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Chapter 121: Am I that unbearable?

Don't think that Dong Qian is just an old eunuch. He, like Li Dangchen, is a master of martial arts. Eunuchs have no troubles, and their martial arts training is purer and more advanced than ordinary people. There are countless eunuchs who have practiced martial arts in the palace in the past dynasties.

Quite a few.

"Your Majesty..." Dong Qian was only a few feet away in the blink of an eye.

"It's okay, sir, please retreat. Everyone retreat to the fourth floor. Don't disturb Master Kanshan's lecture..." Long Guangning waved his hand and told Dong Qian to retreat, "I said everyone should retreat.


Long Guangning suddenly thought that among his bodyguards and eunuchs and maids, there was no guarantee that there would be no one placed by others. If they knew that the young monk he came to see at Leifeng Pagoda was not talking about Buddhist scriptures, but about reforms, they would definitely stop him.

Monsters are in trouble.

In fact, the Qingli Reform shows that there are many people in both the government and the public who are unwilling to reform. They are not necessarily surrenderers. There are also warring factions among them. Why do they want to stop the reform?

Because any reform will harm those with vested interests.

The so-called reform is nothing more than a method to change the status quo. And those with vested interests, whether they are capitulationists or warring factions, are unwilling to change. If they change, it means that their own interests will be reduced.

There may be some people who are selfless, forget their own interests, and work for the common good, but it is a pity that there are no such people today.

Dong Qian glanced at Ma Hanshan and then retreated with his men.

"Your Majesty, reform cannot be explained in just a few sentences. This is a systematic design. Every step must be calculated and weighed. The most important thing is that if it affects the whole body, it must be planned.

There must be plans to deal with the negative impacts of the reform, and more importantly, plans to deal with the new situations arising from the reform. In short, this is not something that one person can make up with just two pots of tea. Moreover, the monk is just a commoner, and he really has no brains.

We have no capacity to dictate national policies." Ma Hanshan smiled and said, "Let's go back to why the villagers of Wagonzhai defeated Hu Bing. The last of the three conditions is means."

"The so-called means are tactics. The will and people's hearts mentioned earlier can be both strategies and tactics. But means are 100% tactics. Strategy requires a long-term plan, while tactics are just the opposite. They must adapt to the battlefield.

Changes lead to changes in combat methods. Your Majesty, if you look carefully at the past battles, most of the wonderful or unexpected victories were achieved because of the commander's on-the-spot performance. Therefore, tactics need to be flexible. Dasong from the army

From construction to strategic thinking to tactics, Donghu is very rigid, while Donghu is just the opposite. Although he has no strategic plan, his tactics are very flexible."

"When the rigid Dasong army encounters the agile Donghu army, you can know the result without even thinking about it." Ma Hanshan took a puff of cigarette and said, "Of course, rigidity or flexibility is not what I want to discuss with the emperor today. I want to tell the emperor

What’s more, tactics need to be diverse, targeted, and adapted to local conditions, as well as advanced weapons..."

Long Guangning listened very attentively, but when he heard this, he discovered that the army that Ma Hanshan wanted to express his views also wanted to reform.

"Isn't this also an ideological problem? Master Kanshan." Long Guangning interjected.

"Okay, let's talk about weapons. Dasong has many inventions, all of which are very advanced, but why doesn't the imperial court apply them? Not only are they useless for military purposes, but they are even suppressed for civilian use. This is why you, as an emperor, are incompetent.

Of course, I found that those advanced technologies cannot be applied, and I really want to scold the emperor for being stupid." Ma Hanshan looked up at Long Guangning and said.

Uh, how brave you are, you actually dare to speak to the emperor like this to his face.

Although Long Guangning repeatedly told himself to lower his stature and posture, he was accustomed to the fact that he was the son of heaven and did not tolerate anyone's criticism or arbitrary comments. The idea of ​​a monarch who did not allow anyone to criticize or make any arbitrary comments was deeply rooted in his genes. Therefore, when he

When I heard Ma Hanshan's words, I couldn't help but feel angry.

"Haha, Your Majesty, are you angry? If you are angry, you can chop me down. I have offended the emperor's majesty, and I have spoken ill of the emperor." Ma Hanshan looked indifferent.

"No...no...Master Kanshan...I...am I really that unbearable?" Long Guangning was really embarrassed. This bastard really doesn't give anyone face.

"No, just because the emperor can see the young monk like this, and because the emperor can not pursue the young monk's lies, the emperor is already a very enlightened emperor compared to previous emperors." Ma Hanshan straightened up and said, "Your Majesty

, if you can be more enlightened, more courageous, and more courageous, I guarantee that the emperor will become a wise king through the ages."

One emperor through the ages, who wouldn’t want to be an emperor? But is it that easy?

"Is it that easy? Master Kanshan." Long Guangning said with a wry smile.

"What if the emperor restores Dasong River and Mountains? What if he recovers the territory of the prosperous Tang Dynasty?" Ma Hanshan said calmly.

"Ah? Can I really do that?" Long Guangning said excitedly.

Not to mention whether he is the Mingjun of the ages, if he can regain the mountains and rivers of Dasong, then Long Guangning will be the Mingjun of the Mingsong, and he will definitely be praised for thousands of years.

"Yes, as long as the emperor is determined, employs people properly, and takes time, the recovery of Dasong River and Mountains will be just around the corner." Ma Hanshan started talking again, he was trying to impress Long Guangning.

Why do you want to draw a cake? Think he is trying to deceive some benefits.

