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Chapter 634 The Final Part Three

On the bridge of the flagship [Dolos-class], Kilian Zabi watched the [Solar Ray System] disintegrate, and his silver teeth almost broke.

"General...Commander, [Solar Ray System]...all destroyed...we...we..."

"[World Snake] prepare."


"[World Snake] Get ready! Lock them down for me! They must be killed here!"

At the beginning, Kilian Zabi did not think that Yang Hui and Xia Ya could break through such a complete defense line with twenty or thirty people, so at the beginning he did not use [Solar Ray System] and [World Snake] to directly eliminate Yang Hui

and [Ghost Troops].

Because, whether it is [Solar Ray System] or [World Serpent], every shot fired will be a huge consumption. Zeon's resources are on the verge of exhaustion, and he wants to use his priority resources in the final battle with the Federation.

As a result... reality slapped him hard. Not only did Yang Hui and the [Ghost Force] break through the Principality of Zeon's defenses without incident, they also successfully destroyed his two biggest trump cards in a short period of time.

One of the three [Solar Ray Systems] was destroyed without exception.

Kilian Zabi, who was so angry that he didn't care about the consumption of resources, finally decided to fight. He just wanted to kill these bastards who destroyed his dream.


"Commander! The enemy is rapidly approaching our ship!"

"What?" Kilian Zabi looked out the window through the glass and found that the [Ghost Troops] breakthrough route was actually in his direction, "Open all the gun doors, shoot them down!"


"The bombardment is coming!"

"Boom boom boom boom..."


As soon as the [Dolos-class] eight-gun twin-mounted Mega Particle main cannon began to change direction, the Gwardan's attack arrived. The thick beam bombarded the thick armor, tearing it to pieces and exploding several

A ferocious mouth.

"The missiles are coming!"


Without stopping, the bombardment was immediately followed by a dense rain of missiles. The close-in defense guns of the [Dolos-class] battleships spewed metal storms around like hedgehogs. Unfortunately, they could not completely intercept them.

"Boom boom boom boom..."


"Six main guns were destroyed, and 61% of the close-in defense guns were offline..."

"The energy system is offline, the engine is offline..."

"Five ejection decks were destroyed..."

"Gnaku was affected, and explosions occurred in Gnaku Nos. 1 to 5..."


Everyone looked at Kilian Zabi in panic, but the next second, they looked out of the bridge window in panic. The Gvardan had already passed by the [Dolos-class], guarding Gvar.

Dan's [Ghost Troops] evacuated without even looking at them. Only Astray Gundam No. 1, [Freedom] and [Sazabi] stayed outside the window. [Sazabi]'s dark muzzle was pressed against the ship.

On the glass of the bridge, the eyes of Unit 1, [Freedom] and [Sazabi]'s one eye were like the call of death, without any warmth.

"Killian Zabi."


"it's over."



Before Killian Zabi could speak, the pink beam of light broke through the fragile glass, integrating everyone in the bridge into one, and then penetrated the [Dolos-class] easily.

The beam rifle of [Sazabi] was put down, and Char released the joystick in the cockpit and sat down. He had thought about this scene countless times, and now it was finally completed, but... there was no excitement or satisfaction as expected.

, not as relaxed as expected, just... plain and calm, as if the person he just killed was just an ordinary stranger, just like countless people he had killed, there was no wave in his heart.

"Let's go." After only two or three calm seconds, Xia Ya grasped the joystick again and said to Yang Hui. There was no hatred, no confusion, only dullness, and expectations for the unknown future. He knew that what had imprisoned him was

The shackles have been lifted. The current Char is a brand new Char, facing the future.

"You still know how to leave! What a coward!" Yang Hui's angry curse came from the communication channel.

They stopped, but the enemy troops chasing them did not stop. They stopped, fired, and then remained silent for less than ten seconds. The chasing army had already caught up. Unit 1 and [Freedom]

All the weapons never stopped.

"Ahem, let's go." Xia Ya coughed awkwardly, and turned on full fire, cooperating with Yang Hui to attack the enemy, retreating while fighting, and it took a lot of effort to catch up with the [Ghost Troops].

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The evacuation route of the [Ghost Troops] was not chosen casually by Yang Hui. In addition to the [Dolos-class] giant mothership that Kilian Zabi was riding, there were also four remaining [World Serpents]. This kind of [World Snake] can sink a ship with one shot.

Kirin level weapons must not be left behind.

Therefore, on the way to break out and evacuate, the Luna's [Gotfield] main gun and [Loanglin] positron cannon once again unleashed their power, sweeping away all the remaining four [World Serpents] and flying away.

