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Chapter 682 The decisive battle with ELS (2)

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The naval gun support came in time, swallowing up countless ELS along the road and clearing out a large area like an eraser, greatly reducing the pressure on the MS troops.

"Report, [Gotfield] all hit, destroying a large number of ELS."

"Continue to fire and cover the MS troops." Tianmu asked, sitting on the captain's chair of the flagship [Kirin-class]. His expression became more and more serious as he watched that the area that had not been cleared was quickly filled with countless ELS.

It’s one thing to get information, it’s one thing to see it from a distance through an optical camera, but it’s another thing to face it in person. From being cautious at the beginning, to being shocked, to now having no chance of winning, Tianm

He truly realized the horror of one civilization going to war with another, and it also made him see clearly that all wars fought in his own world were nothing but children's games.

"Deputy Commander, General Douglas requested to lead the fleet to charge against the ELS group."

"Rejected, order Douglas to hold his position..."

"ELS breaks through the MS unit's defense line!"

"[Valiant Formation] and [Porcupine Formation] are activated, each ship conducts air-to-air combat, and all missiles are set to close communication channels to maintain the expansion of the GN position."


"Order Victor's fleet and Harmon's fleet to advance 500 kilometers and assume an encircling posture. The ELS must be blocked here!" Tianm ordered.


The brain quantum waves of Char and others can indeed attract the attention of ELS, and there are quite a lot of them. The powerful brain quantum waves attract a large number of ELS, like a shark that smells blood and pounces on its prey.

But... that's only part of it. There are too many ELSs. Except for the ELSs that are running towards the MS troops, more ELSs are continuing to move forward, heading towards the overwhelming steel defense line formed by the fleet.

Tianmu suppressed the invincible fear in his heart and commanded the fleet in a calm state. Although the torrent of ELS was terrifying, there were still humans in this world living behind them. Tianmu was a soldier and Prome.

A member of the Sri Lanka Legion, regardless of the Gundam UC world or the Gundam OO world, humans are the ones he protects.

Not only Tianmu, but everyone present is the same. No matter which world they are in, they must protect humans from threats other than humans!

The fleets on both sides moved forward slightly, turning a straight line into a slight arc, like the mouth of a bowl, holding the torrent of ELS without leaking any bit.

On the other side, Fleet, Gerhart and others also encountered the same situation. The fleet, under the command of Aluguleas, adopted the same choice as Tiam, desperately resisting the silver wave.

"Governor Aruguleas, the number of ELS is too great and they are about to be breached!"

Both battleships and mobile suits were pouring out their firepower, tightly woven into a large and airtight net. However, despite this, the ELS's successive attacks pushed this big net forward bit by bit, and the successive waves had already

The entire network is about to be broken through.

"The 32nd MS garrison will support the 3rd Attack Fleet, and the 25th MS garrison will support the 12th Attack Fleet..."

One order after another was passed down in detail. Alugureas's forehead was already covered with sweat. He was very excited at first. This was an unprecedented battle. As a tactician, he had to rely on tactical command to win the battle.

He shined brilliantly in this battle, but now...he is only nervous and afraid.

Aruguleas finally discovered that the pride of a tactician was worthless in the face of the life and death of all mankind, and finally understood the true meaning of that sentence - tactics are meaningless in the face of absolute power.

Now Arugureas just wants to rack his brains to maintain this line of defense and not let ELS pass through.


At this time, Fleet connected to the communication of the Sewol, the flagship of the right-wing fleet [Kirin-class].

"Commander, the front is about to collapse, and the fleet is about to transform into a sweep operation mode." Although Arugureas is determined, it does not mean that he cannot see the current situation clearly. It is only a matter of time before the fleet is broken through, and the final defense line is no longer

Not only do they exist, the Promes Army is only the first line of defense, and there is also the Federation's regular fleet behind it, so it is necessary to make plans early and change the way of combat.

"Where are Rebel's instructions?" Fleet asked Alugureas. The commander-in-chief of this battle was Rebel. In order to prevent command confusion on the front, Fleet had to ask Rebel's thoughts first.

"not yet……"

"Keep the front line still, all MS units withdraw to cover the fleet, and report the situation of the right-wing fleet to Ray Bill... Ugh~!"


"I'm fine, just do as I say!"


After the communication ended, Arugureas clenched his fists tightly. Facing ELS, he felt a sense of powerlessness that came from the bottom of his heart. It was really uncomfortable.

"The whole army..."

"Commander Revil's order, the entire fleet maintains mopping operations while slowly retreating. The Earth Federation fleet moves forward. The light of creation will shine again, and the covering fleets will gather to reorganize the defense line!"

"Okay!" After receiving the order, Alugureas couldn't help but punched in excitement. This order was too timely. "Inform the entire ship to start retreating. The MS troops will withdraw immediately. Be careful not to break into the Genesis ray."

