the Luna was dispatched, it would definitely attract Zeon's attention.

It only provides temporary shelter and material supply, and provides a temporary resting place for the pilots. The modified [Himalaya-class] aircraft carrier can complete this task.


After giving the order, Ethan Lea continued to look at the combat map, guessing Yang Hui's intentions and location, but he was disappointed to find that the current game was between Yang Hui and Kycilia Zabi. He, the East Asian theater

The commander-in-chief couldn't get in.

"Haha, it's really frustrating to fight like this for the first time..."

This chapter has been completed!
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