But the army of the Principality of Zeon, which found that it could not catch up with the opponent, was in chaos for a while. Kilian Zabi died, their commander-in-chief died, and they wanted revenge but could not catch up. What should they do?

On the other side, the federal main fleet departing from Axis also entered the space area where Solomon Fortress is located. Six [Kirin-class] ships were lined up in a row, surrounded by a large number of [Mazeren-class] and [Samiras]

Level] escort, surrounding the fleet, there are densely packed countless mobile suits serving as loyal knights.

"[Star No. 1] Operation Begins!"

The centermost [Kirin-class], the flagship of this battle, is also Revier's exclusive vehicle. It is named General Revier. Revier sat in the command position next to the captain, waved his hand, and announced boldly.



The General Raybil leads the First Space Fleet to sit in the center, the Second Space Fleet led by Tianmu on the left deploys to the left, and the Third Space Fleet led by veteran Lieutenant General Buffett on the right deploys to the right

, the MS troops did not act rashly, and the frigates moved out of the way of the [Kirin-class] one after another, as if opening the door of their own house to welcome the enemy home.


The next second, looking at the Solomon Fortress that was constantly enlarging in the field of vision, Rebel, Tianam and Lieutenant General Buffett issued the same order at the same time.

"The main gun of [Gotfield] and the positron cannon of [Roanglin] are activated, locking the Solomon Fortress, and the missile launchers are all loaded with nuclear bombs."


"Solomon Fortress, there are still 30 seconds before entering the range of the special cannon, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16...3, 2, 1, entering the range!"

"[Loanglin], launch!"

At the same time, the [Loanglin] positron cannons under the six [Kilin-class] ships simultaneously let out a roar that destroyed the world, and a torrent of blue, white, and red energy spurted out, rushing through the universe.

"Beep beep beep..."

"The enemy attack is coming!"

"How is it possible!? Such a distance..." The people of the Principality of Zeon watched in disbelief as dozens of torrents of energy gathered together, turning from small rivers into huge waves. Before anyone had time to react, they swallowed up everything along the way.

MS, MA, and battleships then hit the front gate of Solomon Fortress.

The metal gate, which could have withstood several direct attacks by nuclear bombs, was like a fragile white paper that melted, penetrated, and penetrated the entire Solomon Fortress.

"The enemy fleet has entered main gun range!"

"Okay! Fire the whole ship with main guns! Shoot out all the missiles that are not nuclear bombs!"


Although it was attacked, Solomon Fortress could not stop if it wanted to. Under the influence of inertia, Solomon Fortress continued to move forward, and the escorting troops were naturally unable to stop. When they entered the attack range of the federal fleet,

At that moment, before he could retaliate, a dense rain of beams fell, once again creating countless innocent souls in the universe.

"General, the road to Solomon's Fortress has been completely opened!"

"All MS units attack and enter a melee battle! Captain Brad."

"Understood, the 12th Independent Technical Force has begun suppressive operations!"

The road was opened, and the federal fleet began to move forward, launching a full-scale attack on Solomon Fortress. The White Fortress, which was originally protected in the center of the formation, was at full power, dragging a long tail flame and rushed out of the core defense circle and came to the fleet.

At the forefront, the Heretic Gundams attacked one after another, launching a charge as the sharpest arrows.

"Announcement to the whole aircraft, our mission is to raid Solomon Fortress and suppress it. Don't get entangled with the enemy, and enter Solomon Fortress as quickly as possible!" Brad informed everyone.


With a lot of firm answers, Brad could already imagine the fanatical, bloodthirsty and cruel smiles hidden under the pilots' helmets, because everyone on the bridge was the same, including himself.

Seeing that the White Fortress, surrounded by the Twelfth Independent Technical Force, broke away from the fleet at an extremely fast speed and launched an attack on the Solomon Fortress, it was natural that Ray Bill and others could not sit back and watch comfortably.

"Speed ​​up the entire ship and block the pursuit of the 12th Independent Technical Force. Don't let the enemy interfere with them!"


People in the conventional forces knew that they could not be as powerful as the 12th Independent Technical Force, but they would not let the 12th Independent Technical Force excel.

The regular MS troops followed closely behind the 12th Independent Technical Force. After entering the cleared passage, as long as the enemy wanted to pursue the 12th Independent Technical Force, they would stop them, even if it cost their lives.


"Don't even think about it!"

"Don't even think about it!"

"You can't follow the heroes to eat meat, but you don't want to disturb them from eating meat either!"

"Block them! Don't let them pass!"

"Team 4, charge with me!"

"Haha, kill more Zeon dogs!"

This chapter has been completed!
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