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Chapter 1422: Meeting an opponent

I have already said that in an hour, I will break through the opponent's position, and then move back to deal with the Ming army on the right.

If you cannot do this yourself, you will be letting down the brigade.

It doesn't matter that the brigade leader is disappointed.

However, the prestige that the Blackwood Alliance has built up during this period may come to an end because of this battle.

This is not something he can tolerate.

"Killing 10,000 enemies and damaging 8,000 ourselves. It is cost-effective to use one squadron to wipe out one or two battalions of their troops." Kuroki's eyes became cold.

Seeing him like this, the chief of staff knew that he had made up his mind.

For the glory of Blackwood United, he could only do this.


Why would the other side use a squadron of troops to come up again?

What is this for?

Zhou Weiguo was a little confused by the other party's actions.

Obviously, he had the upper hand.

The Japanese army will either withdraw its troops or increase reinforcements.

But the strength of a squadron is indeed small.

Nothing can be changed at all.

Nan Zhongmei walked around and walked around. She could clearly see the strength of the opponent's troops without using binoculars.

"Could there be some conspiracy?"

No matter what you think, it would be unwise for the other side to send out a squadron of troops."

Nan Zaolinzi heard the discussion here and walked over to take a look; "You can't be here to die, right?"

Yes, it seems that they are really going to die, but as the strength of this squadron increases, their advantage will be suppressed by them.

"Let the third battalion go up to the two companies."

Zhou Weiguo dropped a sentence lightly.

If you don't know what the other party is trying to do, the only way is to invest a little more troops than they do.

Kuroki's face turned gloomy.

I didn't expect that the troops of my squadron would be so perfunctory, and only a weak part of the troops would be dispatched.

With this small force, it would be uneconomical to use one's own artillery.

But the war situation has become like this, and I am afraid that these things now are no longer up to him.

"Your Excellency, Wing Commander, do we need to use artillery?'

"Intercept, let the troops evacuate." Kuroki considered it carefully and decided that it was not cost-effective to issue the order.

However, after giving the order, he glanced at a tent not far away.

Isn't it time to use them?

Boom boom...

Boom boom...

The interception line created by the infantry artillery fell vividly into the fighting crowd.

Both parties were stunned for a moment, and then began to leave desperately.

Zhou Weiguo frowned.

He didn't expect that the other party actually kept a hand.

"What a sinister thing. They actually retained their artillery and met their opponents."

Finally, Zhou Weiguo understood why the fourth theater could not stop the opponent.

Because I can't find anyone more shameless than them, I just go head-to-head with them.

Gui Jun has a bloody nature, and this bloody nature is sometimes an impulse.

The cost of this impulse is that the soldiers suffer serious losses, and then allow the opponent to break through the position.

"Yes, we have met our opponents, and they have also met their opponents." Nan Zhongmei sneered in her heart.

How can the other party be so shameless and still be as powerful as the person in front of him?

This person's shamelessness makes people hate him to the core but there is nothing he can do about it.

Huang Lin fought with the Japanese army once.

At first, he was indeed a little scared.

Although the platoon leader told him that he was treating the other party as a chicken or a duck.

But the moment the bayonet was actually inserted.

The opponent grabbed his bayonet with his hand. This made Huang Lin unable to react and didn't know what to do.

It was the platoon leader who kicked the Japanese soldier over, cursed him, and asked him to react.

This is not playing house, this is a fight. It is not a fight between neighbors in Maxipu, where they can break their mouths and moan for a long time, but a fight to the death.

He didn't care about anything anymore.

He followed the platoon leader howling and started to do evil things whenever he got the chance.

Until the opponent used artillery, he didn't react and wanted to rush forward.

The platoon leader who was following him knew that he was going crazy and quickly dragged him back.

The platoon leader is a veteran. He has survived for so long, it must be because of his experience.

The other side uses artillery to open up the fight between the two sides so that the other side can evacuate.

When this happens, everyone will cooperate tacitly. After all, no one wants to lose their life here.

Jump into a crater.

The platoon leader pushed Huang Lin and said with a smile, "Young man is good.":

Huang Lin's face was still stained with blood. He chuckled and said modestly, "It's all taught by the platoon leader."

The platoon leader patted him on the shoulder; "Yes, but now, you should check your body to see if anyone has stabbed you."

Some people went up to kill fiercely and didn't even know they were injured. They didn't realize they were injured until they got off the battlefield. By then, most of them were too late.

Therefore, every time after a lower-level officer fights, the first thing he does is ask the soldiers to check.

After all, you can't be distracted from above. If you get distracted, you may lose your life, so if you keep fighting, in the end, you may lose your life.

Huang Lin felt that nothing was wrong with him, but he still touched it according to the platoon leader's instructions.

Immediately, the severe pain shot through his waist made him scream and trembled, "Platoon... Platoon leader, I seem to be injured."

The platoon leader quickly grabbed Huang Lin's waist.

Ouch, a big piece of shrapnel got stuck in his waist.

He was bleeding, probably from the shrapnel just now.

"Don't move. I'll send you to the rear health company immediately. Don't move. If you cut your waist, you will be disabled for the rest of your life. Take a deep breath, relax, think about something happy, and don't fucking sleep."

The platoon leader quickly found someone to talk to Huang Lin and then went to find someone.

The stretcher came quickly.

Lift Huang Lin onto the stretcher and walk back.

It's also a coincidence.

This time the person who responded was Huang Lili.

She didn't pay attention at first. After all, no one came here without injuries.

Everyone is bleeding.

The feeling that made my legs weak when I saw blood at the beginning is gone now.

She just numbly comforted the people who came in, and then reassured them that he would be saved here.

Huang Lin didn't dare to sleep after listening to the platoon leader's words.

He couldn't sleep either. The shrapnel was on his body and it hurt even if he moved.

Hearing the familiar voice, she opened her eyes wide and grinned when she saw that it was her sister, "Sister."

Huang Lili was startled when she heard the cry. When she took a closer look and saw that it was her cousin lying on top, she was at a loss and asked, "Brother, are you injured? Where...are you injured?"

Huang Lin glanced sideways at his waist with a frustrated look on his face: "My waist... my waist seems to be injured. Sister, do you think I was ruined?"

This chapter has been completed!
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