Got it!"


Fleet, Gerhart and others received the instructions from Aruguleas, and the corners of their mouths curled up in a relaxed arc: "All aircraft retreat, leave the ray axis of Genesis, and the escort fleet retreats!"


Ray Bill has been staring at the battle map with a rather ugly expression. It has only been half an hour since the battle began, and the defense line composed of the Promes Legion is already showing signs of collapse. If he continues to fight fiercely in place, he will only be destroyed by the torrent of ELS.


"How much is Genesis charged?"

"74%, ready to launch!"

"Very good, remind friendly forces to leave the ray axis, Genesis, prepare to launch!"

"The launch procedure is ready..."

"Make sure there are no friendly forces in the ray axis..."

"Start the shooting!"

"Understood! Shooting begins!"

The light of creation composed of electromagnetic storm roared and roared again, a bright and dazzling torrent surged, swallowing a large piece of ELS's whale again, and then...


It landed on the surface of the two satellites again, but at this time, everyone was shocked. The surface of the two satellites automatically peeled off a layer, and the peeled off surface layer merged and changed, turning into a thick shield.

Let the electromagnetic storm bombard it and peel it off bit by bit.

At the same time, this strong shield changed again, starting from the edges and shrinking toward the center.

"Genesis is blocked! The density of the ELS separated part begins to increase, and a crystal shield appears on the surface at a certain location!"

"What!?" Ray Bill was also shocked. The learning of ELS was actually so terrible, and he was able to perfectly learn how to withstand gamma ray bursts so quickly.

"Contact Lieutenant General Manekin and order the federal fleet to deploy from A01 to U95!"


"How many ELS are left in the center?" Rebir asked. The battle on the two wings was so fierce. The purpose was to draw more ELS away from the center. That was their only hope for this battle.

"70% left!"

"It's not enough!" Rebel gritted his teeth. According to his calculations, at least 50% of the ELS in the middle must be diverted away, but now it's still so far short that the two wing fronts will collapse.

And...the biggest problem at the moment is that ELS still maintains its original posture, without the appearance of battleships or MA mimicry...

"Sir, the general will call. The central fleet will retreat with the fleet. They will attack the ELS main star. The Death Cannon will wait for his order!"

"It's too early! It's too early! They..."

"Sir! Look!"

"...has there finally been a change?"

On the screen, the ELS finally changed. Several small ELSs collided and merged together, and MS units shining with purple light appeared in front of everyone.

"That is!"

Yes, the ELS transformed into the mass-produced MS of the Promes Legion instead of the [Gaga], and the large ELS also directly transformed into the [Haechi-class] and [White Tiger-class] postures instead of the [Ural-class].

Although the front has been holding on, it is not without sacrifice. A large number of Promis Legion members have been corroded by ELS, and information on mobile suit and battleships has also been leaked.

"Don't panic! Although there are errors, things are developing in the direction we expect. Now that we are mimicking, familiar enemies will be much easier!"


"Instruct the left and right fleets to stop retreating. After converging with the federal fleet, all fleets will launch a counterattack to push back the ELS offensive!"


"Telegram Yang Hui and we will provide them with all support."


The last order is a little heavy, because everyone who receives this order knows the meaning of this order, which is "all support", including sacrificing their lives.

After Dawn Gundam dragged its golden tail back and forth through the ELS several times, it returned to the front of the Guanhong. Thin beams of light flew around, cutting into pieces all the ELS that tried to get close to the Guanhong and other mobile suits.

"Beep beep beep!"


"Compress particles, release beyond limits!"

The large ELS flying toward Dawn Gundam and Rainbow Crossing with its bloody mouth wide open was penetrated and destroyed by the Healing Angel's destruction beam, while Yang Hui's face turned as black as ink.

"I didn't expect to find Dawn Gundam's weakness at this time."

That's right, in the battle with ELS, Yang Hui found the weakness of Dawn Gundam, which was that it didn't have the decisive weapon to destroy large targets in one blow.

In previous battles, large targets such as Genesis and flashlights did not need to be directly destroyed by the Dawn Gundam. For battleships, it only needed to destroy key positions such as the bridge and main engine. MS did not need heavy artillery.

Habits became natural, allowing Yang Hui to ignore this weakness. This time, when encountering a large ELS that could not be touched directly, Dawn Gundam did not have a good way to deal with it.

Found it, but now there is simply no time or opportunity to solve it.

"Yang Hui, there have been changes in ELS!"

"Very good, Setsuna, are you ready?"


"All machines, don't hold anything back, send OOq to the core of the main star!"

"Understood, Kira!"

"Well, let's open the way!"

The Strike Freedom Gundam and Infinite Justice Gundam equipped with the Meteor System rushed directly in front of everyone, all the gun doors were opened, and the double multi-colored cannons bloomed with brilliant brilliance.

This chapter has been completed!
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