Huh, Meng Zhong didn't say that the emperor has everything and it depends on who can get it. Then let the old general see Master Kanshan's methods.

"Why doesn't Master Kanshan serve the imperial court?" Long Guangning said sadly.

"Your Majesty, you are wrong. I have been serving the imperial court, but I don't want to be an official in the imperial court." Ma Hanshan paused and said, "Your Majesty, I didn't want to say it originally, because if I did, you wouldn't be able to do anything.

Yes. But after thinking about it, I might as well say it, it won’t make me happy if I don’t vomit.”

"Master Kanshan, please tell me..." Long Guangning said with renewed energy.

"Dasong is a large agricultural country. No, it should be said that this land has always been an agricultural country. Agriculture is the foundation of a country. Without agriculture, it will be unstable. However, the imperial court followed the ancient and rigid ideas and pursued the class identity of scholars, farmers, industry and merchants.

I would like to ask, what contribution can those sour and rotten scholars who only talk about rhetoric make to society? They can enrich the country, they can strengthen the army? Can they let the Donghu people return their land? There are good and bad ideas of the 'sage'.

But why can't we get rid of the dross?" Ma Hanshan originally didn't want to talk about this, but he couldn't help but challenge the world's literati.

Ma Hanshan knew that if his words were heard by those bitter and rotten scholars, they would be hunted down and strangled by the whole country, because from top to bottom, from literature to military, even ordinary people who did not know a word of Chinese characters were brainwashed by this idea.


After thousands of years of ideological implantation, if you want to change, it will not happen overnight.

Of course, the first and most unhappy person is Long Guangning, because the views of scholars, farmers, industry and merchants are not the only thoughts of the "sage". The throne is actually maintained by the thoughts of the "sage". Now Ma Hanshan criticizes the thoughts of the "sage",

Wouldn't this make his throne unstable?

"Master Kanshan, the way of saints has been running for thousands of years. During the period of the powerful Han Dynasty and the prosperous Tang Dynasty, weren't they also strong under these ideas? Why do you think Master Shan wants to... criticize the way of saints?" Long Guangning was very dissatisfied.

Said happily.

"Your Majesty, you are wrong. I am not criticizing the way of saints. I am criticizing those rotten scholars who rest on the way of saints. I am also criticizing those who do not think about innovation and use the way of saints to explain everything... Forget it.

I don’t know how to say it, but I know that the so-called saint’s way is good for governing people, but not for governing a country. Without farmers, there is no stability, and without business, there is no wealth, which reduces business to nothing and tramples on the status of businessmen.

On the ground, hum, how can we develop the economy like this? Without economy, how can we make the country rich? How can we strengthen the army? How can we regain the mountains and rivers? I want to vomit when I see those rotten things, bastard, can they live for more than three days without agriculture, industry and commerce? No.

People who are engaged in production and do not care about progress actually sit on the heads of the people and point fingers, saying that this is inappropriate and that is inappropriate. What right do they have to look down on farmers, workers, and businessmen? Why do they feel superior? Just by writing

A few vitriolic words?... Bah, who are they? A bunch of moths..." Ma Hanshan actually cursed.

Oops, it’s incredible, Ma Hanshan actually opened fire directly. Long Guangning’s forehead kept sweating. Fortunately, fortunately, he let them all go down. Otherwise, what this kid said would reach the mouths of those literati and officials tomorrow.

I am forced to punish this madman.

"Stop...stop...Master Kanshan, let's talk about tactics and weapons. You just said that the latest technology has not been applied to the military. Master, do you have any good suggestions?" Long Guangning hurriedly stopped Ma Hanshan from continuing to scold.

"Oh, tactics, it's useless no matter how good the tactics are. To bring out the combat effectiveness of tactics, you must first train your troops. There are so many redundant soldiers and officers in Dasong. May I ask, Your Majesty, what if you have good weapons and good tactics? Can you achieve results? Your Majesty, Your Majesty,

You will issue an imperial edict at the court meeting tomorrow, asking those high-ranking officials who are officials based on their mouths to buy some war horses and see if they can do it." Ma Hanshan started scolding and couldn't hold it in anymore. The emperor even compromised.

He was still scolding.

The redundant troops and officers are a very troublesome problem for the Dasong Dynasty. This is also a big hole dug since the founding of the People's Republic of China. How to say? First of all, Enyinguan is the Dasong Dynasty digging a hole for itself, and the current military system is causing

The reason for redundant soldiers. But why are there redundant soldiers, but they can't defeat the Donghu people? This is what makes people vomit blood. Many soldiers are not soldiers at all, they are just leaders who sound the trumpet, or this soldier is just an old, weak, sick and disabled person


Long Guangning didn't say anything. He knew that Ma Hanshan was right in scolding him. However, he really couldn't reverse it. He just hoped to find a way to take back Dasong's rivers and mountains.

"Master Kanshan, don't say anything anymore. I want your training methods, I want your strategies to enrich the country and strengthen the army, I want everything in your mind...Master Kanshan, I want to regain the rivers and mountains, I want

Master Kanshan chants for me to revitalize and regain the rivers and mountains..." Suddenly, Long Guangning, who had been silent for a while, waved his fists and shouted.

"It's okay to restore Dasong River and Mountains, and it's okay to restore the territory of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but we must reform first... Please change your self-title first, please stop calling me, can you? At least don't say this word when talking to the monk..." Ma Hanshan

Once you get angry, you can't stop.

This chapter has been completed!
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