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Chapter 683 Decisive Battle with ELS (3)

The dual colorful cannons roared, and the newly transformed ELS turned into smoke and dust before it could raise its muzzle. Even the [Haechi-class] battleship turned into pieces and scattered in all directions.


Led by Yang Hui, the team escorting OOq rushed into the passage opened by Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice without hesitation.

They were all the latest ace aircraft, but despite the mobility and top speed of these aircraft, they only rushed into one-tenth of the distance before they had to stop. The ELS, like a canopy of locusts, surrounded them from all directions.

up without leaving any gaps.

"Neil! Tieria!"

"Understood! [Trans-am]!" X2

The formation changed. The original forwards retreated. The Healing Angel Gundam and the Angel-Destroying Gundam, which were originally the defenders, stepped forward. The mechanical claws on the shoulders of the Healing Angel Gundam opened. The majestic GN examples began to gather, and the light became more and more bright. After the Angel-Destroying Gundam,

The back armor unfolded, and the GN Super Dragoons all over the body fell off, and were assembled one by one at the muzzle of the long-range GN beam sniper rifle, and rotated at high speed, with the jumping arc forming a thin light curtain.

"Compress particles, release beyond limits!"

"Angel of Destruction, GN photon cannon, bombardment mode, launch!"

Two thick beams of light, one pink and one blue, rushed away like a torrent, once again blasting out a clean passage from the mountain blocking the road ahead.

But Yang Hui doesn't plan to end it like this, because he knows very well that this road will soon be filled with ELS again.

"Lyle! Graham! Open the way with me! Others protect the surroundings!"


The Flag Gundam immediately transformed into its MA form and rushed into the passage at the head of the crowd. It fired at full power and fired all the bullets, shredding all the ELS that wanted to fill the gap. It turned back and forth, dragging its long tail flames and leaving a series of fireworks.


"Ready! Hello!"

"GN Super Dragoon deploys! GN Super Dragoon deploys!" The GN gun cases on both sides separated from the main body and split apart. The shield-type GN Super Dragoon was guarding the front of the Hell Angel like a guard, and the gun-type GN Super Dragoon was retracted.

, placed in the gap of the shield-shaped GN Super Dragoon, the ferocious muzzle shining with a dark light of death.

A screen was projected in the cockpit of Hell Angel, with dense red dots connected by thin lines.

"Scattered shooting!"

The Hell Angel's twin guns fired continuously, and the gun-shaped GN Super Dragoon did not stop, as if it was shooting aimlessly. However, every shot and every shot was able to accurately hit the target, closing the gap that was gradually closing.

Tear apart again.

The Hell Angels maintained their terrifying firepower while advancing rapidly, followed closely by the Dawn Gundam and other aircraft. At the same time, they poured out firepower to resist the compressing ELS around them, preventing them from making any progress.

"This can't go on like this, Hallelujah!" Looking at the ELS getting closer and closer on both sides, Hallelujah knew that he had to do something. He merged with Hallelujah and his eyes turned blue.

Yijin's heterochromatic eyes and expression became determined.

"Mary! Piris!" was the voice of Hallelujah.

"Understood!" Mary and Piris also switched. They couldn't do the two personalities of Allelujah and Hallelujah. However, with the help of Yang Hui, they were able to switch freely.


Dozens of missile launch ports were opened all over the body of Demon Angel Gundam, and the micro missiles tilted as if they were free, falling like raindrops around them.

At the same time, the armor on the head shrank downwards, and two other pairs of eyes were exposed under the unique two pairs of eyes, making a total of four pairs of eyes. At the same time, the bright blue cyan light transformed into a scarlet bloodthirsty light.


Dozens of GN Super Scissor Dragoons scattered from the gaps in the skirt armor and the propellers of the legs, turning into phantoms and shuttled back and forth among the ELS group. The cold light shone in between, and the MS that ELS transformed into became a random one.


"Well done, Allelujah!" The demon angel's sudden outburst relieved everyone's pressure. Even so, the speed of progress was still not optimistic. Another half an hour had passed, and there were still four people left.

One-third of the distance, the last quarter is as insurmountable as a chasm.

The closer they get, the more ELS are blocking them, and the more violent the attacks against them. The closer they get to the main star, the stronger the strong brain quantum wave interference becomes. The more uncomfortable it is for Yang Hui, Tieria, Setsuna and others, and the more powerful they are in combat.


However, just to deal with this situation, Yang Hui had already prepared his trump card.

"Raybil! Now!"

On the [Celestial Being] far behind, the four Death Cannons began to adjust their positions and angles. After confirming that the opposite directions of strafing could converge in one place, Rebir gave the order to launch.


