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Chapter 633 The Final Song

Suddenly, they went from a fierce fighting situation to a calm waiting, and thinking about the dangerous battle that was about to be their turn, not only did they not feel nervous, but they became excited and expectant.

"How did you do it?" Xia Ya asked Yang Hui. If you just boost morale and people's hearts, it will disappear soon after the excitement passes. But look at your subordinates? How long have you been doing this? Still acting like

With the wild wolf's expression, Xia Ya was surprised how Yang Hui did it, "Is it also one of NT's abilities?"

"Haha, after you have fought in various worlds and battlefields for dozens or hundreds of years, and led various subordinates and troops, you will also have this ability." Yang Hui said with a smile.

"..." Xia Ya was silent. Sure enough, experience makes a person. The reason why Yang Hui is so outstanding is inseparable from his experience. For more than a hundred years, he has been fighting in various worlds. What kind of experiences have he experienced?

On the battlefield? What kind of enemies have they encountered? These are things Charia can't imagine.

"Are you looking forward to it?" Yang Hui looked at Xia Ya with interest.

"..." The arc of "expectation" and "excitement" suddenly appeared at the corner of the silent Xia Ya's mouth, "Of course!"

Xia Ya is also an ambitious person. At the beginning, his ambition was only revenge, just revenge against the Zabi family.

Under the guidance of Yang Hui, his ambition became more ambitious: to inherit his father's will and re-establish the ideal "Republic of Zeon".

Now, these two ambitions are about to be completed.

Once these two ambitions are accomplished, what is left for him? What is his path forward?

He doesn't know, he should be confused, right? Then... he becomes numb in the confusion, and finally falls into the bottomless abyss again.

But now... he has new ambitions, which is to see more of other worlds, experience more unknowns, and then... let himself become a being beyond God!

Whether it is Char, Ray Bill, Garp or others, as long as they are ambitious, they cannot resist this temptation.

"Notify all personnel that this ship is about to enter the space area where SIDE 3 is located. This ship has entered the first level combat configuration. Repeat, this ship has entered the first level combat configuration. Everyone is in their positions. MS pilots board their aircraft and enter the standby state!"

"Let's go." Yang Hui patted Xia Ya's shoulder and walked towards his body.

"Haha." Xia Ya looked at Yang Hui's handsome back and became more and more convinced that his choice was correct. Following Yang Hui, one day in the future, he would definitely be able to reach the realm of his dreams.

The bridge of the Gwardan and the SIDE3 colonial satellite group have reached a position where they can be observed with the naked eye. Malu and others are also very focused on the threat of [Solar Ray System] and the threat of [World Serpent].

There are also threats from various MAs, fleets, and MSs, so we dare not relax at all.

Especially [Solar Ray System] and [World Serpent], even the Gwardan, which is a generation ahead of the current one, cannot withstand a single blow.

"The radar reacted, it's an enemy warship!"

"This is! [Doros Level] 1, [Gwakin Level] 4, [Qibei Level] 9, [Msai Level]..."

"[Warrior], [Big Demon], [Zaku], [Zagulero], [Bigelow], [Blau Bro]...all exist!"

"A giant heat source reaction was discovered behind the enemy MS troops, number 7!"

"Seven doors [World Snake]...MS troops made an emergency attack, the bridge entered stealth mode, all weapon systems came online, [Gotfield] and [Heroic] were activated, and missile launchers No. 1 to No. 20 were loaded with [Hammer Missiles]

】, load [Kangaroo missiles] from the 21st to the 60th, expand the coordinates A01 to B30, deploy the mine array, prepare the [Porcupine array], and set the semi-automatic anti-aircraft mode!"


"MS troops have entered the sortie procedure and are sorting out in sequence!"

"Maximum combat speed, keep up with the MS troops."


The [Ghost Troops] attacked, and every pilot looked at the enemy troops dozens of times their size in front of them, with a bloodthirsty smile that only wolves could have on their faces, and their eyes locked them all as prey.

Yang Hui's Heretic Gundam Unit 1, Char's [Sazabi], and Kira's [Freedom] (named by Kira himself to commemorate his old friend) are at the front of the team.

"Are you really going to do this?" Kira asked Yang Hui worriedly, using the independent channels of Yang Hui, Kira and Xia.

"You don't want to see your comrades die, right?" Yang Hui asked Kira.

"……I see."

"Then it's decided, Char, I'll leave this head to you, take care of it."

"Haha, you don't need to talk."

"Then...let's begin!"

As soon as he finished speaking, naval guns from the Principality of Zeon attacked, pointing directly at the Gwardan, blocking the way of the [Ghost Troops] on the way.

But who are they? They are all aces. This level of barrage cannot stop them. They are as flexible as the wind, spread like flowers, and gather like water. They easily avoid the bombardment of enemy warships.

