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Chapter 1421: It’s hard to recover after overturning the water

"Emergency assembly, emergency assembly."

A voice came from not far away.

Huang Lin raised his head and looked, it was the battalion commander.

He had met Camp Commander Hu when he was in Maxipu, and he lived in his own home at that time.

It seems that at that time, he was still talking to me with a smile. At that time, some of them said that he was a gentle person, but now it seems.

Not really.

Huang Lin knew he was going up, so he picked up his rifle and left.

Hu Yong saw him at a glance. He had already reported Huang Lin's problem to him and made sure he got it straight.

Now seeing him about to leave, Hu Yong stopped him: "Huang Lin, come here."

Huang Lin trotted to Hu Yong with his rifle on his back; "Batalion Commander, call me."

Hu Yong pulled off his helmet; "I heard that your marksmanship is good."

"Maxipu goes up to the mountains to hunt every year. I must have learned my marksmanship at that time. This man is always much bigger than a jackal or something."

This was well said. Hu Yong nodded with satisfaction and patted his shoulder; "We are going to counterattack. Maybe we have to have a hand-to-hand fight with the opponent. Come back alive and I will transfer you to the marksman platoon. Of course.

If you don’t live, forget it.”

The commander came to give orders.

The artillery bombardment was about to start, and then the 1st Battalion was going to counterattack, and it was expected that they would have to fight the enemy in a bayonet battle. The 2nd Battalion was already ready.

Boom boom boom...

Boom boom...

Li Dequan's artillery began a bombardment.

Huang Lin was no longer afraid of the sound of artillery fire. He nodded, "Batalion Commander, I'll come back as soon as possible."

He couldn't guarantee whether he would be able to come back.

I was in a class by myself, and after a few battles, only a few people were left.

Hu Yong hummed. At this time, it was better for him not to say that he would definitely be alive.

No one who goes to the battlefield can guarantee that he will come back alive.

Huang Lin returned to where he should be.

The platoon leader came to him; "Don't be afraid, just stay with us and stab him when you get the chance. Remember, if you don't stab him to death, he will stab you to death. If you see any wounded Japanese soldiers, don't

Go capture the prisoner and shoot him one more time with your gun, and these people will pull off grenades to play tricks on us."

Huang Lin hummed to indicate that he remembered.

He has learned a lot from these veterans, which are very useful. He will not gamble with his own life. It is an unwise behavior.

"Platoon leader, the safest ones are probably the artillerymen. They are all behind us." Huang Lin saw the smoke rising in the distance, turned his head and looked behind him and asked his platoon leader.

The platoon leader chuckled vaguely; "No, that's the one who suffers the most. Once the Japanese army finds out, the most violent shells will fall on their heads. If you want to say where the entire regiment is safe, it's the health company and the

It’s at the Munitions Department.”

Toot toot…

The bugle sounded.

The platoon leader took out the bayonet from his waist and looked at Huang Lin. "If you are afraid of death, shout twice, be brave, don't run. The three of you must cooperate. Otherwise, if you run away, the other two may not be able to kill them."

"Got it." Huang Lin grunted and rushed out following his platoon leader.

Zhou Weiguo watched the troops advance from the bunker.

It has to be said that this Japanese army was indeed well-trained. After encountering the shelling, they were able to enter the bunker immediately. After the artillery fire on the 1st Battalion position ended, they did not evacuate immediately, but stayed on the position.

However, the Japanese troops behind quickly rushed up and wanted to reinforce them.

The enemy's artillery shells fell into the attacking crowd.

Zhou Weiguo frowned and turned to look at the messenger; "Let the artillery suppress their artillery fire. As for the infantry coming over, if they want to come over, let them come over."

If you can use one battalion to counterattack, you can use two battalions.

If the bayonet turns red, it may be a disaster for the rest of the troops, but for our own troops, it is nothing. They all survived after bayonet stabbing again and again.

Even if some recruits have not experienced it, they are only a few.

"Awesome man, check for me which army this is." Zhou Weiguo put down the telescope, returned to the side and sat down.

There is no suspense in the battle that follows. It's just a matter of seeing the red between the bayonets and seeing who can't stand it and retreat.

He can't change anything.

If they win, I didn't say anything. If they fail, just let the artillery intercept them and let them withdraw.

There are already a lot of empty magazines stacked here.

Zhou Weiguo picked up one and started filling it.

In the distance, piercing shouts of death and the collision of bones could be heard.

Every time, it seemed that both sides were insulting each other in the most violent words, and then beating each other to the ground.

It's commonplace. It's not a strange thing anymore.

"Baga." Kuroki, standing next to the camp, once again looked into the distance with his binoculars.

The enemy's counterattack was fierce. This was the first time he had seen such a ferocious force since he launched his attack.

Not only did they counterattack, they also engaged in hand-to-hand combat with their enemies.

Looking through the telescope, we can see that the opponent's troops are well-trained, and even in a duel with themselves, they actually do not fall behind.

"It is indeed a special agent group. It does have some combat effectiveness, but it only has a little combat effectiveness."

He believed that he could eat this special agent group, then quickly circle to the right, eliminate the opponent, and then push forward again as a winner.

It's just that the opponent's fighting power actually exceeded his imagination.

Putting down the telescope, Kuroki lowered his head and thought for a moment before looking at the chief of staff beside him; "We are using a squadron of troops to go up."


The Chief of Staff himself had heard wrongly in the past.

A squadron of troops was also used to go up.

He looked at his commander blankly for a moment and then reminded him, "Your Excellency, commander, even if you join a squadron, I'm afraid it won't help."

Kuroki sneered twice and nodded; "You are right, even if we use a squadron of troops, it will not help. But have you ever thought about it, if we use a squadron of troops to go up, they will definitely mobilize other troops again.

.Don’t you think this is the best opportunity to eliminate them?”

Are you going to...use this squadron to die?"

The chief of staff thought of the hidden artillery pieces that had not yet been used, and looked at his regimental commander with a thump in his heart.

He didn't want to use this method.

"Your Excellency, Captain, you really have to decide to use this method to eliminate the opponent's main force."

if not?

Kuroki tugged on his military uniform and looked at his chief of staff. To be honest, what could he do?

"You must know that if you speak out, it will be like water thrown out. It is difficult to recover the water that has been poured out."

This chapter has been completed!
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