Four thick orange torrents of destruction surged, split the silver ocean in two, came to the main star, and struck the surface of the main star with a heavy punch. Unlike the gamma ray burst that broke through the world, the Death Cannon's

The energy is more penetrating. Almost instantly, the power of the four energies gathered together easily penetrated the surface of the main star and penetrated to the back, leaving two hideous large holes.

"Now! [Trans-am]!"

The road was cleared, Yang Hui did not dare to have any reservations, and immediately activated the [Trans-am] system. Seeing this, the others did not hesitate at all, and entered the three-red burst state together. Among them, the fastest mobile Banner Gundam and Yao

The Angel Gundam has fought back from the ocean of ELS, and came to the left and right side of the OOq Gundam, the only one that has not activated the [Trans-am] system.

"Setsuna!" X2


OOq Gundam stretched out his hand and grasped the sides of Flag Gundam and Demon Angel Gundam. The nozzles at the tails of Flag Gundam and Demon Angel Gundam burst out with fierce fire, spraying GN particles wantonly. In the blink of an eye, they rushed out fiercely, leaving a long

The afterimages are in a series.

"Damn it! The gap is starting to close!" The violent acceleration made Graham, Allelujah, Soma Piris and Setsuna feel uncomfortable, but what made them even more uncomfortable was that the gap opened by the Death Omen Cannon actually

Close at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I won't be able to catch up!"


It was at this time that Setsuna couldn't help it anymore and directly started the [Trans-am] system. Based on the current speed, it accelerated suddenly again and ran the power of the solar furnace and thruster to the maximum. At the critical moment, OOq

The Gundam narrowly slipped into the ELS's main star through a gap.

"here you go!"

"Please, Setsuna."

Seeing that the OOq Gundam successfully entered the main star of the ELS, Graham, Allelujah, and Soma Piris were all relieved, but they quickly mentioned it again, because they had been killed by countless ELS on their way back.

It was blocked to death.

"What now?" Graham asked.

"I don't know if you ask me." Allelujah replied helplessly, switching to Hallelujah in the next second, "Why do you care so much? Just rush and it will be over!"

"Haha, that's right. I hope Setsuna can move faster, otherwise the truth will be revealed here."

Flag Gundam and Demonic Angel Gundam looked at each other, separated one to the left and the other to the right, with full firepower all over their bodies, trying their best to open the passage back, even if it was in vain, they could not give up the slightest hope.

After entering the main star of ELS, in order to save enough GN particles to use the [Quantum Burst System], the OOq Gundam had to shut down the [Trans-am] system and move forward at normal speed to explore the interior of the main star.

"This is the inside of ELS..."

The surrounding environment is like a dream, and the colors of the rainbow can be seen everywhere. Like the meridians of living things, there are veins everywhere. After passing through layer after layer of veins, Setsuna finally sees the purple-red color in front of him, protected by the veins.


"That's it, the center of the ELS." At this time, Aeolia Huhenberger's small projection appeared on the control panel of the OOq Gundam.

"Aeolia Huhenberg!"

"According to VEDA's calculations, in the quantum shared field, no one can achieve communication between a single individual and ELS, because the other party is a hive network consciousness. One is all. No one's brain can carry the information of a group. This machine

The body has been connected to VEDA, and the redundant huge data stream will be received and recorded by VEDA, and you, Setsuna·F·Qingyin, directly read the core information and convey human will."


"Look, they're coming to pick us up."


Before landing on the surface of the center, several mushroom-like platforms took the initiative to rise, providing a landing platform for the OOq Gundam.

"Start [Quantum System]." After entering from the OOq Gundam, ELS has not encountered any attacks inside the main star, and now the other party actively greets them, which once again proves that ELS does not regard them as enemies, so Setsuna has no doubts

With him, I didn't worry about my own safety and was ready to start the conversation immediately.

"The power of ELS is still unknown, just use all your strength." Aeolia Huhenberg reminded.

"Understood!" Instant's eyes were filled with colorful light, and the familiar red light swept across his eyes, "[Quantum Burst System] activated!"

The shield composed of the GN Super Dragoon on the left arm moved from the left shoulder to the back, and was connected to the solar furnace behind the back. The GN Super Dragoon detached and formed a circle around the feet of the OOq Gundam.

The OOq Gundam began to turn red, and then turned green under the illumination of GN particles. All the excess armor on the body exploded, revealing the skeleton. The capacitors at the elbows and knees stretched, firmly controlling the terrifying majestic GN.

Particles, the solar furnace on the chest stretched out, bursting out with dazzling light.

“Bet on the survival of the human race and start a conversation!”

[Quantum Burst System] Driven at full power, the majestic GN particles are well controlled during the eruption process into colorful light strips, just like the nerve endings of the brain, like an extension of human will.


Facing the torrent of information coming at her, Setsuna endured the pain and worked hard to move forward, hoping to see clearly what kind of true face was hidden behind the huge and messy information flow.

This chapter has been completed!
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