They reorganized into a cone formation and launched an assault forward.

However, only Char was left among the three people at the top. Kira's [Freedom] came to the end of the team, and Yang Hui's Heretic Gundam No. 1 followed in the middle of the team.

"Enter the enemy!"

The high-speed charging [Ghost Troops] encountered the enemy's MS troops after dodging the naval guns. The three airframes equipped with the Secmu system immediately released all the [Flying Wing Floating Cannons], and together with the team members

The first wave of offensive was launched.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

A large hole was torn open in the densely packed group of enemy planes in an instant, and then the tip of the awl was inserted and expanded along the sharp blades on both sides. In this way, a clean channel was cut open in the enemy's formation.

Entering the passage also means that they are surrounded by enemy forces, but no one is worried because they regard enemy planes as prey, and they also have the strongest guardian angel.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

[Flying Wing Floating Cannon] turns back and forth, appearing suddenly like a ghost, taking away a life and then suddenly disappearing. Those intercepted in front, surrounded on the sides, and pursued from behind, all enemy planes had their souls taken away by the messenger of death.

The disappearance of the enemy represents the burning of one's own side. Naturally, the [Ghost Troops] will not hand over all their prey to Yang Hui, Char and Kira. The beam rifles erupt one after another, and the missiles tilt like a violent storm.

Theseus] The Zaku Phantom of the high-energy long-range beam cannon did not fire a single shot. All their energy and the micro-nuclear bombs on their waists must be retained and used on the mission target.

"The target is in sight!"

With the high-speed advance, SIDE3's colonial satellite group became larger and larger in sight, and soon they all locked their targets.

[Solar Ray System] From a distance, there is no difference between it and a colonial satellite, but if you get closer, you can tell that the cylindrical colonial satellite has been transformed into a straight cylinder, with a deep, dark hollow in the center and surrounded by

Shiny solar panels are used to collect energy.

"The demolition team is ready, disperse!"


The compact cone array dispersed, and the Zaku phantoms at the front of the cone fired at the same time, opening a gap in the garrison for the demolition team, and tearing the gap wider and wider. Regardless of whether it was an MS, MA, or a battleship, they were all destroyed and sunk.

There is no second result for sand.

The Zaku phantoms at the rear dispersed to form teams of three and three, hunting freely while maintaining a baseline. As long as they got close to this baseline, they would become dead souls under their guns.

"Char, calm down!"

When Yang Hui saw [Sazabi], he was about to abandon the baseline and fly towards the [Dolos-class] mothership, but Yang Hui immediately stopped him.

"It must be Kilian Zabi, I can feel it!" Xia said through gritted teeth.

"Focus on the task at hand!"


Xia Ya returned to his job, but Yang Hui also wrote down the incident, so... he already had a plan.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Soon, violent fire and explosions appeared in a [Solar Ray System]. As it spread, the huge flashlight fell apart and turned into a large number of huge fragments scattered throughout the universe.

The first one was destroyed, and the second one didn't last long, and soon followed the same path and turned into a big garbage in the universe.

Just when everyone was waiting for the last [Solar Ray System] to be destroyed, difficulties arose.

"Your Highness, we have no more nuclear bombs, and the energy of the beam cannon has been exhausted." They overestimated the power of the beam cannon and the WeChat tactical nuclear bomb, and underestimated the strength of the [Solar Ray System]. They originally expected to blow up three

The colonial satellite's ammunition and energy were used up when the second one was destroyed.

"Captain Maru!"

"Understood!" As Char shouted, the Gwardan fired a full salvo of ammunition, clearing a large area of ​​the enemy's MS and MAs. The most ferocious main gun shone with dazzling brilliance, shrinking horribly.


"[Loanglin] is fully charged!"

"Target, the last [Solar Ray System], [Loanglin] is launched!"

"Boom~! Sizzssssssssss..."

The blue, white and red energy torrent hit the third [Solar Ray System] like an unstoppable wave, turning red, melting, penetrating, exploding, and collapsing, completing a series of events in a very short period of time.


"Mission accomplished! Everyone, break out from the direction of G10! Malu!"


All three [Solar Ray Systems] were destroyed. The Gwardan quickly turned around and broke out in the direction designated by Yang Hui as quickly as possible. The MS troops did not stop, and the demolition team, which had run out of ammunition and energy, was moving at high speed.

The Zhonggui ship and the other mobile suits all escorted the Gwardan to break through.

Of course, not only were they breaking through, there were four [World Snakes] in the direction of their breakout, and... the only [Dolos-class] giant aircraft carrier.

"Xia Ya, are you ready?" Yang Hui asked with a smile.

"...I have recorded this love, protect me!" Xia Ya accepted the request knowing that Yang Hui had given him a chance to complete his revenge.

"Understood! Kira!"


This chapter has been completed!
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